*prepares lethal injection for evil df* YOU SEE NOTHING.
i'm sorry to see you go ICSP.i don't want you to leave,but i don't want you to get to stressed out on work and other things.we'll miss you ICSP.
i guess i'm playing this round. oh when i saw this vid,it screamed this game
*hey everybody
*backflips into thread* *does a jig* *cartwheels out*
what just happened where?
*streaks through the thread*
yes you are.
*walks through front door with this music playing* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD8ljNobUys also,this shoud be the theme song for the castle i think.
hello?anybody not on today.
another jar of dirt.
*throws boot at goimez's head*
yeah for real,i'll probably end up with one of goimez's kids,and i don't want that.
you've been busy spreading the you know what.
there's a version 2 now,cause all the DBE.the staff closed everything with over 5000 post.
cause i'm being ignored over the cookie castle right now,but i'm not complaining about it,cause i really don't care if they talk to me or not.
this is the same problem with everybody.
i've read everybody's post in here,just because i don't reply to it,doesn't mean i didn't read it.i'm not going to reply to everybody's post.
did you really think we were fighting for real.if you did,that's funny.