Meh. TWEWY is in this as well. The word 'erasure' just reminds me of it. When do Sora and Kairi kiss? :P
I guess you needed motivation, even though this is absolutely adored in KHInsider... Well done! *whips*
Apparently things are still going well here. :D
What a big gobler. How many did you eat this morning?
Someone would be very proud for you, but fot the rest of the fans like me? Gratz, hope to see more and fabulous stuff!
xuan. 4 words. Now that's what I call easy.
I am intriguied by how fast you can get Riku and Hiashi in the bed. Just kidding, nice chapter as usual.
... *starts laughing*
The 'Ew' boys huh? Just ignore them...
It does: Frustation, annoyance, and a bit of blizzard inside.
But... The castle's bomb proof... What is your teeth made of?
Wow, I missed two chapters, luckily I turned myself in and take a grand walk inside this garden... ok, back to FairyTails. *walks out*
Devastatingly boring. I'm opening three forums at once and there was nothing interesting going around. >_>
That is... annoying...
You posted too fast allstar.
My mum, I mean my mum's family, her generation was filled with ghosts. Her big sister was possessed by a male ghost, and this ain't joke cause this ghost helped won lotteries for like 6 times at least. Her family has been trying to purge it, but it was too powerful and let's say that nowadays there are too less people who really can purge ghost. It was until they met a Thai monk who told her that she needs to get married in order to get rid of the ghost did they succeed in purging it (By marrying another living person, because the ghost wanted her as a bride. However, her life was 'tough', according to the monk and that is why she managed to survive all of it). It was not the first time my mum met a ghost either. She met a lot, I dunno why... Her life maybe. Our generation however was way quiet and safe. Maybe she took all the ghost encounters and leaves us with nothing? In fact, she got used to it during the days... After all, that male ghost would sometimes come up like in the middle of the night and talk to my mum. She said she was afraid at first, but as time passes it was like nothing to her.
Lol? It's nice to see you again.
Well, this was directed to you AND Amber. She said she was always bored, and so I htink this might help a little.
C'mon, don't be such a spoil sport, just pick a video and watch, it's really entertaining and keep you away from boredom!
By not really you mean it's not that funny, or you haven't really seen it before? XP