no i want you to do these requests for me so I can grant you a wish. Else you're dead I guess.
Laria, can you give me your heart @_@
Laria, please give me your liver
Laria-chan, please give me your fingernail
below hates the planet = confirmed environmentalists, send all your hate mail to him
That's exactly what a bot would say! (no i'm kidding hi welcome to khv)
because you're our comic book guy ;_;
you know what i meant I know it's not supposed to be a trilogy (what with sinister six and everything else)
Exactly. Like I said, I do prefer the new trilogy but the only one is good in my opinion, just for the fact that it feels so campy. Mary Jane's character can go die though. Also, as...controversial as Spiderman 3 was, the birth of Sandman is one of the best things ever.
The new spiderman movies are defintely better, but the first spiderman movies had its merits too. They had that comic book feel (cheesy one liners, over the top scenarios). Amazing Spiderman does look more like a comic book though (dem colors)
hey butt
I forgot to mention this to you but Orange is the New Black season 2 was one of the most fantastifc things ever and I finished it in two days...
Oh Captain my Captain... Robin Williams was my childhood hero. I'm incredibly shocked and sad about this.
Yeah, Stand By Me is such a bad movie, right?
i'm really curious to know what the villains want with Korra. I mean, they obviously don't want to kill her since they could have easily done that. also yeah I saw that coming with Aei Wei
This must be how the Avatar creators feel about Nickelodeon
Book 3 has been really frikin solid thus far. I don't know how they're doing it (compared to the writing that was all over the place in Book 2), but dang. The villains are very interesting, we're meeting some really cool side characters (Lin's sister for example), and the existing characters have all been great. Korra is actually a really cool protag! MOST OF ALL WE'RE GETTING SOME ASAMI COOLNESS. also varrick being back is the best thing ever. Honestly, i'm really curious where this leads. The fight scenes have been amazing and honestly it feels like they're leaving the best for the villains. Sad to see that it has become digital only. I hate Nick so much for doing that.
I heard a joke once. Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."
i still haven't seen it :C is it really that good?