Harry sat down and removed his boot and the scabbard that was tied to his left leg. "My leg is hurt yes. But I will rest it while you treat her. My father always said ladies first so treat her!" The lady approached Sasha and held out her hand. "I will help you since I am the only woman here who is able to treat wounds." A man approached Harry and began to look at his leg. "I am able to treat your legso please show me the injury." Harry looked to Sasha and the woman but looked away fast. It was clear that he did not want to do anything until Sasha and the girl had left the room.
Terry was doing a few swats when he heard the familiar beep from his computer. He read Eva's message. Code: Uh, where would we meet? And how will we find each other? I have no idea what you look like.
Uh, where would we meet? And how will we find each other? I have no idea what you look like.
Harry decided that he had no choice but to lead. He entered the chapel and waited for Sasha to follow. "Hello! I am Harold, we were ambushed and my friend got an arrow in the shoulder. Can someone help us?" A woman rushed to Harry's side and simple nodded. "I can help! But where is the injury?"
Harry thought he had been successful in hiding his limp from Sasha, that success caused a bit of pride in him that gave him a bit more strength. Nine minutes passed and a brown chapel entered their view. Hsrry stopped and turned to Sasha. "We have arrived so let us make our way inside. But once we are in there I am not the prince. It is best we act like we both are servants or villagers. So speak freely from this poibt forward." Harry began to walk towards the chapel and opened the door. He allowed Sasha to enter before him and entered himself.
I like this idea! I can not say for sure that I will enter but I will at least support it with my votes!
Harry suddenly stopped and looked at a mountain shaped like a fist on the left. "We are too far west. The mountain shaped like a fist is west of the place of worship. But it means we are only about ten minutes away from it. Follow me" Harry turned to the right and started to lead Sasha towards their destination.
Since this is a rebooted version of an old story I used to write I decided it may be best to post up the prologue and first chapter at once. I hope you enjoy reading this. Prologue: Hirujuki's cage In the year 2020, the world was in awe at the announcement of the Virtuia Company. They had announced that a new player system have been developed based upon a fictional idea. In the anime/manga known as Sword art Online there is gear known as nerve gear which allows a player’s mind to be inserted into a game. That idea inspired Geraldo Hirujuki to found the Virtuia company with the goal of making that gear a reality. He personally announced that in three months time he would be releasing the gear to the public including a copy of the game “100 battlefields” which is based on the story of Sword Art Online. Hirujuki revealed that only 10,000 pieces of gear would be released at first to see if the servers can maintain stability. The gamers of the world all started to save money to purchase the item everyone wanted. The ways everyone saved money varied based upon the person involved. Some sold their other games and consoles, others sold their cars and some even sold their homes. When the gear went on sale it sold out fast. But the biggest surprise was that many of the buyers didn’t get it for themselves. They had bought it for their children or for their siblings. Hirujuki was happy that the first ones to try the game world he created would be the ones who would enjoy it the most. When all 10,000 pieces were sold , Hirujuki announced that the game would go live in two weeks time at 18:06.06 Japan time. The many gamers of the world could hardly wait for their chance to live in a game for the first time ever. In a small backwater town in North Wales, a hermit gamer watched helplessly as the countdown to the game launch ticked away on his computer monitor. “What was I thinking!? I haven’t left my house in years and I step out to go get a game that everyone wanted! Of course I’d freak out and have a panic attack! I’m a freaking hermit for gods sake” said the gamer with a very upset yet annoyed tone in his voice. His anger had control of him until a knock was heard on his door. “Go away! I am not in the mood for company today” said the gamer but he was shocked when he heard a laugh on the other side of the door. His door then swung open and his older brother was stood there with both his parents and his grandmother. “Something tells me your mood is about to change bro!” said the brother when he stepped aside revealing a box containing the nerve gear and 100 battlefields game. The gamer was frozen in place by pure shock which caused his family to start laughing. The laughter was broken by his father saying, ”We all came together to buy you this stuff because it had to be important for you to leave this house. I hope you enjoy playing it but don’t forget about us!” The gamer ran to his father and gave him a hug, then his mother, brother and grandmother in that order. After the hugs, his family left him to it as he set up the gear and registered an account ready to activate the game as it launched. The gamer shouted "LOG ON" at the top of his voice as soon as the servers came online. Everything was black until a voice asked a few questions. “What gender do you wish to play? What body type? Skin colour? And many others. After answering all the questions the voice spoke once more and said “Welcome to 100 Battlefields. All players start in The town of beginning with 2500 money. Use that money to buy what ever armour and weapon you