Qamar listened to Take give a summary to what happened on their end of things. He mentioned the clown and she gave a thumbs up. "Yes, I hated that clown, I'm glad I gave him a drop kick of sorts." she said, smirking. As he continued, she heard about Ardyn knocking the **** out of Torrin. "Yeah, Ardyn was the one that killed Glyde. I had my suspicions, but I didn't really voice them...since they were only suspicions." she shrugged and watched him sip his water, wondering how she'd describe their experience. She ended up leaning back. "I guess our world went ok. Illiana and I had a fight and I ended up choosing Aria over her when Thallasa told me to stay with Illiana. Illiana can take care of herself, I thought, so I followed Aria. My main goal is protecting those with pure hearts of Light." she started off. "Then we ended up finding this captured bard and saving him and met back up with Illiana. She found the pure Heart of that world and we ended up with Thallasa again. Soon enough, we fell into this lake with some fairies who told us to find this Black Cauldron and destroy it. So we found it and that's when you guys came and helped us destroy the Horned King.." she laid back and stared at the sky. "Hey, Take, why'd the Light Chaser try to grab you? You're not a Prince of Heart, are you?" she asked, sitting back up.
"Hey, that's a good guess. I'd always aim for younger, especially when speaking to Master Thyella. She hates it when you think she's like 40 when she's really younger than that." she said with a chuckle, moving her blade to block the next blow. Take managed to give her some good thwacks, which was what she was aiming for anyway. He explained when he was trained and that raised an eyebrow on Qamar's face. "Hm, that is quite young. But I suppose you had your own fair share of dangers on your world." she commented, bringing her blade down on Take's. She pushed against him and ended up shoving him. Take swung back at her and she ducked down, sweeping her leg into Take. He blocked that sweep, so she opted to roll away and stand back up. Qamar stood there, taking deep breaths and smiling. "Yup, you're pretty good with that keyblade, but you still need practice. It never hurts to practice anyway." she nodded. Qamar looked up at the sky and watched around a moment, trying to pinpoint how long it had been. "MM....let's take a quick break, hm?" she said, stabbing her keyblade into the ground. Qamar sat down and crossed her legs, putting her chin in her hand. "So after Quietus happened and we were split up, what'd your team end up doing? Our side kind of had bad also didn't help Illiana and I bickered like children." she sighed heavily. "Please tell me you guys at least had it easier."
Clearly Qamar was ignorant for assuming Take was a mere beginner. His technique gave off that he was taught how to guard against attacks with a sword. He possibly even was to wield a shield, but she couldn't be certain. It was just the way he made his steps and parries. She managed to land a couple of soft blows onto the boy, but nothing was too serious. She noticed he loosened and then said he wasn't getting much out of this kind of fighting. Qamar straightened up and tossed the practice sword to the side. "That's fine. I was beginning to figure out this wasn't your first time training with a sword." she shrugged. She crossed her arms and pondered what to do next. "I guess keyblades it is, then." she said. Before she summoned her keyblade, Qamar raised her hand up and cast the Sabera spell on herself. "Now then, summon your keyblade." she said, her own keyblade coming out with an aura of darkness. Her movements were quicker this time thanks to the fact she used some magic to cast Sabera. Though she wasn't too fast, she tried not to be impossible to figure out. Though her attacks did seem to have more force behind them as every time she landed her blade against Take's, a loud clang could be heard. A smile stretched across her face. "It's better to train with the weapon you'll be using than with a stupid wooden sword anyway." she said, pushing back on Take and launching herself over him, landing behind him and thrusting her keyblade beside his head. She intentionally aimed for the air. "So I guess you were trained pretty young, huh? If I'm right in guessing, you're only like,15 or something." she asked, not moving from that position. "Was it tough? I bet it was."
