Kosmo was given scratches as Qamar walked around aimlessly for a moment. She stopped and nodded at Lumen. "I've been in almost every room in the castle. Some rooms are forebidden, though. Anyway, let's get going." She walked with Lumen, showing him the kitchen and library. She eventually took him to the bedrooms. "Just pick one that doesn't have a name written. Here's my room. It's nothing special..." she looked towards a room across from hers. "This one is empty now if you want it?" She nodded at the door. "U-Unless you already have a room....um...." she looked away. Heading towards the stairs, she turned. "These stairs lead to the Master rooms. Come quickly!" She ran upstairs, stopping at Asters room. "Want me to stay? Only if you need me..."
Qamar nodded at Lumen, "Thanks" she muttered, feeling the healing effect washing over her. Before she could react, however, she was knocked hard against a wall. Her vision blackened and she woke shortly after Lumen to hear Master Kaio lecturing them. He mentioned her being strong with no defenses, but she simply averted her gaze. She was strong and that's all she ever wanted. She wanted to be strong so she could protect her comrades, not be weak and end up having them killed in the end. Sure that sounded stupid, but she was set in her ways and wouldn't change her mind. Already knowing what to do and not wanting to further anger Kaio, she glanced to Lumen who decided to pipe up. A grin was on her face as she gave Kosmo a little head scratch, liking that Lumen was brave enough to speak against Kaio. She hummed to herself when Kaio retorted, leaving her with a frown. "I'm neither weak nor stupid." she simply stated, watching Master Kaio lay into the group that came out next. Qamar heard a whistle and saw Kosmo hop back to Lumen, the boy leaving the basement. She finally stood up and dusted herself off. Looking onwards, she decided to leave the basement as well, fearing she'd say something Kaio would probably make her do chores for. Thyella was somebody she never dared to talk back to. Quickly walking up the steps, she found Lumen and wondered if maybe he was upset with Master Kaio. Deciding to try and surprise him, she tried to whistle in the same way to get Kosmo to come to her once more. "You look kinda lost. Do you need a tour now?" she joked, walking up to Lumen.
The rest of Rourke's men were being gathered and hauled off while the few who were talking to Milo finished. Laguna mentioned writing a book but was told not to. The sad look on his face made Ananta feel bad for him. "Sorry to hear that Laguna, hope to read the book you write some day!" She waved him off as he left. Vessels were brought for the wielders and crystals were given. Ananta felt her own crystal resonate with the one she received, causing the two of them to light up faintly. Ananta put the second necklace away and turned to her comrades. "Wonder where we're going to next?"she mused. 14/30 attendance
"Great job, we beat it! Now we gotta de-" her words were cut short by a wave of darkness that attacked her and Lumen. Qamar saw black for a few moments but woke back up. A wave of darkness came over her and she reappeared in a new outfit. Standing up and breathing deeply, she glanced up Lumen. "If I go down again, end the simulation. For now, I need a little healing please." She said, watching the new tower closely and readying herself to dodge. Qamar went into Domination form and prepared to dodge.
Qamar found herself flung into a wall again. Grunting, she slid down and pulled from the wall. "Fine then, time to die." She muttered. She stopped next to Lumen and nodded. "Let's attack together. You take that side, I'll take the other side. It should be done for after this." She urged the other wielder. Hopping a few steps back, she ran forward and performed an Ars Arcanum. Once Lumen got I to position, she performed an attack at the same time as him, hoping it was enough to beat the heartless. Qamar used Ars Arcanum and attacked!
Shaking herself off, Ananta smiled upon seeing Kida safe. Laguna was back and had apparently apprehended the soldiers. Ananta turned to her party and nodded. "That was quite the explosive finish, Ignis." She said, stealing Faust's thunder. "I agree, this does feel like a loop...but it's not like we're going back in time over and over. I don't mind it, honestly..." she admitted. 13/30 attendance
Ananta used Curaga on Ignis. 12/30 attendance
Qamar glanced to Lumen and ended up getting smacked down by the tower. She grunted and grasped the ground, propping up and sighing. "I was hoping to ask how you liked the simulation so far." She said, wiping her face. "I'm enjoying it myself." She said, a grin on her face. In a blur, Qamar has stabbed into the tower. She finished off with a combo of attacks. Stepping back, she readied herself once more beside Lumen. Qamar used Sonic Blade and Attacked.
