"Ah, hey Arctus." Ananta said, nodding. "Now I get why your voice seemed familiar..." she glanced towards Ignis. Ignis then went off on a list before she turned to leave. "Ignis, wait for us." Ananta called, walking after her. They were stopped short by Kida teaching them a new skill. Ananta smiled at Kida, but soon it faded when Rourke appeared. Guns were pointed at everyone and they ended up being left with several of Rourke's men. As per usual, the party was left to deal with the big bad guy. She wasn't too agitated by the turn of events, but she knew this came with the job. "Well, since you're on our side now, I can't wait to see how you handle things Castur." Ananta said, summoning her keyblades. She launched herself at one of the soldiers, slashing and smacking him with her blades. The soldier finally retaliated and shot at Ananta. She deflected the bullets with her keyblade, watching them fly off in the opposite directions. Upon lowering her blades, she saw this same guard was busy trying to reload his gun. Ananta felt bad attacking him now, so she gave him a chance to finish. That is, before she rushed in and ended up beating him to unconsciousness. "Don't kill them or you'll be no better than them." Ananta announced to her party. "I suggest just kicking their butts until they pass out." she nodded towards the others. "Faust, watch yourself!" Ananta called. She was concerned for him, seeing as he was a newbie to all of this. At least she had Ignis here. Ignis was...well, is pretty much a veteran to this. Still, the boy seemed smart enough, even if he was always trying to make some odd jokes. Ananta stepped back a moment and glanced over to Castur. "I wonder though, how will you fight? Your little sword may not work too well here." she teased with a light chuckle. "I jest, of course, I know you can take care of yourself." she responded, deflecting a few bullets from one of the soldiers. Seemed they had one that was pretty rude. Ananta glared at him. "So, you want to try and attack me while I'm talking to my comrade? I let your friend reload his gun before I attacked again, why can't you show that same respect? Dang, you soldiers are all the same, shoot first ask questions LATER." she yelled, slamming her keyblades into this second soldier. He was stunned, but he ended up returning fire, leaving Ananta to block these bullets. She wasn't playing around and she wasn't going to just let them show disrespect to her. Especially after she showed the utmost respect for one of their men. For now, she kept dodging bullets and deflecting them upwards and away from everyone else. She didn't want to accidentally hurt any of her comrades. She certainly didn't care about the soldiers that much, but still, she didn't want to be rude to them. EXP Writer III: [1 for every 5 words] 500 words Gained XP: 100 [Max 100 per post] Total XP: 100 Munny: 30 Ananta has 51BP Defeated: 1 solider 49/50 Soldiers [40 BP each] Injured: 1 Soldier [29/40BP]
Kidemonas popped up from around a corner and gave Qamar a frighten. She nearly dropped her tray, but she managed to compose herself. Kidemonas came forward and tried to eat and talk at the same time, which made Qamar raise an eyebrow. "Sometimes I wonder if I became the Master and you became the student at some point." she shrugged. In any case, she listened to him go on a tangent about the weather being nice and whatnot. "I'd rather talk to my Masters for a little bit. Who knows how long I have this time? Honestly, I miss all of you quite a bit since this is all I've known the past 6 years." she admitted, scratching her head. She took a piece of sandwich and ate into it, glancing around the room. "And you put sensors on everything finally? I thought you finished this months ago. What happened?" she asked. It was still really weird that they put sensors on stuff, but then again, after learning about the book earlier, she totally understood why now. "Any reason why Master Gero doesn't like Torrin? Is it because of his lineage or something?" she shrugged, walking around the corner Kidemonas popped out of. She found a table and made some room, setting the tray down carefully. "Oh yeah, you finished your project, so now I wanna try it." she said, leaning against the wall and munching on her sandwich.
Eva turned from her suitcase and gave Terry a quick reply. [The library sounds good enough to me. Then we can read some stuff in private and pretend to be on a date?] she shrugged to herself and returned to packing. She finished up sometime later and looked to the computer. [I'm not busy now if you wanna just meet already.]
