Yoooooooooooooooooooooo you didn't miss that much c: Happy 23rd birthday! Obligatory "Nobody likes you when you're 23" comment
idk if this is irrational but People who say that a specific thing sucks/is bad (even though said thing is clearly not for them), instead of saying "I don't like this"
no don't go i like you here
I'm sure everything will work out perfectly if you play this song while making out
This is why I don't check comments on youtube and facebook. It would just make me go insane
my record is about 40 hours you just become a zombie after 30 hours. Nothing makes sense after that and you end up sleeping for what feels like an eternity.
Not going to open a discussion about this, but I just wanted to say that Celes plays an immense role in FFVI also. Both are arguably the MCs of the cast. which, yeah. I agree with you, a lot of FFs do an immensely great job with their female protags.
FFV did a great job with that during the last third of the game Bartz is such a playa
ban trigger for starting a bait thread
wow okay didn't know that was a thing. hide yo kids hide yo wives
On a more serious note, don't most websites (if not all) just list pedophiles as sex offenders? For reference, there's a difference between pedophiles and sex offenders. Not every sex offender close to you is a pedophile :v he could have just solicited a prostitute or something.
I live to serve
the suspense is killing me
he hurt my feelings
Alternatively: Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab! @Stardust
That was undeniable proof that I totally owned you lamer
So Netflix just became available here (yes we never had it over here, it just became a thing) and I signed up no man should have this much power. There's too many things to watch ;_;