Ananta examined the compass. A summit of sorts was to be held soon and she intended on going to it. AJ was being hardheaded on giving his name. "Just give her your name. I won't because, well, it's not my choice. But, I think you ought to give it. Maybe we can try and find Beuce and go with him and Luna." she suggested. "Otherwise, I'll be wandering about until that summit occurs."
Ananta had been awake since Beuce called for Luna. She chose to stay laying down. Once everyone seemed to get going, she sat up slowly and pulled the IV out carefully. She pressed her thumb into the place the needle had been to stop the bleeding. Moving to stand up, Ananta walked to the poor Nurse who had been harassed by each of the companions. Seems she was the last one here, she thought. "My name is Ananta. I don't have a last name. My world is Crystallis, but it was destroyed and I doubt anyone survived." she said, holding the crystal she pulled out of her shirt. She held it gingerly, feeling it warm up.
Ananta attacked and used Red Slash.
Ananta used Faith and Attacked.
Ananta ended up laying there on the ground for awhile. She didn't notice her grandmother had disappeared. She was taken out of her anguish by Aux's voice, causing her to shoot up. Looking up to him, she wiped her eyes and stood up. "I suppose I'm okay. Somehow saw my Grandmother..." she scratched her head. "Any idea on that? Like, did you see something similar...?" she asked. "Where's Luna? Have you seen her yet?"
Aaaaah, I'm so happy Sekiro won! It really deserved it and I hope that shows that fans love it! So salty Fortnite won best ongoing game considering FF14 had a REALLY GOOD expansion this past summer :(
Ananta put her hands together and gave Marx a small prayer and mouth 'Sorry' to him before they headed into the next room. Once inside, Ananta walked forward and put her hands on her hips. Before long, she had tried to walk back, but that proved wrong seeing as she....couldn't quite see where to actually go. "Aux?" she called, reaching around. "Where are you, redhead?" she tried to call. The sound of clapping came and she summoned her keyblades, holding them defensively. She looked up and saw a familiar face. "Rourke." she spoke, sighing. "On that scale, I would say a 1 since I don't feel I'm too much at a disadvantage." "Typical prey," A smooth, graveled voice spoke. "Always think they have the advantage, until they're backed into a corner." A lion appeared from out of the darkness, moving one paw in front of the other, moving silently as he spoke to her. It was Scar, from the Pridelands. "Well that's the problem with your generation dear... Too much confidence without anything to back it up. I had a batallion of disciplined men to back me up." Rourke replied, twirling his knife around before gripping it tightly. "And I, had a legion of hyenas to enforce my rule.... Where's your pack? your pride? Your strength?" Scar growled. Rourke grinned as he rubbed his thumb along the knife. "Last I saw, they high ran off and left you alone... again. You really got to learn to take a hint sweetheart. You need this group more than they need you. "Survival of the fittest after all," Scar added. "And the weakest of the pride is often outcast. Or eaten..." Scar and Rourke cornered her back into the wall more and more. Ananta listened to the two of them. She listened and thought back to the many times where she was just there and not really interacting with any of the group. Of the times she was basically just a body that could be used. Then she remembered how she told everyone that they should give up on Karina. Ananta shook her head, lowering her keyblades a second before straightening back up and feeling the stone wall behind her. "I may not be the strongest, but I know how to stay alive." Ananta gripped the keyblades again, but noticed something. She looked down and saw she had nothing in her hands. Looking confused, she glared at Rourke. "Weird..." she mumbled. "That's the thing about the hall of the dead sweetheart... you're on our turf now." Rourke replied. "And now you will join us..." Scar added. "Any final words?" Gripping at the walls, Ananta was trying to find something she could use to defend herself. Anything would do, a rock, a stick or a stick with a rock. Either way, she wanted to protect herself somehow. Her eyes locked with Rourke as he swung at her. Ananta ducked as fast as she could and she felt the wall crumbled behind her and bits of rock fall on her. She looked up at Rourke and looked quite confused. He wasn't this strong when she battled him, so how was he so powerful now? She scrambled back to her feet and held her fists up. She tried to block his blows as best as she could, using what little training she had in this sense as she could. Stumbling back, she wiped the blood from her lip after getting one more sucker punch. Reeling back, she focused on fire spell into her hand as she shot forward to punch Rourke hard in the face. He ignited instantly and stepped back, trying to put himself out. Scar lunged at her and Ananta fell down with him, trying to cover herself as best as she could. She could feel his claws in her hips and his maw was latched around her arm and Ananta was trying to focus enough to hit him with another spell. Before she could, Scar was zapped with a powerful Thundaza and he launched off her into the wall and a powerful cure spell washed over Ananta. Her eyes moved over to the source of the spell and she could barely see. "W...Who...?" she whispered. "You boys are playing unfair. Two to one surely is not a fair fighting chance. Why not make it even, hm?" an older woman's voice called out. Rourke had walked over to Scar and sighed to himself. "Sorry lady, but you already fried my comrade. So now it really isn't fair." he commented, disappearing into the smoke. The older woman walked to Ananta and knelt down to her, putting the palm of her hand on the girl's forehead. "Goodness, he surely took a lot out of you." the woman said to Ananta. Ananta blinked a few times and stared at the woman. The woman was old, possibly in her late 80s and she had eyes that shone like sapphires and dark green hair that looked like a lush forest. It was her grandmother. Tears came to Ananta's eyes and she sobbed, grabbing her grandmother's sleeve. "I'm sorry I wasn't ready. I couldn't save you, I'm sorry grandma." she said, her voice cracking. Ananta tried to sit up, but her grandmother stopped her. Grandma then shook her head. "Do not move. You will feel better if you just sit and wait for awhile. I cannot stay forever, but I will be sure to stay as long as I can. Besides...I forgive you, child. There was not much you could have done at your power back then. You did not fail us. So be strong, dear.." she smiled and sighed. "He will find you before long." "He who?" Ananta blinked, unsure of what she meant. "You don't mean..." she gasped, covering her mouth and laying back. This confirmed it. He had died. She didn't like him all much, but to know hear had died was far too much to bear.