She was assured that their time would come, but they did need time to train. Qamar could agree with that, definitely. She knew that even she had more training to do. Though for her, it was mostly refining what she already had been training to do. Hopefully, she could learn a few things from Boreas and apply that to controlling her darkness. Gero assured her that whether or not they won was all up to the Masters and what they saw in each student. Whether they showed they were ready to be a Master or not was totally up to them and the Masters. Gero answered to her about not needing food yet, but he did point her to where Kidemonas was. Qamar gave Gero a bow. "Thank you Master Gero. I'll go to him and see this project of his. Good day." she said, turning and leaving the room. Hurrying along, Qamar could smell hot chocolate. "I only know one person who can make a hot chocolate smell that good." she smiled, walking quickly. Upon reaching the kitchen, she could see the two newcomers along with Torrin, Aria, Tinarah, Enzo, and Chrys. Practically everyone was here enjoying the hot chocolate. Though she saw Tinarah leaving as Qamar approached the doorway. Upon entering the kitchen, Qamar headed for the fridge and pulled out the things she needed to make sandwiches. Tomato, lettus, avocado, mayo, mustard, cheese, and of course meat. Of course there were plenty of other things for sandwiches, but that was the basic of what she was using. Qamar went along and made three sandwiches, cutting each in half and setting one whole sandwich plus a half onto two plates. Grabbing a tray, she sat the plates down and turned to Aria. "Hey, sorry to grab and go, but I gotta go check up on my Master and his project. Last I saw him, he hadn't slept for a few days." she chuckled. Qamar sipped on her cup of hot chocolate and made an "MMm~" and gave Aria a quick little hug. Eventually, Qamar made her way to the basement and wandered inside. She stopped and looked around for Kidemonas. "Master Kide? I got lunch. I know you're hungry." she called out.
Eva coughed a little after reading the 'birds and the bees' comment. A laugh came from her as she typed out her own reply. [I'd be really concerned if he didn't know about the birds and the bees by now!] she sent, clicking off the chat a moment. She browsed for a bit before she left the computer, heading downstairs. Both her parents were in the kitchen and reading their own articles and newspapers. Her father spoke first. "So, your mother says you got yourself a guy? Is he nice?" he asked, sipping his water. Eva scratched her head. "I've known him for years now, so if I don't know him now, I never will." she joked, sitting down with them. "Eva, sweet, why dontcha bring him over?" her mother asked, setting her magazine down. Her mother was a woman who was a little chubby, her hair was the same shade of red as Eva's, though she had blue eyes instead. "Maybe for a nice dinner? I could make my chicken braid!" Eva laughed and patted her mom on the shoulder. "He's too scared. Poor guy thinks dad is gonna kill him. Especially after I told him he's a physical therapist." "As he should be." said the man in question. Her father had blonde hair and light purple eyes like Eva. "I'll make sure he's in great physical condition before I let any boy take care of you. I'd hate to find a slob who would die years before you, leaving you alone." "Honey, that's a little unneccesary." her mom said, pouting. "I'm sure he's fine, he looked cute to me. Anyway, don't forget to let him know about the vacation tomorrow. We'll be gone two weeks, so let him know that. That way, he won't get angry if you stop replying when we're at the resort." "Good thing I'll always have my phone." Eva assured her mother. Eva got up and headed back upstairs, taking a look at her suitcase that was half packed. She returned to her computer and gave Terry a quick message. [We need to meetup later. Gotta break some news to ya.] she sent,turning to work on her packing.
"Er..." she averted her eyes. He had totally seen through her question. Though she didn't expect much else, she just didn't realize he'd pick up on it immediately. Her mind was indeed put at ease when he assured her that a little darkness wasn't what the Council was actually afraid of. It was that the Light Chaser was going about it completely wrong. "And the Light Chaser wishes to upset that balance." she affirmed. He went on to confirm that not all darkness is bad. Though Gero did seem to not reference Torrin, so she was curious about that part. Though he did go on to say that he could not answer the standing between the Council and King Joch. "Right, I'm sorry Master Gero, you've not been back too long. Things did change while you were gone, I'm sure." she nodded. "I have one last question and I'll leave you to do your reading." she started off. "It may seem too soon for this, but I've witnessed the Light Chaser's students' powers myself. They far exceed our own. This is due in part that our side having a lot of fresh blades. I fear with their current powers, he's going to try and give them their Mark of Mastery. I know it's not my place, but I hope that is not the case and we have time to do our own growth. Do you think we have the time? I'm worried about the worlds that are going to be lost..." she looked at the ground. "Even I wasn't strong enough to take down a student of his without resorting to using my darkness heavily." Clearing her throat and giving a small bow. "Sorry, I was on a tangent there. So that really wasn't a question..." she apologized. "U-Um...m....maybe I can bring you something to eat? A nice lunch? I..I was getting hungry myself." she offered. "I have to bring something to my Master anyway. Gotta make sure he eats." she chuckled.
Eva had left the room a moment to grab some milk. She sat down and sipped the milk, reading Terry's messages. [Alright ghosterry, tell me something, did he tell his parents about yesterday?] she asked, chomping onto the poptart. She then sent one more message. [My mom wouldn't stop asking questions, hopefully things don't get any crazier...]
