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  1. Odamadillo
    Harry dashed at Sasha's side as she ran and climbed beneath her so her could catch her if she slipped. Seeing her in pain caused Harry to make decision. He put in all the strength he could muster and climbed to the top of the wall without Sasha's aid. "I will not let you bare the burden of saving me. I will save you!" Harry started to climb down the wall but slipped off about half way down.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Odamadillo
    Harry looked at the wall then at Sasha. It was clear to him that she would not be able to climb that wall without his help. "If we have to climb that wall I command you to be the one to climb first. With that injury you could lose grip so if I climb beneath you I can catch you. I refuse to lose the only subject of my kingdom I have left!" Sasha should be able to tell that Garry was determined to save Sasha no matter what happens. He braced himself to start the run as soon as Sasha started to run.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Odamadillo
    Harry followed Sasha without delay. When she asked him if he thought they could run for it, he thought and decided. "We have to get out of here but first let me quickly help that shoulder." Harry took off his cloak and tied it around Sasha's shoulder to stop the bleeding. "Alright Sasha, is there a way out of the castle besides the main gates?"
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Odamadillo
  5. Odamadillo

    My kitten

    Thanks for the assist Mixt. Lucas likes to climb up my jeans leg when I feed him.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 28, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Odamadillo
    Harry followed Sasha's directions and found the way out she talked about. He let her off his back. "You go first Sasha. I will follow right behind. Be careful I can not afford to lose you now." Harry was clearly not thinking much about what has happened because he was trying to stay strong.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Odamadillo
    Harry noticed Sasha's stumble and briefly stopped getting down slightly. "I command you to get onto my back. I can not afford to lose you so I will not allow you to fall behind so get on quickly!" It should be very clear how serious Harry was in his order and that Sasha has no choice in the matter. Once Sasha was on his back, Harry ran as fast as he could making every turn he was told to until they reached their destination.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Odamadillo

    My kitten

    That is strange. I can see it fine. Is anyone else having the same problem?
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Odamadillo
    Harry heard the voices too and realised they wanted him. He stopped fighting Sasha and grabbed onto her arm. "You know this castle better than I do. Get me out of here as fast as you can!" Harry was not thinking clear enough to notice what happened with her magic.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Odamadillo
    Harry followed Sasha with one hand on the sword ready to pull it if needed. When they reached the hall near the ballroom, Harry froze hearing the screams. When he heard Sasha saying they needed to get him to safety it woke him and he clenched his fist. "I can't run away! My kingdom needs me! I have to fight for it!" Harry was clearly scared as his voice would make obvious but on some level he meant wahat he was saying.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Odamadillo
    Harry heard Sasha say her name but before he could respond the explosion happened. He ran to the doorway and ordered the near by guards to investigate the explosion. "Sasha! Something is happening I must see to my parents do you know of a quick way back to the ball?" Harry placed the sword ibto a scabbard and attached it to his belt in case he needed to use it or pass it on to his father.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Odamadillo
    Harry followed Sasha to the door of the armoury. He entered the room without the guards seeing and waved his hand to tell Sasha to follow him inside. Within the room Harry made his way towards the glasd display in the middle of the room. Inside the display was the Winterborne fang, the royal sword which belongs to the king. Without hesitation, Harry opened the display and grabbed hold of the sword. "This sword is my birthright. It is my destiny and I will use it to claim my throne! But first I must learn to wield it. Servant girl, you have proven loyal by obeying my commands over your assigned orders. What is your name and speak free for the moment." Harry held the blade high admiring the beauty of the blade while hearing Sasha speak her mind.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Odamadillo
    Harry was enraged by Sasha's words but saw that she did have a point. He still knew he had to argue back because he refuses to be bested since he was the best. "It is impossible for a king to die a hero. History is written by the victor not the fallen. A king would only fight for his kingdom so if he fell then his kingdom would be claimed by the one who slain him. The throne belongs to the best of the best. The one who can not be defeated in battle. And that is who I am! If you truly believe I need to take a bride then how about I have my father assign that task to you." Harry knew by saying that it would cause Sasha a considerable amount of distress. As they near his destination Harry just walked behind Sasha with a smirk on his face.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Odamadillo

    My kitten

    Meet my Kitten Lucas.
    He is 13 weeks old now.
    Thread by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Odamadillo
    Harry became angered at the thought of marriage. His anger should have been clear to anyone watching. "The thought of marriage is out of the question! I will claim the throne I deserve alone. What kibd if message would it send if I only became king because I had a bride!? A king is a leader with wisdom and strength. An army looks to them for faultless leadership. I am still young and yet much wiser than my father. It is wiser that I learn to fight fir my kingdom and become its hero then I will find a bride who will know her place." Harry had said his piece and felt he was the best thing for the kingdom and that he did not need a bride yet.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Odamadillo
    Harry waited patiently for Sasha to finish cleaning his cloak. His mind wondered back to the talk he had with his father a few days ago. "Father said we should hold a ball to celebrate me and my 25th birthday. That idea made me believe that I would finally get the recognition I deserve but all those stupid nobles could talk about is my worthless parents and the stupid balll. It was like they think I would be proud to be their son but who could be proud of having a man so round he can barely get off his throne as a father and a mother who refuses to accept that the kingdom is not in need of more warriors to protect it. Gah! I must take it upon myself to be ready to fight and take the throne I deserve! It is my right!"
    Harry's thinking had caused anger in thimself when he heard Sasha's voice. He turned and claimed his cloak back. He quickly put it back on and followed Sasha towards the armoury.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Odamadillo
    Harry tried to take note of the way they had come from but everything was all mixed up for him. He noticed how empty the passage was and when Sasha mentioned getting around unseen it caused an idea to hit Harry. "Servant girl, once my cloak is cleaned I want you to lead me to the armory. Do not question me on why just obey your prince." Harry removed his cloak and held it out for Sasha to take once they had arrived at the laundry room.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Odamadillo
    Harry was very concerned about the destination until Sasha explained they were in a servant passage. "Oh this is one of those passages my father said were beneath me to take. Lead the way freely, you know this castle well since you were raised here just as I was" Feeling at ease Harry followed Sasha calmly as they continued on their path.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Odamadillo
    Harry simply bowed to his father before following Sasha. When they reached a passage he was not familiar with it concerned him. "I do not know this way! Where are you taking me!?"
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Odamadillo
    Harry was initially upset about the spill but realised this was his chance to get away from the annoying nobles. "I will accompany you to get my cloak cleaned. I shall return to the ball after it is finished" A simple look at Harry's face would tell Sasha that he was not budging from his decision to go with her.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena