Qamar shrugged and shook her head at Illiana. She'd rather not cause any kind of an uproar at the moment, but she did stand up and gave a bow to the Masters. SHe heard Lumen express his choice of going to the Realm of Darkness and she looked happy. Qamar turned to leave and head for the main hall. She stood there for awhile and saw Boreas return, dressed in his usual armor attire. She gave him a respectful bow and scratcched her neck. "I wonder what it's like...." she spoke idly. "It's been 6 years and I'm scared." she sighed. "ANd...I probably acted out with Illiana...." she showed remorse. "I don't know why I'm that way with her...maybe just bad blood between us or something."
Qamar saw Illiana finally meander into this meeting and she was instantly shot with a glare from Qamar. How could she be so disrespectful? Qamar shook her head and sighed. "It seems these past weeks taught her nothing." she mumbled to herself. Kaio reminded her that they had to pull strings in order for her to return to Orphic Coast to which she nodded. "You think I didn't already know my situation, Master Kaio? I came to accept it ages ago. I need not be reminded, but thank you for the thought." she replied. Tinarah tried to figure out if the material that her mother was researching may have been what they were going after and Qamar looked to Tinarah. Boreas seemed to be talking to Illiana and Qamar just nodded. "One who walks a lonely path finds it's hard to achieve ones' goals." she commented.
Usergroups: Contributor/Premium Preferred Artistic Medium: Drawing/Writing Would you be willing to be sorted into a Love Triangle should the need arise? Dude I'd love to be in a love triangle.
Qamar took her place and sat down, listening to the discussion. She looked between everyone and heard the two choices of where to go. She could either go to Tinarah and Chrono's homeworld...or she could go to her homeworld. Closing her eyes, she thought for a moment and then sighed. Torrin's protest was amusing for the most part, but she could understand why he wasn't too keen on going back. Once it was made apparent that the decision was final, Qamar sat up some more and decided to make her decision. "As much as I care for Tinarah and Chrono, I feel like I'm best suited for Orphic Coast. My affinity with darkness and...having grown up there, would probably be the best option. I agree on taking Princess Eilonwy with us, I'd hate for her to be injured should anything happen to this castle." she spoke, looking to the Masters. The thought of that being a possibility was something she had come to terms with recently. "Therefore, I am obligated to go with Torrin. For more than it being my duty, I must see the world for as it is now. The last I had seen it, I was a child....who knows, maybe I will be able to accomplish my own goal along the way. Either way, I will do my best to ensure the princess' safety." she gave a bow.
Ananta watched Castur walk to the right and she decided, against her better judgement, to follow him. Ananta headed right.
Ananta nodded to Faust, leaving the ship and heading back outside in time to hear what Gepetto had to say. She looked towards the way further into the whale and crossed her arms. "I guess I'll go this way, then." she said, leaving the others and beginning to head into Monstro. She wasn't sure exactly where to go, but she knew she'd find somebody soon enough. She figured she'd find somebody else soon enough and be able to join up with them in search of the children Gepetto mentioned.
Qamar got excited when Take mentioned moving on to chapter books. Before she could reply, Atmos came in and informed everyone of an impending meeting. Qamar gave Atmos a wave before she left. "Well, Take, I'd love to read with you in the future. I know some really good books that I think you'd like. They're kind of fantasy, but more like elves and orcs and not those." she scratched her cheek. Boreas had mentioned she'd have to ask Torrin about training and she made a mental note of that, knowing it'd be for the better if she did ask. She didn't want to intrude, after all, if it were supposed to be a private one between the two friends. She had hoped she became a friend to Torrin, but that was something she wasn't sure of quite yet. She did notice the aforementioned Master was gone as was Aria, so she kind of figured they were off on a breakfast date as usual. Standing up, Qamar looked to the rest in the room. "I'm gonna go retrieve Lumen. Dunno if he knows about the meeting yet." she shrugged. Qamar turned to leave and headed outside. She remembered he mentioned doing some meditation in the rain, so she figured that'd be where he was. She stepped towards the front door and saw the umbrella stand. She grabbed one of the few that were still there and headed out. Popping it open, she then made a couple of high jumps onto the castle roof to find that Aster was already there. "Master Aster!" she said out loud, walking over to the two. She gave Aster a hug, while holding the umbrella up, and looked to Lumen. "Let's get inside. Maybe we can use some wind magic to dry you off quicker..." she suggested, reaching a hand out to Lumen and throwing a smile his way.