Ananta looked to Luna and gave a nod, following her and Aux into the door. Luckily for Luna, she had gotten a key that let them in. Convinient. Glancing around, she noticed the large dog and the stench that came off of it. It had three heads, which meant three times the smell. It made her stomach churn from the smell, but the idea of being chased by the creature seemed rather....enjoyable of an idea. At least until she heard Aux caution them. Giving him a nod, Ananta walked slowly and quietly behind them. "If I could have made us invisbile, I'd do it..." she sighed quietly. Hopefuly they could get by unscathed.
Ananta smirked to Steel. "Yes and I"ll make myself a mask to fit in, how's that sound?" she asked, giving a light hearted chuckle. Looking around, Aux suggested they go explore as they seemed to have a certain luck. "Well, I wouldn't really be against it, sure Aux." she said with a nod. Looking to Steel once more, Ananta gave a thumbs up. "The hood is a good look for you, by the way. Reminds me, yet again, of you back when I first met you." she nodded and put her hands on her hips. "Also helps you fit in I suppose?"
Ananta stewed in her own head for a moment, trying to calm herself down from whatever she was worried about. Being worried about what others thought of you kind of sucked and she wished she could get over it, but she still made mistakes. Mistakes she had to own up to and receive or never receive forgiveness for. Sighing, she saw Kaida and Aux talking. She kind of hung back a moment and considered her options. She could follow AJ, Faust, or Aux. AJ was weird and seemed too worried about...whatever else. Faust was odd, but an okay kid. At least Aux was an an extent. Soon enough, he called for her as he wandered off. Ananta obliged, giving Kaida a pat on the shoulder. "See ya later, Kaida." she said, hurrying along after Aux. At the pier, she noticed Steel, Luna, and Marx. Smiling, she gave a wave to Steel and Luna....and a new mask kid. it was like Steel all over again.....sort of. Stopped in front of the others, she looked to Steel and gave a thumbs up. "How are you doing, Steel?" she started off. She glanced over to Marx and gave a nod. "So, we picked up another...kind of like you?" she asked, tilting her head at Steel. "Except, he's more human looking than you..." she trailed off. "N...Not that that is a bad thing, after all." she waved her hand.
Ananta chuckled at the way Aux described his world. "Well, that does sound interesting. Kinda wish I had gone, but eh..." she shrugged. Faust came along and answered Aux's own question about what kind of world they had gone to. She nodded along to his story and watched Aux's reaction. When he initially ignored the fact they had gotten younger, she was a tad surprised. Then he did a double take. "Yeah, we all got shorter and our voices Wish you could've seen Kaida. She was pretty adorable, even if she cried." Ananta sighed. "Unfortunately for me, I don't cry so easily...or at least I used to not to. Now I'm an emotional mess and an idiot when it comes to reading people's emotions." Ananta had a defeated look for a moment. She rubbed her arm and remembered how she actually needed to figure out how she was ever going to talk to Beuce again. Especially after how stupid she had been acting. Heck, she wasn't even sure if he'd ever speak to her again or give her the time of day. She didn't blame him if they never reconciled. Looking around, she noticed flyers being handed out. After reading one she was handed, she heard Aux ask who Hades was. "I dunno, but this says does that mean...dead people or where evil lurks?" she questioned.
