Bah-humbug just trying to keep the usual christmas spirit i have here
I'll have to end up writing something too~ I like this. This is nice. Proud of you dude
so 1/2 a step forward then
Took "Get to the choppa" to a whole new level
hey you I just want to say that you're really cool~
Where the **** have you been you traitor Edit: ;_;
Just gonna leave this here
Couldn't donate much, but you're one step closer now~ Don't go spending it on dem stinkin' video games (is joke. I did read why you're doing it ;c)
you're ok.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
i thought this thread was going to be about shippers and poking Just imagine how disappointed I am right now
Happy Birthday Cassienova~
That was both hilarious and sad. Aw I miss Breaking Bad even more now "Badger's asking where you've been" lol'd
Go outside and hunt your food like a real man
>watching anything dubbed
Santa came early. Those are really awesome gotta find out who did it though