Qamar nodded to the two of them. "If you do end up training with Torrin later, may I tag along?" she asked curiously. "Perhaps we can get Aria to come as well and take on one of those harder missions." she suggested to Boreas. Take mentioned he was fine now, but he did point out the dragon was there and that he knew it was there. Qamar gulped and sighed. "I'm sorry, I thought...this was okay, but I understand. I'll be sure to keep her away, no matter how curious she is." Qamar said, patting Kosmo's head. "Other than Flammie assaulting you, how have things been the past couple days? I didn't really get to talk to you after...I dunno, two days ago?" she shrugged.
Ananta fell over and smacked into the side of the vessel, ending up next to Castur and stirring shortly after him. "Yeah I'll...remember that, too." she got up slowly and gave herself a stretch, looking around. Castur asked if they were eaten by a whale and she nodded. "Looks like it..." she mumbled, hearing an older man's voice call out. "Yeah, we're people! Not fish! Not food!" she called out after Castur. Ignis stirred after with her own questions. Ananta shrugged, looking at her. "Nope. We've seen everything, so..." she commented. Ananta then looked at Faust and noticed he hadn't actually stirred yet. Walking over, she checked on him and started to heal him with the green light emanating from her hands. "I hope Faust is okay." she murmured.
Qamar smiled upon seeing Kosmo give a nod to her question. She finished off her breakfast and took Kosmo's empty plate, going to wash them and put the dishes to dry. She turned around and walked towards Take and Boreas, waving to them. "Good morning again. Are you doing okay now Take?" she asked, glancing over at Kosmo. While Take answered, she scooped the dragon up and sat her in her collar again, making an attempt to hide the tiny dragon. She returned to look between the two and tilted her head. "What will you two do today? I was thinking about kind of just...hanging around, myself." she said. "Or maybe training more?" she suggested. "Not...not training in your sense, Boreas, I feel a lot more comfortable now thanks to you." she gave him a bow. She sat down at the table and looked between the two. If they had their own plans, she wouldn't be too upset and probably just find her own thing to do. Maybe even go visit Master Stamatis and see how he's doing. It wasn't like she had anything to do, she just hadn't spent time with Take in a few days, so she wanted to talk some more.
Qamar blinked. "Wait, you don't have a crush on anybody? Are...are you sure? I mean..." she looked over at Torrin and then back to Aria. "What about Torrin? He could be your charming prince." she teased. "You already eat breakfast every day, soooo....." she let it go and stood up. "Hey I'll join you for breakfast after I get some dry clothes on...I got caught in the rain." she shrugged, waving off Aria as she ran up the stairs. She went past Chrys and made a mental note to talk to her later. Back in her room, she changed out of her morning attire and put on her every day wear, letting Kosmo chill out on the bed. She scooped the dragon up and held her as they went back downstairs and to the kitchen. She saw Chrys grabbing her breakfast along with Take and Boreas. Qamar quikly tucked Kosmo into her collar and whispered to the dragon, "I suggest avoiding Take today." She then made herself a bowl of yogurt with various fruits in it. Qamar even added some little bits of granola into it and made some toast with butter. Glancing to Chrys, she waved. "Good morning Chrys." she said, turning to sit at the table. She then sat a plate of grapes down for Kosmo and a little dish of water to get her started. She wasn't really sure what else to feed her right now. Qamar hoped Lumen would be by to rescue her and feed Kosmo the correct way instead of some fruits all the time. "Hey Kosmo, does Lumen talk about me a lot?" she asked with curiosity. She wasn't even sure the dragon could understand her at all, but it was worth a try right?