Qamar didn't understand what Take was saying at first, but then he spelled out his name. Once he explained, she understood it and ended up thinking how she'd make hers into a sentence. Take had already made one up for Master Atmos and Chrono, so she was wondering what she could say hers was. "Hm...yeah, don't tell Chrono about the otters." she chuckled. It finally came to her and she gasped. "Quiet as mice and rice." she said. "That's mine. Makes no sense, though...." she shrugged. He asked about the mosquitoes and she chuckled. "You'll know they're there when you feel them nip you." she said, giving him a playful poke in the arm. He headed off to the kitchen and Qamar took that as her cue to head to the courtyard. Aria passed by and Qamar gave the girl a slight wave, noticing her new look. Everyone seemed to be getting a change these days. She made her way and ended up waiting on Take. Once he arrived, she tapped her chin and decided. "I suggest taking off your jacket so you don't get it too dirty. Also because we'll be doing some physical activities, you'll get way too hot." she pointed out, continuing without waiting on him. "I know you would rather not be a meatbag forever, but as it is, you're the greatest tank we have. You can take damage and deal just as much out when needed. I want to help you hone your defenses and help you find any weaknesses you may have. Therefore, I suggest starting off with a light sparring match." Qamar turned and looked around, wondering if the same old battle chest was laying about. She spotted it and opened it up, pulling out two wooden swords. They both had many nicks and missing spots, but they'd do the trick. The hilt of each were even torn and in need of new cloth, but they had no time for that. Qamar turned back to Take and handed him the one that wasn't as mangled. "Use it as if you were using your keyblade. If you focus enough, you may be able to even use some magic, but I'm not sure if you can, considering how new you are to your keyblade...well, if you are even new. I don't know. I've had mine for over 7 years now, myself." she pointed out with a shrug. "Focus on watching your opponent to guard against their attacks. I'll try not hit you too hard. Please don't hesitate to tell me if you need to stop and use some Curative magic. If you'd rather sprint, let me know. Otherwise, here I come." Qamar gave Take a bow and hopped back. She fell into her usual fencing position and bounced in place, getting herself riled up. Once she was ready, she rushed forward, stabbing her blade straight at Take. This strike was feigned, however, and she instead jumped to her right and swung from the right towards Take's side.
Take was having it pretty rough, from the way he spoke. Qamar understood where he was coming from so she just listened and watched. She saw him write Tinarah's name on the plate and she tilted her head. "I...I think that's how it's spelled, honestly, I haven't asked..." she commented. "I don't even know how to spell your name..." she looked at Take. "Jogging would help, yes. And uh, well, you take the role of being a tank pretty well. I mean, you were able to get the Horned King to smack you around while I was able to smack the Horned King. Kind of how Adalric would have done." she smiled a little sadly. "When he and I would spar between lessons from our Masters, we would trade blows with practice blades and work around our weaknesses. We ended up learning those quickly..." Qamar shrugged, thinking back to when she did train with Adalric. It's hard to think that he probably didn't like her as much as she thought he did, but she knew he cared enough to give his life for her...she'd never be able to repay him for that. Qamar looked at Take and had an idea. "Well, I'm supposed to be training with Boreas later, but I suppose we could do a little warmups together? Maybe I can help you work your stamina up for the long fights. And, ya know, do some general catching up since I haven't really talked to you since Miss Mode's house was our temporary home." she suggested. The piano's telltale sound came through in the background and Qamar glanced towards the doorway. She turned back to Take and pointed towards the door. "The training grounds are off the side of the courtyard, we could probably do a small sprint before we do our training. Since you wanted to jog, anyway. Just watch out for invisible mosquitos. They love the morning dew."
Eva made it home and through dinner without really saying much about the little meetup today. She ended up going to bed early and waking up way earlier than her parents. It was around 6am and she had walked outside, taking the dog out and noticing the newspaper was already delivered. She picked it up and looked through at the obituary. Well his name isn't here so he's not dead. she remarked with a chuckled. She headed back inside and ended up making herself some poptarts for breakfast and heading upstairs with them. She sat at her computer and logged in, sending a quick message to Terry. [Didn't see your name in the obituaries, so it's safe to say you're not dead, right?] She then turned to open the game they both played.