wish to use. It is also recommended you go to the town hall to register your character. Enjoy your first virtual experience” The excitement that the gamer felt was high as the town suddenly appeared around him. The buildings were so big and looked very strong. The npcs and players looked so real. He was in an open area but felt calm. This was a whole new world for him to be a part of. An hour had passed since the game went live and every player was called to the centre of town for another announcement. All the players gathered in town to hear the announcement when a familiar face appeared on a giant scree. It was Hirujuki. “Hello dear players. You know I founded my company to make all this a reality. I wanted to make Sword art online real. Every part of it but the only way for it to truly be real if to add the same odds and situation. So I did. The log out feature has been locked and the only way to unlock it is to beat the boss at level 100. The server is linked to the entire digital grid so trying to hack in or shut it down would result in all machinery shutting down including the ones in hospitals. I am more than happy to be named a monster since I guess I am one but you wanted this to be real so now it is. So enjoy you time trapped here” Hirujuki’s speech caused everyone to be speechless until one lone voice spoke up from the crowd. “This is ridiculous! We are living people! You can not treat us like this!” the voice was of a girl in a black dress with brown hair tied into a ponytail that reached the bottom of her neck. Hirujuki jut laughed and his face disappeared from the screen causing a wide panic to spread through every player. The 100 battles for freedom were now an obligation instead of choice. The girl who spoke up spoke once more. “I am Garnet, I am going to form a party. If you want to be part of it then come back here when in an hour equipped. Until then go shopping for weapons, armour and medicine” With her words spoken she left the area to stock up on gear then made her way back a hour later to see if anyone would show up. Chapter one: Rise of the phoenix The centre of town was empty and it seemed deserted since everyone is out looking for the boss room to move on with the game and get home. The first to arrive was a female who had brown hair platted into a ponytail that reached the base of her neck. Around her neck was a pendant in the shape of a purple tear. She was wearing a dark purple chest plate made out of iron. The chest plate had shoulder pads that looked like curved triangles while the neck line was a semicircle. The chest plate ended at the waist where she wore a black belt that had a small pouch attached. From the waist to the bottom of her thighs, she wore a purple skirt made of iron. On her wrists she wore iron bracers which were also purple and on her feet, she wore purple iron boots. This girl walked into the middle of the area and since it was empty, decided to practice with her new weapon while she waited. She called out a purple spear while was simply a plastic rod with an iron blade shaped like a diamond attached to the end. The girl was alone for about five minutes when someone else entered the area. It was a male with tanned skin. He had black hair that parted to the left causing the fringe to reach the top of his left eye. The back of his hair stopped at the top of his neck. On his torso he wore a navy blue tin cuirass that ended on his shoulders. From his waist he wore black leather pants with navy blue tin greaves attached from the knees. On his feet he wore black tin boots and black tin wrist guards on wrists. He walked up to the girl and waved his right hand. “Hi, are you Garnet?” asked the man. The girl put away her spear and turned to the one who just spoke to her. “Yes I am Garnet. I take it you have come to join my party” said the girl. The man took a few steps back and pulled out a black broadsword. It was made out of iron and had leather on the handle. “I am the swordsman who will cut down any foe! The name is Jination or Jin for short” said the man. Garnet felt embarrassed by Jin’s introduction and sighed in response to it. She sent Jin a party invitation which he quickly accepted. The two were about to talk but before they could a loud “Yo” was heard by them. They saw a girl running towards them. She had shoulder length blond hair that was held back by a white headband. Around her neck she wore a shark tooth. She wore a white silk dress that ended just above the knees. On her feet she wore white silk boots. On her hands she wore white silk gloves. The girl stopped just before the pair and pulled out a white silk whip. She swung it to the left then the right and finally struck the ground. While She was swinging her whip she said, “I am the one who will whip this party into shape. I am the sharply dressed Lady Nightmare! But you can call me Mare if you want.” Garnet thought “what is with these people!?” But Jin simply clapped in response to Mare’s introduction. Garnet sent Mare a party invitation which was accepted taking the party up to three. The three of them waited a few more minutes but as they were about to start talking a small ball landed next to the three which released a puff of smoke. The trio were startled by the smoke and drew their weapons. Once the smoke began to clear a voice was heard from within, “From the dark burst of smoke arises the future king of creation. The mighty Buzzbomber! But you can call me Buzz” As the smoke faded it revealed a man with short green hair. He wore a green cloth cloak on his shoulders and down his back. Under the cloak he wore a dark green cloth shirt and dark green cloth pants. Around his waist he wore a black belt with