Qamar sat down and was wondering how to word this. She did notice Aria winced, but she figured it wasn't anything to worry about. Staring at the ceiling a moment, she sighed. "I'm kind of scared to admit this, but you're probably the only other person here I've talked to extensively." She started, her face now with a tinge of red. "Remember we talked about people we love in Heroic Sanction?" She questioned, scratching her cheek. "Um...can I confide something into you? Nobody else knows it and I just...I want to make sure it's not just...something small." she said, sighing deeply. Glancing around and making sure nobody else was around, she looked at Aria. "So say I've known somebody a couple of weeks it too early to say I...I may like them...? I've...I've never felt like this before so...I...I'm scared it's the wrong thing to feel...." she looked totally embarrassed now. Her eyes darted over towards Lumen and back to Aria again. A look of dread took over. Qamar instantly regretted even mentioning this, wondering if this was the right time. "I'm asking you since...well you already know, we're on some pretty good terms I"d think..." Qamar fidgeted in her seat, wondering if this was an odd question to ask. "H-Hey, maybe you like somebody too, then you could really give me some advice." she said with a light chuckle. "This...this is some odd girl talk, I'm...sorry." she mumbled.
Qamar gained 7 levels, so it's time to upgrade stuff. (21 points 7 max to 1 stat except AP) Upgrading stats: 16 DEF 22>29 MP 18>20 SPD 20>27 FOC 44>49 Gained EX-Art: Zantetsuken Gained ability: Combo Master
From behind, Qamar heard Aria call for the dragon. Soon the creature ran over to Aria, leaving Qamar to let go of Take as he scrambled away from the area. Others came around and greeted her, to which she returned the greetings. Standing up and looking at herself. She was still rather wet, even shivering, so she kind of wandered over to Flammie and Aria. Torrin arrived and Qamar looked at him. "Anyway, breakfast...the morning ritual..." she said, looking between the two. Then again, she had done the same thing for the last couple of days with Lumen, so it's not like she could tease them. Speak of the devil, there he was. Qamar's eyes lit up and a smile grew on her face. "Morning Lumen~" she spoke with a sing-songy tone. She gave a quick whistle and watched Kosmo pop over to her head. Glancing to Aria, Qamar scratched her cheek a moment and then nodded. "Hey, Aria, can I talk to you a moment? I need a little advice're pretty well equipped for that okay? I promise to leave you to your breakfast after!" she begged the girl, pointing at a corner with two chairs just to the opposite side from the kitchen. This was a question she needed to ask somebody that she had previously talked to about the subject.
Qamar knew that Chrys wouldn't shake her hand, but she could at least try. She ended up in front of a training room and reading each selection. In the time it took for her to consider what to choose, Lumen returned and that gave her hope that this interaction wouldn't have been as awkward as she thought it'd be. Though, before she went inside, saw turned to see the Masters with a concerned look on her face. In her stomach, she got a weird feeling that something was wrong, but she wasn'te quite sure. She stepped into the training room and continued into the fight, emerging once they were done. She ended up leaving and soon found out about what happened. She ended up waiting by the medical area, hoping to hear what happened soon..... ------------------------- The two weeks passed pretty quickly and Qamar felt more confident in her abilities. She trained extensively to control her darkness and by the end of it all, she came out more disciplined. At least by the end of it, she felt like she was a little more on friendly terms with Boreas. She hoped he would consider her a more valuable ally by now. When she wasn't training with him, she found herself hanging out with other wielders, becoming closer with them, though she ended up spending the most of her time with Lumen. She also kept checking up on Varos and Stamatis, being quite worried about the former. Not a day passed that she wasn't checking up on Stamatis, bringing him a different book to read. Qamar tried to keep his mind off of what happened and often got advice on a few things that were troubling her. Stamatis' advice helped her training and she felt as if she was able to keep herself protected and not be so reliant on her comrades. After finishing a quick training session, Qamar made her way to the roof of the castle. She ended up starting to meditate, not noticing the rain clouds encroaching upon the castle. By the time Qamar came out of her meditation, she was throughly soaked by the rain. She sighed heavily and ended up sliding off the castle and landing below. She turned and walked into the castle. Standing within the entrance, she tried to dry off a little bit with help from air magic. She wasn't too good with magic, however, so she ended up just stopping her from dripping everywhere. Behind her, she had heard Take talking to the dragon, but she didn't take much notice. Not until she heard him being frantic did she look and watched the dragon just casually sitting on the boy. "Oh gosh." she said, walking over and getting on her knees. "I'll help, but I dunno how much Flammie will listen...uh..." she looked at the dragon. "Hey, move!" she called out. The dragon looked upon Qamar for a moment before moving her head and kind of shifting off of Take...but it was still mostly on him. "I'll...I'll try to pull you out." she said, standing up. She grabbed Take's arms and started to pull. He kind of moved, but the dragon was still way heavier than she really imagined it to be. Qamar stopped, not wanting to hurt him and grumbled. "Flammie, what do you want?!" she yelled at the dragon, clearly frustrated. "What do I gotta do, get some damn chocolate or something?" she tapped her foot impatiently.