The way Boreas had ended that conversation left Qamar feeling pretty stupid. She ended up finishing her food off and just staring at the empty plate, not sure what she should do. He ended up finishing his own food and leaving shortly after. In the meantime, Qamar was left to dwell on his words. The way he spoke, he acted as if she didn't know what darkness could do to a person. She knew this from her own experience. She knew her limits and when she reached them. She knew there was a certain discipline that had to be attained in order to quell going further. Meditation helped her with that, as it always had, so she knew she was okay on that front. The army was just a fallback in case she couldn't find anything to do after this whole Light Chaser adventure ended. Thinking back to it, Qamar was even sure she had offended Boreas somehow. She made sure she would remember to apologize later and show him she would be a worthy person during his training. Glancing over at Chrono, Take and Tinarah, Qamar overheard the tail end of the conversation. Before she knew it, Qamar saw Tinarah walking out of the room, her head hung low. Chrono went after her with Take trying to call. The boy ended up resorting to cleaning up his plates and Qamar felt kind of bad for the lot of them. She got up and gathered hers and Boreas' plates, noticing most of the Masters were gone by this point. She absentmindedly wandered over towards Take and stopped, staring at the end of the table the Masters were sitting at, conversing to themselves. "That's odd, I didn't see Master Kaio until halfway through breakfast..." she spoke out, looking at Take. "Are you okay? You look...kind of sad." she spoke to him. "Actually, I have an idea if you want to work off all the food you just ate." she suggested, a small smile on her face. "Of course, I don't blame you if you'd like to be alone. Perhaps I can help you find the library if you want to do some reading?"
"Hey, I'm curious, I wanna get to know you." she clarified. When he explained why he was here and what his mission was, she tapped her chin. "So you're saying you're only really here to assist Torrin and bring him home?" she asked. "That sounds pretty straightforward if you didn't have to deal with the Light Chaser in the meantime." Qamar forked some eggs into her mouth and chewed them, watching the yolk spill out of it on her plate. "So Orphic Coast has a military. Speaking of that, you did say there was a war between people who wanted to stay in the Realm of Darkness and the ones who wanted to go to the Realm of Light. Do you know what even caused it?" she asked. "I mean, what made people want to go to the Realm of Light? I can say for a fact that the only difference between the two places is that their eyes don't glow in the darkness." Qamar scratched her face. "And I honestly wish I could go back to the Realm of Darkness sometimes. Being here makes me feel like I'm not wanted sometimes...especially when I see what the darkness can do to somebody from here. They just can't control it and lose themselves. Except Master Skia..." she muttered that last part, shrugging. "I think after all this is done, I'll go back to the Realm of Darkness with you and Torrin. Heck, maybe I could be in the army. At least then I'd have something to do with my strength." she said. " you suppose I would do alright?" she asked Boreas. "And you kind of glossed over the details about your life, but I can understand why. Maybe I'll learn more later." she smiled.
Food was stuffed into her mouth and Qamar was being ridiculed for it. She swallowed hard on the toast and clenched her fists. "I'd be careful about making fun of people." she warned Enzo. "And don't be so pompous, nobody likes that." she pointed out, turning around and walked to sit next to Boreas after grabbing her own helping of food. She grumbled to herself and stared at her plate. As hungry as she was, Enzo's way of handling things made her want to punch him. "Yeah, we're gonna need to probably get started on training later because right now I want to punch Enzo in the face." she said, looking at Boreas. "And to answer what I want to know about you, I mean I wanna know things like, about you, your life, what you've done. That sort of stuff." she said, finally biting down on her bacon. She saw the way Enzo was trying to butter up the Masters and she already knew that wasn't going to end well. "Honestly, the way Enzo is, he's going to get shown his place by Master Kaio if he doesn't calm down." she said.
Qamar listened to Boreas about why she kept going back to Ravana. She questioned herself many times about that, in all honesty. She wondered why she ever went back to him, but Ravana would always remind her of the one thing he did to her. "I always thought that was how fathers were supposed to be. He was the only father I knew and I was a child. Only now that I'm older do I realize how messed up he was. I wish I had gotten away much sooner, but I always told myself that he loved me. That he would lash my back and force me to do errands for him because he actually cared for me. I'm older now and I've honestly seen what a true father-figure is supposed to be like, thanks to Master Stamatis and...countless books I read." she gave a light chuckle and scratched her head. Boreas was right, though. She should have gotten away sooner, but she never really thought about doing anything until... "I doubt that, too. But I regret it fully. She was the only person I thought I could trust, seeing as she had a keyblade. 'We have that in common.' I thought. So I just followed like a good student and got away. Now, I want to go back and face my punishment. I know there is something waiting for me." she added, seeing the amused look Boreas had from her mentioning the ants previously. "This world isn't called Illusia for nothing." she chuckled. Tinarah addressed them to move to the dining room as breakfast was ready. Qamar nodded and looked to Boreas. "I answered your questions, so I wanna know some stuff. First off, I would be glad to know some more about you." she said, walking along with Boreas. Once they were in the dining room, she saw nearly all the Masters had arrived to eat. Stiffening in the doorway, Qamar gave a bow. "Good morning Masters!" she said, smiling. "Although I'm surprised you're here Master Kide...." she muttered lowly. Enzo made his entrance and Qamar had a blank stare. "Stop sliding toast and eggs into your damn bag, Enzo." she chided him, doing a chopping motion on his head. "AND SHOW SOME RESPECT WHEN THERE ARE MASTERS AROUND." she spoke loudly.
Qamar knew she couldn't save everyone. She knew that better than she wanted to admit. It was just hard losing Adalric. Boreas asked her if the name was already on the dagger. She nodded. "Yes, it was already there. So I guess I stole from my father. A crime, for sure, but not one I wanted to commit. Being a child, I had no power to say no to Ravana. He could lock me up and not give me food like many times before. I'd rather steal and possibly go to jail than go hungry." she admitted. Boreas had asked her why she was in the Realm of Light. Qamar thought for a second, trying to remember if Granny had told her. "My previous Master took me here after I ran from home. She took me here, saying she initially left of her own will, but she had supposedly spoken to King Joch about it. I'm not sure if she did or not, but I'm hoping she had. If no, I take responsibility for it." Qamar stated. Her answer was finally sufficient enough for Boreas to seemingly agree to helping her. Darkness and anger....seperate, but able to be tied together. One always following the other. Qamar could tell from previously watching Boreas that he seemed to be able to use his anger and darkness in unison. One feeding the other while also giving the strength to overcome obstacles...that was what Qamar wanted to learn to do. She had bouts of anger that meditation helped, but even now, mediation was starting to be unable to remedy her. "I would greatly appreciate that. And don't worry, when I train, my trainer has my undivided attention." she tried to assure Boreas. While they were talking, Take and Chrono came in. Qamar saw Take was lost in his own world. She already said morning to him, so she focused on Chrono. "Morning Chrono." she waved. She watched Take attempt to make cocoa and she chuckled. "The cups are like 14 ounces or something? I dunno, Master Stamatis had to get them replaced when Master Skia decided to make a joke about invisible ants..." she shrugged.
"Well I'm glad we agreed on that." Eva nodded, taking a look around. "Yeah, it is probably getting close to dinner time, isn't it? I guess we can meet back up another time, huh? It'll have to be at least once a week, though, if we want to keep this up. Um, we talk about it later if your dad doesn't kill you." Eva scratched her head and put her hands behind her back. "It was nice getting to meet you and hang out today." she smiled, waving to him. "See ya later T-pose." She walked off, wondering what to tell her mom when she got home.