She stood straight and listened closely to Gero. She already knew that the Council was to protect the Seven. Though Gero did seem disinterested in her, at least he was answering her questions. She didn't blame him, she was just a student. She probably didn't even have what it takes to be a Master in his eyes. In any case, she continued to listen to him. She also knew that she was not to disturb the world order. If there were any worlds that were disturbed, she could only imagine the consequences. She did learn that the Light Chaser was once a member of the Council. Kind of sad that he ended up the way he is now, though. Though it is rather scary how powerful he is. What could be giving him such powers? Qamar tapped her chin as Gero mused about the Light Chaser's powers. Though he did get into the nitty gritty and revealed a book. This book contained such great information that Qamar stared in disbelief. "That's....incredible." she uttered. After he finished, he informed her that that was the limit of what he will tell her. "To think that such a thing exists, I can understand why it's not common knowledge..." "Master, that's more than enough. I know I'm still a student, but I hope to learn more some day." she looked around Gero's room a moment but turned back to him. "By the way, Master, does the Light Chaser not have a name? Humm.....no, don't answer that...I don't want to dig up anything I shouldn't." she said, shaking her head. Closing her eyes, she put her hands behind her back. "Let me ask something unrelated...." Then she had to figure how to word this as not to anger Gero. "Well, I know that there are wielders from the Realm of Darkness. Torrin and Boreas are the first two I can think about. Can you tell me a little bit about that? I mean, do they go against what the Council stands for or are they on good terms?" she asked, shrugging a little.
It was as she expected. Gero would only look at her and not even greet her. As far as she knew, he probably had no time for her. Staring off at Selene leaving, Qamar turned back to Gero. She averted her eyes from his as she tried to piece together what she wanted to say. Taking a deep breath she looked straight at Gero. "Good morning Master Gero." She started off, sounding awkward. "I've been a student here a long time. I've listened to my Master and the other Masters here along the way. But still I've wondered things after I was sent out with the new students. They all seem to be under the impression we're sent to do the dirty work of the Council. They act like the Masters here are just sitting around doing nothing. This isn't true, is it? I don't remember a day when I wasn't seeing somebody leaving or coming. I've met so many Masters yet these students claim they're just not doing anything....or rather, that's the feeling they give." Qamar paused, crossing her arms. "On the other hand, I've been a student long enough, can I not be taught at least what the current goal is with the Council? It may seems silly, but I hope to be a member some day or even just be a great Master. I was hoping I was trusted enough that I wouldn't be told the same story as the other students." Qamar lowered her arms and gave Gero a bow. "Master Gero, please don't think I'm being selfish. I just want to know more. I've lived the past 6 years not knowing my past and barely knowing anything else. I want to know everything. I can handle it, I promise you."
Qamar was surprised to see Selene emerge from Stamatis' door. Her eyes saw the tome in the woman's hands. "I'm glad I'm strong." she sighed. "Yes, I was looking for Master Stamatis." she confirmed with Selene. Qamar grumbled, knowing he was now off to talk with Thallasa and Varos. Selene readjusted herself and then went on a tangent, talking about taking some books to Gero. Some kind of spell was hidden within this book, but there was an enchantment. "This castle is full of those, huh?" she commented as Selene went on and on. Though Qamar did smirk, stifling a small chuckle at the thought of Stamatis having a sweet tooth. Qamar did give Selene a look as if she wanted to just move on and find somebody else. Selene caught onto that and Qamar scratched her cheek. "I get that same feeling. I feel like none of them want to teach my any kind of secrets. I'm a student, shouldn't they trust me?" she spoke out. She reached forward and grabbed the tome, holding it gently. It was heavy, but Qamar had a good enough grip. "A-Anyway Master Selene....I'll walk this with you to Master Gero. I suppose I can talk to him instead of Master Stamatis." she said. Her plans didn't change just because Stamatis was unavailable. Besides, Qamar noticed Varos was late to breakfast, so clearly there was a reason and Stamatis would want to know. "I have so many questions I want to ask Master Gero, do you think he'll even talk to me?" she asked Selene as they walked. "He seems like such a busy man, I'd hate to bother him..."