Ananta finally hopped off the ship and got a good look around. Seemed like they weren't the only ones who made it. Faust was already running off and juggling. Kaida and Aux came around and Ananta waved to the two of them. She walked forward and nodded to Aux. Kaida asked him if he had been to a gym. Ananta giggled and shook her head. "I'm with Kaida on this one, you look like you ran a lap or two....or ten." she pointed out. "How'd you do in your world Aux?" Ananta knew she didn't know Aux too well, but she wanted to try and be friendly with him. That was her goal in the end. To make friends and save worlds....she was still working on it.
Ananta was relieved to see Hook defeated. And it seemed they were able to get a ride off this planet via the very ship Hook abandoned. Pan had tossed the captain's hook towards the party and Ananta caught it. "Uh, I don't....really need this...uh....anyone else want it?" she asked, glancing at her party members. "If we can't figure anything else, I guess I'll just attach it to my belt...?" she murmured, sticking it behind her. They ended up leaving Pan behind at a clock. Ananta looked at the clock and squinted, seeing a keyhole....that was already sealed. "Sealed..good..." she nodded. The ship continued onward with Zidane as the captain. "So captain Zidane, where we off to now?" she asked.
Ananta cast Curaga on Stratos!
Ananta cast Faith!
"Ah, Stratos...alreaady...?" she chuckled, watching AJ Curaga Stratos. Opting to at least get herself protected, Ananta cast an Aeroga. ANANTA USED AEROGA ON HERSELF.
Ananta was finally her normal self again. Well, save for a few piratey features added to her regular outfit. Such as a neat little bandana around her neck that helped hide the fact she now had two long chains around her neck. Also a neat little pirate hat was on her head. In any case, she wasn't too fazed by Hook's intentions. As a kid, sure she probably was naive enough to get scared, but...well she was her regular old adult self again. So these were just old tactics. Looking to the rest of her group, she shrugged. "Honestly, Hook, we're not too scared of you. Sure you got a golden hook now and have darkness literally teeming off of you, but we've been through the realm of darkness. I was trapped in it. I'm not afraid of you!" she spoke as she flourished her two keyblades out ahead of her.
Ananta walked with Kaida down the cave. They came to a fork and Kaida ran off, promising to come back down her way if her way ended up a dead end. Ananta sighed and shrugged it off. "Maybe it's because she's a lot younger..." she mumbled as she started down her hall. Ananta decided a light jog would be the best way to go down. As she jogged, she stopped when she saw a green portal appear before her and a woman walked out with a staff and pale skin. A smile was across the woman's face as Ananta took a step back in surprise. "Who....who are you?" she asked in apprehension. Maybe the woman was one of the bad guys? Maybe she worked with Hook? For all she knew, the woman was there to kill her. "My sweet child, I am but a fairy godmother, here to guide you on your way. I've watched you for some time now you see, and am simply appalled as to how you've been treated." the woman spoke in quite the smooth voice. Ananta couldn't help but listen to the woman. The woman reached down and placed a hand on Ananta's cheek. Gulping, she asked, "H..How I've been treated? I...I've not been mistreated...." "Are you sure? From what I've seen, your allies can be so cruel. You offered them nothing but friendship and warmth... and in return they shun and treat you like the plague. The others may seem kind enough. But it's only a matter of time before their true nature is shown." the fairy spoke to Ananta. She removed her hand from Ananta's cheek and took a step back with a sad look upon her face. Ananta gulped. "But...but I...I've said terrible things before..." she spoke, trying to justify the things they've done and said. "I do try to be nice...I really do..." she muttered, thinking back to the times she tried to be nice to Karina. "And your kindness should be rewarded.." she reached into her cloak and pulled out a small green pendant. "This pendant will allow you to virtually double your magic. Something that should more than prove your worth to them." She sighed dramatically. "If only they saw what I saw in you." Ananta took the pendant and looked down at it. It had an eerie glow to it, but Ananta couldn't help but believe what she was being told. "I...I can't take this...I don't even know your name." "Maleficent," she smiled. "And should your so called friends doubt your contributions, feel free to summon me with that pendant. Would be best keep that magical charm to yourself though. It'll be our little secret..." Ananta nodded, placing the pendant in her pocket. She patted it safely and smiled back to maleficent. "I'll be sure to remember that. Thank you!" "And remember, it's our little secret..." Maleficent smiled, summoning a portal to leave. Ananta continued forward, only looking back once before she continued forward.
Kaida spoke up and suggested her and Ananta head out together. Ananta nodded to that. "Honestly, I kinda just wanna get that treasure and go about our business. Besides, I kinda don't trust any of you...other than maybe Stratos, to stick with Kaida. She an take care of herself, but she's still smaller than the rest of us." Ananta said, pointing out how Kaida was nearly a foot smaller than her...give or take a few inches. "If anything, I"d go with Faust if I can't go with Kaida."