five pouches across it. On his feet he wore a pair of green cloth shoes and on his hand dark green gloves. Mare and Jin clapped at Buzz’s introduction but Garnet became annoyed. “What on earth is with you people!? We are facing life and death and you do those stupid introduction dance things!? This is not a joke!?” shouted Garnet which caused Mare’s face to get serious. “We KNOW this is life and death! We KNOW how serious this is but when would we ever have the chance to do this again? We are trapped here, away from our homes, our families and our friends. We have no idea what we are facing down the road so we find ways to lift our own spirits. Creatively introducing ourselves like that is one way we can do that. So do not try to stop us from having our fun. It is the only thing keeping us sane right now” explained Mare which caused Garnet to realise that she did enjoy the introductions a little. Garnet walked up to Mare and offered her a handshake which was gladly accepted. Garnet sent Buzz an invitation which was accepted right away. That gives the party four members. They waited another ten minutes but no one else showed up so Garnet decides to speak up. “Looks like it is just the four of us. As you know I am Garnet, the leader of this party. Then we have Jin our swordsman, Our whip master Mare and Buzz our... uh. Buzz what exactly do you use?” Buzz laughed and then spoke up. “I don’t actually use a weapon. I am an alchemist so I use alchemy to create potions and can transform ores into ingots. I stocked up on smoke bombs and have a few health potions so I will fill the healing role.” Garnet was pleased to hear they had a healer in their party “So we have a healer who can also give us cover if we need to escape. I am glad you three decided to join me. I saw a path towards a mountain during my shopping and I think we should climb it. Bosses always tend to be on mountain peaks in my game experience so shall we make that our first location to search?” asked Garnet which the other three agreed with a nod. The party started to head towards the exit they needed when Jin spoke up. “Hey Garnet, what is our party name? You created it so that must mean you named it right? Garnet laughed when she realised she never told them. “It is time to move out, From the ashes of fear we return. Let the fires of our power scorch the earth beneath our feet. It is the rise of THE PHOENIX” yelled Garnet as she ran out of the town with her team following behind with smiles on their faces.
Harry thought for a moment and realised the idea for a warning word was something his father used when he was growing up. Having lost faith in his father entirely, Harry decided to forget his suggestion. "If you are sure then it is not necessary. I have faith in you since it was you who saved me from a gruesome fate. If I recall what my father said correctly then we should be coming up to the place of worship very soon." Harry's leg was starting hurt even more and he was getting very tired.
Rad? Not sure if Radcliffe is a good e.
What else can you expect from a stinker like me?
When Harry heard Sasha's answer he was not surprised. The fear Sasha had was burned into her and it would take time for the burns to heal. "Sasha perhaps we need some kind of warning word. If you start to lose control of your emotions then say the word and I will take cover." Harry hoped his suggestion helped Sasha feel safer from herself.
Harry realised Sasha had placed a lot of trust in his father. He was troubled by the doubts he now had but knew it was best that he kept them to himself. "Sasha, would you want to learn to control your powers?" Harry wanted to get the subject away from his father and the castle because he was starting to lose his control over his own emotions.
A gamble There are dangers Around every turn And many hard lessons For us to learn Many step up And face it head on But now sadly Most of them are gone The pressure is high The fear take hold The hidden story We are never told Keeping a strong face Hiding the pain within They took a gamble They sadly couldn't win Another steps up With the goal to achieve They can handle this Or so they believe Leading the way On a project most great They cursed themselves With a tragic fate The leadership was unbearable The work crushed their heart The judging eyes Tore them apart Their bodies weakened They lost their smile They took a gamble And won self-exile Now another has risen up Will the cycle repeat Will this be a victory Or a tragic defeat Can a new legacy Be left behind? The answer to that question Only time can find One thing is certain Once the fat lady has sang The current one standing Will go out with a BANG! But in this choice They are making Is it a gamble Worth taking?
Hi Bored little hedgehog. I'm an evil little skunk!
Colour me intrigued.
As do I!
Harry was in a trance until Sasha called out to him. "No you did not upset me. My father always said that all people in the kingdom are the same, equal yet he had you marked like that. I just can not understand him anymore." Harry had clearly started to doubt his father and how he was raised.
Harry felt troubled by Sasha's words and it was clear something was effecting him by the look on his face. His mind was lost in thought and his speed slowed down as he began to lose focus on what they were doing.
Harry took a moment to think about what Sasha had said and the moment the storm appeared. "The storm was created when your emotions went out of control. I can understand why you were not allowed to pratice using your magic. Sasha do you fear your own power?" Harry didn't quite know how he felt about Sasha's powers but hoped Sasha's answer could help him figure it out.