Well Boreas took that as well as Qamar would have expected. She didn't bother to follow after him, seeing as Illiana went behind him. Qamar sighed, shaking her head. She crossed her arms and saw one new boy who looked about as shaken as she had several years ago. She wanted to approach him, but Chry introduced herself. "Can we shorten it? That's quite the name you have there, Chrysanthemum." she commented. Tinarah then went off the deep-end on Maser Fost and Qamar scratched her head. "Honestly, that's been something I've been curious about as well. For all the years I've been a student, I've only seen the Masters leave on rare occasions." she didn't even want to speak about how her Master never left. "Still, I"d be careful who you spoke with Tinarah..." Qamar had heard stories about a Master who she had never seen before. Master Fost was most likely that man. Qamar sighed and looked towards the castle. She caught glimpse of a keyglider in the sky. "Master Varos?" she questioned, watching him zoom by. Before she knew it, he was gone from view. From behind, she heard the sound of a keyglider landing. Turning, she was greeted with the sight....of a goddamned dragon. "What in the hell...?" she questioned, watching a student climb off of the incredulous vehicle. Take basically gave up on the situation and she couldn't agree more. Qamar walked after Take. Qamar didn't really say anything as she walked behind the boy. She wasn't even trying to follow him for any particular reason. When the staircase came into view, Qamar quickly ran up it two steps at a time. She made it to the to and looked down at Take. "Try to go two steps at a time! It's a good workout!" she called. She turned away and headed towards the Masters wing and made her way to Stamatis' room. She stopped at the door, knocking gently on the door. "Master Stamatis? It's Qamar, I...I kind of had a few questions if you have the time? I'd have asked Master Kide, but I know he's busy with that project of his...." she made an excuse as to why she didn't just go to her own Master first.
tbh i cant wait to see it
"Ggrrah, LET ME HIT YOU." Inna screamed. He pulled his book out, examining it, and slamming it shut. Both his hands extended in front of him as he shot Water Bullets at Hector. "I'm pissed, I want this kid gone." he grumbled. "I'm sorry you keep getting the short end of the stick." he said towards Raelynn. "I will punch him to death and revel in his screams of agony." Inna mumbled, running towards Hector. Once he was close enough, he gave a few good swings towards Hector. Inna used Water Bullets and Struck Hector!
The guard was being as ridiculous as he had been since they were forced to stay with him. Though she was curious why they weren't being followed by somebody else. Not really wanting to question that, however, Ananta listened to Ignis and chuckled. "Laguna got upset because he saw this ring on my left hand." she held up said hand, SOS ring on her thumb and engagement ring on the ring finger. "I was engaged at one point, but once my world was destroyed, I gave up on seeing my betrothed again. Though I am terrible for...well, forgetting, too. I guess it was my way to cope...?" she sighed. Ignis then went on to ask if she had been here before or to a similar one. "Things are similar to my homeworld, but there are differences. The ancient language is similar, but I don't understand it all, sadly. So I'm no expert on Atlantean scripture, sorry." she pointed out to Milo. Kida approached Ananta and examined her crystal. Kida went on to explain Ananta being an empath and she sighed. That explained a lot, that's for sure. Through events, Ananta was amazed to discover such a grand mural with writing all over it. As Milo deciphered it, he came to the realization that there's some heart of Atlantis. "I think we could help you find this heart. We'll keep things safe and make sure none of those military guys follow." she assured Kida, trying to stay silent with the guard around.
Qamar jerked her head around and saw Boreas. He walked over and told her to just leave Take alone. Not wanting to hurt him more or make him any more upset, Qamar backed off to stand beside Boreas. She stared at the ground, a sullen look upon her face. Take spoke up and Qamar looked onwards. Right, a risk they both chose to take. Whether or not he overreacted was up to debate, he had every right to be angry when he got hurt. Qamar would have done the same thing. Qamar saw him look at his hand and figured that he must have ben checking for blood. She didn't push him for whether he was bleeding or not. "Yeah we should have talked about what was and wasn't allowed..." she said. Take then asked if on their homeworld was the war against heartless or people. Qamar scratched her cheek and wasn't sure if she should answer for Boreas. Then again, Boreas would probably have more tact in this instance. Especially considering he lived this war and Qamar was basically unaware of the war for the most part. Illiana made her way over and Qamar was sure the girl didn't even bother to notice her. Boreas answered Take and Qamar just shrugged. Soon enough, a new man came and addressed the wielders who had gathered in the courtyard. Behind him was that one girl who was on the Light Chaser's side. Qamar frowned and was curious as to why the girl was there all of a sudden. The girl had the Council's protection and Qamar was not as angry as she probably should have. She was still angry that the girl was a part of the Light Chaser's students, but there had to be a reason to this. Qamar stepped forward and bowed to Master Fost. "Good morning, Master Fost. Hello newcomer. I hope we can get to know each other, hm? My name is Qamar, by the way."
