What!? I won!? I did not expect that! I will run the next round so stay tune for details in the near future.
"Better keep an eye on tomorrow's obituary" Terry winked jokingly. "Lets hang out again soon Eevee! See ya." Terry walked home after leaving Eva.
"My dad actually." Terry shrugged at Eva's comment about cracked phones. When Eva mentioned meeting her mum, Terry gulped. "No it is not a good idea yet! It may be best for you to head home now alone and tell her I couldn't make it because I had other commitments to attend to or something."
"Thank god it was only the case! If my screen had cracked I'd be dead meat!" Terry was clearly relieved and was very calm as he put his phone back into his pocket.
"I don't want to talk about that!" Terry turned his phone over and thankfully the screen was undamaged but the case was cracked.
In that case then count me in too.
Terry went red faced when Eva said "I don't think you've ever really brought girls back to your place....huh?" He recklessly stood up and caused a bang as his phone hit the floor. "Crud!" Terry checked his phone to see if it was damaged.
I may be able to take part but I will need to know ehen the deadline for submitting an entry will be.
Terry nervously went along with Eva and posed for the picture and when she spoke, he chuckled. "The real challenge begins once we set up a fake date"
"Ugh, it is not that I don't want that it is just I know Will would tease me about it." Terry walked with Eva and entered the book store. He waited for Eva to choose where the photo should take place.
Wow that was a long time ago! Back when the millennium items actually mattered.
Curses the alert failed me And Nas has returned I see Let the word spread far and wide Poets come here from where you hide We welcome you with a happy smile Join the group with the most style!
Harry heard what felt like a plesant song and it caused a tear to flow from his eye. "Sasha that was wonderful. How are you feeling now? And be honest!"
Terry laughed as Eva squeezed her hand. "I think the best thing to do is for you trick her. Have you got any friends who will let you stay overnight in secret? If you do I'll pretend to be your boyfriend and set up a fake date. We will go see a film in the cinema or something and that night you stay at your friends and your mum will think you stayed at mine. That will give her a scare I hope"
When Sasha said it was her lullaby, Harry felt saddened that he never had one. He just listened as Sasha spoke. "Sasha, I will whistle it once more. If you recall that other language then please sing in it so I can hear it." Harry began to whistle the tune wsiting for Sasha to sing.
Terry played along and pretended the punch really hurt. "OUCH! are you trying to break my arm? Haha well the question is do you want to get her to stop pestering you?"
Count me in too.
"O... k... I will try and we could stage the break up in about 2 months. I am going on holiday for three weeks so it could work out for the act." Terry then remembered sonething he saw on tv. "Ugh do you want to trick your mum the same way Sheldon and Amy tricked hers in the big bang theory?" Terry was hoping the answer was no but only Eva could answer that.
As soon as Eva mentioned the words "a date" Terry jumped backwards in shock. Luckily there was no one behind him. "Uh... well. I ...... have ... never ... had ... a ...date." Terry was unsure what to say. "Do you want me to act like your boyfriend to shut your mother up?"
Terry said nothing for a minute. "What is it?" Terry was preparing himself for the possible craziness Eva coukd be about to say.