Learning Protect Upgrading Sabera > Saberga Spending points as follows: 3 on DEF 3 on FOC 3 on MP
Dastgir gave a nod, knowing he was made for this sort of thing. After all, he was always the guard back on his world. He gave Koa a nod and followed after Finlay, ready to write down anything he noticed on their way to the hanger. Finlay did his best and was able to knock down the first door. Once inside, it was apparent how clean this place was and how fancy the owner thought he was. "Finlay, we ought to not make much noise if we want this infiltration and information gathering mission to go smoothly." he commented, watching the man try and kick an elevator door. Blinking, he glanced at Finlay and back to the door. He then pressed a button on the wall, calling the elevator. "Finlay, this is an elevator...a lift of sorts. It takes you between levels of a building." he informed the brash man.
Qamar continued holding tightly to Lumen's wrist until they were at the door. She stopped and stared at the door, tightening her grip on Lumen. She turned back towards him and took a deep sigh. "I...I'm sorry for being so sudden...I...I think we need to train more. Master Kaio is right, I'm too squishy. I need to get better and stronger so my teammates won't have to worry about me so much." she said, letting go of his wrist. "We just barely defeated that first heartless. I don't want to lose anyone else because of my shortcomings. So we need to get stronger....together." she said, nodding at him. "Maybe at the same time, I can learn to better take care of my own darkness and not let it govern me." She turned back around and opened the door. She stepped inside first and headed towards Kaio, giving him a bow. "Sorry for running away, I was able to retrieve my partner. And you're right about being...unreliable and squishy. I want to get better and bolster my defenses. Please continue to teach me. Or should I be saying this to Master Kidemonas?" she gave a light chuckle, glancing over to the man in question if he was even in there. "I'll start with....Lumen again and....Chrys." she looked over at the girl. She approached her and stood there for a moment. Qamar then stretched her hand out. "I hope we can train together, at least somewhat." regardless if she took her hand or not, Qamar gave her a smile. "You made bad decisions, but I won't hold that against you. Then again, I know what it's like to be mislead by somebody you trusted." she shrugged.
Qamar was correct in her thinking. She gave Aster a bow as she shut her door. Qamar clenched her fist and followed behind Lumen a little slowly. Why did she even suggest they do this? It was a bad idea from the get go. It sucked that she didn't realize until basically when they got there. Once down the steps, Qamar stood there staring at the ground. Her eyes looked towards Lumen when he spoke, but she didn't reply to him. They needed to go back downstairs. Raising her head and looking at the windows high above them, she caught a glance of the dragon that had saved them. "Will Kosmo ever grow that big and strong? She's so young and tiny, I'd be surprised if she did." She gave a lighthearted chuckle. A deep sigh erupted from her after awhile. "We must head back down. If we don't, we'd be very disrespectful towards the masters." Qamar reached and took Lumen by the wrist, heading for the basement whether he agreed or not. She had a serious face right now, knowing they couldn't just walk away and not return to training.
The door opened and Qamar was able to see a clearly stressed out Aster. That did not deter Lumen as he tried to ask her if she would be his new Master. Qamar looked away and crossed her arms. Aster asked about their training and Qamar gave a shrug. "They're both busy criticizing the others. We will return after this conversation, Master Aster." She gave the woman a bow and looked at her. "Lumen, perhaps this was a bad idea. She's busy and we just interrupted her..." she muttered to the boy.