Oh you~~
Your yearly groundhog day threads is one of these things in life that I anticipate the most
What of kind intervention is that
what if i don't want to
shall I get you pics of KHV members' abs do khv members even have abs. is that even possible
hey man you don't diss the reggie
Host the first ever khv meet- goddammit
took long enough. Congrats dude
If you want to get technical I guess, but i don't count it as tomorrow until after I wake up.
I've just been sitting here for the past half-hour trying to figure out these silly letters. maybe i'll just do it tomorrow
guys you're scaring me
You got Sora! You’re a born leader who's mischievous, but has a heart of gold Eat your heart out, kids
Well first off, I just want to point out that the very first impression you get from meeting someone (in person) is their physical appearance. Your attraction to said person might change depending on their personality (which is why personality is more important in the long run for obvious reasons). But yeah, of course physical attraction matters to a certain, biased degree, but it shouldn't drive who we like or dislike. Human beings are just intelligent animals in the end, with basic instincts, so of course we would want to seek out someone who's physically appealing to our eyes, and you shouldn't be judged for that. That said, the problem lies when some people have stupid standards when it comes to physical appearances (height, weight, etc.) and don't see beyond that, and objectify men and women based solely on their physical appearance. Some people are very shallow when it comes to that. So yeah, we all have types and preferences, but you gotta be flexible, ya know? Physical attraction is nice, but there's more to a person than that. (I agree with your main points, but I just wanted to also develop my ideas)
As if you guys aren't going to instantly introduce them to KHV when they hit double digits. All our children, and their children, will continue to run this site forever.
Yeah I'm getting tired of everyone calling them lesbians since they did date men. Then again, maybe Mako was such a bad boyfriend that they couldn't be attracted to another man ever again.
I have exams this week and then after christmas vacation it's horrible :c