"****." Qamar uttered, watching the keyblade fall and hit Take's head. Her keyblade disappeared and she ran to him, readying her Cura. She stopped when she told her to stop. She reached for him and heard him growl out at her. A look of extreme concern was on Qamar's face and she instantly regretted this entire experience. "Take, please, I'm sorry. I didn't know it'd hit you on your head. Let me at least try to use some Cura on you." she asked him, putting her hand on his head. She knew he'd jerk away instantly, but she at least tried to pump out some healing magic before she backed away and fell onto her rump. She stared at Take and didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry, Take, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." she said, looking quite upset. "L...Let's just stop for now and get your head looked at?"
Take managed to trip Qamar enough to make her fall forward and onto him. She made an 'oof' and got up quickly, concerned she had just squished the poor kid to death. Though she did call her keyblade back and held it high. The darkness began to swirl around her again and she looked like she wanted to hurt Take. Her blade came down fast and stabbed the ground next to Take's head and she could only laugh based on the look on his face. "That's a good look." she said, standing back up. She offered a hand to Take and helped him get up. "Alright, no more dirty tricks. Let's get back to the real deal." she said, hopping back and recalling her keyblade. Qamar grabbed the hilt with both her hands and split the blade in half. Walking towards Take, she let the blades drag along the ground, sparking behind her. She picked up the pace and ended up launching a flurry of attacks on Take, slamming her keyblade halves into his over and over. She was trying to wear him down and knock his blade out of his hands.
Qamar was given the consent and she was a little unsure of what he agreed to. "Are you sure, because uh....I dunno if that'd be a good idea...but if you are sure..." she stood there a moment and took a deep breath. Her left hand stretched outward with wisps of darkness flowing around. From the ground, a single chain gripped at Take's leg, distracting him. The chain was nowhere near as strong as Torrin's, so it broke easily. "I thought I could do them just as good as Torrin, but I guess not." she shrugged, running towards Take. Qamar began to swing down on Take, their keyblade's locking against each other. She took her hand and made a fist, aiming it at Take's stomach. The darkness dissipated once she hit Take, Qamar looking like she was going to use too much if she let any more out. "I can't." she said, her keyblade disappearing. "I can't do any more darkness. I don't want to hurt you." She looked upset. When Take let his guard down, she took advantage of it and swept her leg underneath him, trying to knock him down.
Take gave his opinion about being a Prince of Heart. He voiced how it felt off, but that was honestly because he never thought about being something like that. Qamar sat up and gave Take a good look. "You seem the same to me. You just got given a heart of pure light or whatever is all." she commented. Take pointed out coddling Aria and Qamar was reminded that Aria really didn't like the coddling. She was pretty sure the girl even mentioned it herself, but she couldn't be quite sure. "No, no, I know. I understand. It's just, I was trained to go and find these Princes and Princess' of Heart and was told they were pretty much almost always...in need of help. I'm glad she can protect herself, though, so I don't really think I need to protect her anymore. Besides, her boyfriend is almost always there to protect her anyway." Qamar rolled her eyes. "And just so you know, I'll only jump in front of you if I see the Light Chaser trying to get you again. And that's only because I know I can probably distract him long enough for you to get to safety." she added. She looked at Take and heard him talk about hugging Tinarah and that made her smirk. "Oh, you want to hug Tinarah?" she teased. "Or do you want a hug? I dunno, would you be okay with a hug?" she asked. Qamar ended up giving Take a gentle hug. Though she still put a little strength into it on accident. She let go and gave his head one little pat and smiled. "There we go,feeling better? I bet you are. MOSQUITO." she yelled swatting at the air. "Hah, kidding, those don't exist." she laughed. "Ready to go back to sparring? Or would you rather do some stretches or jogs?" she asked, hopping back up. She summoned her keyblade and a thought struck her. "What if I used a little darkness this time? Just enough to make my attacks hit harder?" she asked, not wanting to release too much. She was wary of what happened last time she tapped into her darkness and she certainly didn't want to shove Take off a cliff like she did with Dentro.
Ananta casually ignored Castur for now and ended up following along to the King's chambers. Upon arrival, she knelt down out of habit with Kida. She could barely understand what they were saying, only understanding about as much as Milo. She was confused by the end of this and Rourke started to talk. The King called him out on bringing weapons. Ananta smiled at that, standing back up. The King ended up letting them stay for one night. They left the chambers, leaving Kida to her father. Kida came back out minutes later, looking sullen. Kida asked the wielders to come as well. Ananta nodded, not really questioning it. Kida talked about the SOS and that surprised Ananta. "Yes...we are here for that, actually. I suppose there is no need to hide it, is it?" Ananta shrugged, digging her own crystal out and holding it up. "My own crystal gave a warm feeling, so I understand. I hope we can help you, Kida." Ananta looked at Ignis and Castur, tilting her head. "I swear you're just here to follow us around. Don't you have a job to be doing?" she asked.