She was called out on her bluff and that made her just stare at Boreas. She gulped on the piece of toast she had snuck and ended up just staring down at the table. Qamar was trying to figure out how to word what she felt and what she wanted, but she was having a hard time in doing so. What did she exactly want from Boreas? She wasn't quite sure of that herself. Maybe it was because she didn't want to feel so alone and different from the others. Maybe she just wanted to have somebody she could ask questions about the Realm of Darkness from and it not sound like she was wasting their time. Maybe she just wanted to genuinely be a friend to Boreas and make up for her past transgressions in the Realm of Darkness. Whatever the case, she wasn't having a good time trying to put it into words. Finishing her toast, Qamar sipped her OJ while Boreas continued to stare at her. She looked at him a little more nervously and sighed. "I'm not sure, okay? There's a lot of reasons I can make up in my mind, but none of them end up being a good enough reason I think. You're intimidating and just sitting across from you right now is kind of making me regret this, but I know you wouldn't just eat my head off if I crossed you wrongly. Speaking of that, I'm sorry I interfered yesterday. I had no right to do so. I suppose my reasoning there was that I didn't want another person to die and I was helpless to prevent it." she looked down at the table, regretting her decision to talk to him now. Qamar wasn't expecting him to start off by asking her that, so she was at a loss as to what to say now. All she could do was try to make up an excuse, but he didn't seem like the person that would want an excuse. He would want the nitty gritty and no sugar-coating on any of it. A deep sigh erupted from Qamar that made her look at Boreas and pour out a few troubles on her mind. "Ever since I was introduced to you and Torrin, I had this feeling that you two weren't exactly normal in the way my Master's all were. Sure Master Skia has dabbled in darkness before, but she didn't give me that same feeling. A nostalgic feeling that I sorely missed from days I couldn't remember at the time. Once I started to speak to you two and see just who you were, I realized that maybe I wasn't from the Realm of Light. That's why I showed you this picture randomly." Qamar produced the same photo she had shown him the last time they were here. She pointed at the woman in the photo. "That is my mother. Her name was Eifa and she was kidnapped just before I was born. The man who kidnapped her was named Ravana and he poisoned her when I was around 9. 5 years I was treated to him training me to be a thief just so he could live the high life. I was lucky I wasn't punished more, but I did get caught a few times. Once was by this man in his home. I was trying to steal this dagger when he caught me." She then held up the dagger that laid at her hip. The hilt was ordinary save for the blue gem at the end. On the blade itself was a trip that had some strange markings that were barely legible. Qamar focused a little darkness on it and a name appeared. "That is my last name, Zalam. I think that man in the photo is my father due to the way it's taken and because, well, I looked way more like him than Ravana." she looked at Boreas and realized this was probably unnecessary. She didn't keep things as short as she had wanted. "What I"m saying is, I want to learn more about Orphic Coast. Torrin told me his Uncle is the Night Sovereign. He also told me a couple of small details about Orphic Coast, such as the war that is going on, but I don't understand why there is even a war. I was far too young to understand and now that I'm older, I want to understand. I want to know why Orphic Coast has a war going on and I just want to know more about the Realm of Darkness in general. It's where I'm from, I just know it. Torrin didn't want to talk about it. I was hoping you'd at least answer some questions for me and in exchange I'd answer some questions for you....if I know the answers, at least." Qamar scratched her cheek, closing her eyes. "I also want to learn to control my darkness and anger more effectively, so I won't accidentally hurt my comrades. I was close to turning on my own comrades back in Heroic Sanctum. After Dentro killed Adalric, I felt extreme anger and I couldn't figure out a way to get rid of the anger. I would have ended up just like him if he didn't fall off that cliff. I don't want to be like him. I want to be in control." She said, her voice shakey by the end of this. She gripped her hand into a fist on the table. "My own Masters can't help me, Boreas. You're my only hope."
Qamar turned to see Boreas squeezing by her and into the kitchen. He sat at the table and gave them a good morning, asking how they were doing. Master Choma came into the room soon after, which made Qamar stand straight and bow to the Master. "Good morning, Master Choma. And to you, too, Boreas. I hope you were able to clear your head after yesterday?" she tilted her head at Boreas with a smile. Tinarah told her to make toast, which made Qamar hurry in and grab a crap load of bread. Staring at the oven, Qamar looked at it and back to the bread. Carefully, she placed the bread on two racks and stuck them in, hoping they toasted quickly. Qamar listened to Tinarah, keeping an eye on the bread. Tinarah asked Master Choma to help make hashbrowns, which caused Qamar to chuckle. "So after Master Kide uses us as guinea pigs, we get to start real training?" she asked out loud. "That's great, because I've been meaning to ask somebody about a specific kind of training." The toast was done, so she turned off the oven and brought it out, placing it on a couple of plates, setting them along the long table. Qamar grabbed some OJ from the fridge and brought herself and Boreas a glass if he wanted some. She planted herself in the seat across from him, setting his glass down in front of him and pouring herself a glass. "Boreas, I need to talk to you." she started off, sipping her OJ. "I know we're not really friends or even acquaintances, but...well..." she tapped the table nervously. "I...I was hoping you'd be able to help me with using my darkness...?" she looked him straight in the eyes. "Torrin already has a lot on his plate. I didn't want to bother him with my silly I hope you aren't bothered by them." she said, scratching her head. "I'm kind of really nervous, asking you about this. But, I know you lived in the Realm of Darkness for your entire life and you probably have a good uh...handle on it, I guess?" Qamar sighed, she wasn't sure where she was going with this. She wasn't entirely sure if Boreas would be okay with this either. "I know what we can do. Let's get to know each other. I think that'd be a good place to start. Go on, ask me some questions." Qamar said, sipping on her OJ some more.