Ananta used Curaga on herself. 11/30 attendance
Ananta casts Curaga on Ignis! 10/30 attendance
Ananta casts Curaga on herself. 9/30
The reflega spell cracked and shattered after the Demon Tower hit it. She reeled back, ready to get hit. She didn't feel it and instead opened her eyes to seeing the tower barreling towards Lumen. Running fast as she could, she tried to grab him. She was unable to do so and ended up grabbing at air. Turning towards the tower, she swung her keyblade to the side, rushing for the tower. She slashed at the tower, flying back from the impact. She then rushed forward and attacked the tower. Qamar used ArsArs Arcanum and attacked the tower.
Ananta used thunder bell 8/30
Ananta casts Stopga on Rourke. 7/30
Ananta cast Curaga on Castur. December attendance 6/30
Watching Lumen, she was about to ask something before the Demon Tower grabbed the both of them. "Lumen!" She called, worried he was hurt, but it looked like he wasn't hurt at all. Instead, she ended up getting flung into something and sliding down it. Her eyes closed as the pain shocked her body, but it soon subsided and she felt fine. She wasn't healed, but the simulation seemed to have dulled the pain rather quickly. Focusing, she rushed at the tower, slicing it quickly with a normal attack. Hopping back, she raised her hand and called a Reflega forward to protect herself. Qamar ATTACKED and cast REFLEGA on herself.
Ananta gasped, seeing the Heart of Atlantis. She clutched her crystal and shook, seeing it choose Kida and taking her over. Rourke turning into the blue crystal demon that he was seemed rather befitting, considering it all. She glared at the man and summoned her keyblades. She saw Castur jump to guard her and she nodded. "Thank's Ar- I mean Castur. Thank you." she said, correcting herself. She looked to Faust and held her keyblade up, casting Aergoa on him. "This is all I can do for now, but I'll tend to wounds next round. He's about to attack!" she said. Ananta cast AEROGA on FAUST
Qamar glanced to Lumen, curious. She thought she saw a smirk on his face before he attacked the Demon Tower. Shrugging to herself, she watched him bring the smackdown and had a smile upon her face. He seemed to be okay so far. She was glad he was adjusting well enough after all. He finished with a lightning spell and was now standing next to her again. The tower got a good hit in on both of them, but Qamar had felt worse. She smirked and looked to Lumen. "That was good. Now watch this." she said, taking a few steps back. With immense speed, as if she was a sonic boom, she lunged at the tower, dealing several hits. Spinning around, she jumped at the Demon Tower and sliced quikly at it, sinking her keyblade into it with the last hit and jumping off of the hilt to stand beside Lumen once more. She shook herself and recalled her keyblade, standing pretty casually. "How's that?" she asked. Qamar Attacked and used Sonic Blade
"Ignis, you're cruel. I want the old Ignis back. At least she didn't go deadpan when someone made a pun." She frowned. Faust complimented her attempt, so she was a little happier. He continued on with his own new pun. Ananta looked at Ignis. "Honestly, you act like you're flustered. Seeing as you're hitting on him more, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten the hint yet." She rolled her eyes, with a smirk. "That aside, if Rourke could do magic I'll be darn surprised." *December attendance 4/30
As if on cue, after Lumen spoke, the room grew dark and they were met with their opponent. Qamar placed her hands on her hips and sized up her enemy. "Shouldn't take me too long to bust it's head open. I'm confident in my ability to uh, not die." She chuckled, looking at Lumen. She saw a glint of fear on his face but she gave him a firm pat on the arm. "Watch me." She instructed, summoning her keyblade in a gleam of darkness. Seeing as the room was darker, her eyes gave off a faint glow, allowing her to see the enemy more clearly. That didn't mean she could predict anything, however. Raising her keyblade up, she focuses and cast Sabera on herself and ran towards the tower. Once close enough, she gave it a few good slashes before jumping back a little to try and get some distance. Qamar cast SaberaSabera on herself and attacked!