"Playing hard to get huh?" Inna said, recovering from his flinch. He thought about what he could possibly due to injure Hector, but as it was, he was healing and they were honestly screwed. Unless somebody could poison him, they were going to have a hard time taking this kid down. It also didn't help that they just didn't have the damage to deal with this kid. "We gotta bring our A-game everyone, we can't just dilly-dally and think we'll take him down easily. Give it your all and we'll be able to take him down!" he called out, slamming the palm of his hand on the ground. A tornado appeared made entirely of water, heading straight for Hector. Inna kept his eyes on the boy, watching him so he could try and dodge his next attack. Inna used WATER TORNADO and prepared to DODGE.
"I think Faust is funny." Ananta spoke up in the boys' defense. She looked towards Faust a moment and then turned back to stare at Castur. The way he answered their questions was to be expected, but she didn't expect him to try and casually get rid of his bullets. Then it kind of dawned on her and she snapped her finger at Ignis chiding him. "Hm, actually Ignis. We would be best to kind of...." she nodded towards Milo and Kida, trying to hide the fact anything odd was going on. "There must be something hidden away we could go see that's cool...." she whispered.
Qamar's night was pretty uneventful. After her meditation, she ended up falling asleep on her bed. Her dreams were luckily only sweet memories she had of her mother and nothing of Ravana. She woke up at the same time she always does. Before sunrise and typically before many of the others. Sitting up, she reached back and stretched. Her legs moved to slide off the bed and press her feet to the floor. For many years she had woke up like this and now she wasn't so sure if she'd be coming back soon. Rubbing her eyes, Qamar looked forward and stared at the mirror, seeing her eyes giving off the same eerie yellow glow. Qamar sat up and looked around, taking in the fact her room was the same even after the years. Collections of various items were scattered on the various shelves and tables and chairs. Qamar stepped towards her large cushion chair and sat down in it, sighing. Her head turned towards the window, taking in the horizon. The sun hadn't risen yet and she was glad. Qamar much preferred to do her morning stretches with the sunlight out in the training grounds. Standing back up, she walked to the closet and began to strip down. Qamar stared at the mirror in the room and took note of the various scratches and small scars on the front of her body that could be seen if one looked hard enough. She turned to look at her back and grimaced at the larger, deeper scars going up and down her back. They were from a time when pain was all she knew and the only salvation was to follow orders to get it over with. That was in the past and the man was gone now. She saw to it herself. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled, beginning to grab various clothes. After slipping into the normal black leggins and into her boots, Qamar noticed something was missing. She glanced at the hair bow she had always wore and smiled to herself. She took the ribbon and focused a little magic onto it. The purple soon faded, giving way to a black to match the rest of her clothes. She tied the ribbon around her neck and fixed her hair up. Qamar walked back out and glanced at the ornate dagger on her weapons rack. It was the one she was tasked with stealing long ago. Not sure why, she walked over and decided to put it at her side. Sort of as a backup plan if her own keyblade was ever destroyed. Seeing the Light Chaser being capable of doing such a thing, she wanted to make sure she was ready for it. Hurrying out of her room, Qamar looked around to figure out what she wanted to do. Shrugging to herself, she walked on by everyone's room, noticing that she saw Torrin walking downstairs. He waved at Aria's door which signified the girl probably wasn't awake yet. Qamar figured only a couple of them were truly awake now and so she decided it best to go downstairs and get some kind of breakfast cooking. Qamar ended up practically jumping down the stairs and found Torrin was talking to Take. And apparently Torrin went all out with the wardrobe change. She wasn't going to complain since she had done the same. Qamar walked forward, heels clacking on the floor, and stopped in front of Take. "Hi Take, hi Torrin. Good morning." she smiled. Her eyes first laid rest on Torrin, to which she looked him up and down. "Nice outfit. It suits you, I think." she noted. She then turned her attention towards Take and saw him writing and sketching quite a few things. Along with some little finger foods and tea. She tapped her chin a moment and chuckled. "I hope you didn't get into Master Varos' tea. He gets kinda funny if you drink it." she gave him a small warning. "But he's probably awake by now, so I'm sure he won't mind as much as you'd think. Anyway, I'm heading to the kitchen." She waved goodbye and headed off. A small cat stopped Qamar and mewed at her, walking to the kitchen a few steps. "I'm already going there, little kitty. Go find the others! The Masters are probably hungry." she urged the kitten. Nini ended up running off, leaving Qamar to continue her journey. The kitchen had a great smell to it, so Qamar was confused for a second. She was usually the one that made breakfast since she woke up early. Peeking her head inside, she saw Tinarah finish talking to Master Choma, returning to cooking an enourmous amount of eggs and bacon. "Hey Tinarah." she said, leaning against the doorway. "What can I do to help? Can I suggest lots of toast?"
There goes my early years of misspelling 'the' as 'teh' all the time.
Ananta paid attention to Milo attempt to speak to the Atlantean. While the words were similar to her own worlds' ancient texts, there were certain differences that Ananta could note. She was able to understand most of the conversation until the end. Then the warrior punched Mole, causing Ananta to stifle laughter. Soon enough, Laguna was back to Ananta, removing her shackles. "Sorry for having to uh...keep you like this for so long, but I hope we can get to know each other now that this isn't a problem!" he smiled. Ananta returned the smile and held up her left hand, showing both her SOS ring on her thumb and her other ring on her ring finger. "I'm flattered, but there are more important things going on, right?" she asked. Laguna looked saddened all of a sudden, as if he realized something that Ananta did not. "Engaged, huh?" he asked sadly. Ananta suddenly blushed and shook her head, turning away and walking over to Ignis. "I'm staying away from him." she said, trying to hide her face. Laguna was already walking off while Milo and Kida ended up staying with the party. Kida began to ask questions and Ananta scratched her cheek. "Er, we're from a city with great buildings...." she said, trying to not really give away too much. Ananta heard one soldier speak to Ignis as he unshackled her and that caused Ananta to raise an eyebrow. "My, your voice is familiar." she said. "Though I can't quite place it..." Ananta thought of how to dance around the man's questions and she hummed to herself. "We're searching for a person, is all. Though we didn't mean to end up here. We've talked, so now it's your turn. What's your angle, soldier? I don't buy the whole...hmm....exploration."
"Ah, he does?" Dastgir gave a small smile towards Koa. At least he wasn't alone in that regard, but Dastgir decided not to press for details. Luckily, Finlay was interrupted from finishing the details of the woman he preferred. A woman approached the party and that immediately put Dastgir on the defense. He crossed his arms and watched her, hearing Finlay call her a witch. The woman then spoke of defecting from Nequa and wanting to get rid of her, so Dastgir was at least able to agree with her on that. Though she did warn them about their entry point. "Charlie wasn't exactly a tough opponent. He was strong, but I know there are stronger." Dastgir pointed out. "If we must go against this Oliver Manson, then I see no way to avoid it." Rydia chimed in and began to question Finlay and his tactics of being quite energetic. Dastgir smirked and looked at Rydia. "And here I was thinking you didn't care about us." he teased. Koa was now the appointed leader and honestly, Dastgir had no problems with it. They were joined by a newcomer and Dastgir immediately wrote down a couple of notes. He managed to make out her name from her introducing herself to Koa. Dawn was a nice name, so he knew he'd remember it. The woman went on a tangent about Nequa, explaining her origin and what they would need to rid the worlds of her once more. One last question was asked of the group and Dastgir shrugged. "I am a knight, I protect." he said. "I am not backing down. Right leader?" he looked upon Koa. Koa refereed to the woman as Lynn so at least Dastgir could put that in his journal. "Koa, I agree with you on this forty percent thing. It is wise to be cautious, so I say we advance carefully and assess our situations and surroundings as we go forward. In doing so, we may figure out a way to rid the worlds of this wicked Nequa for good." Dastgir spoke, trying to at least show confidence in their party.