*turns castle into a bar* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf5ojdakpq8&feature=related
it looks like nothing but boredom.
this depresses me.
iris-goo goo dolls.
great,i feel so much better with that post.
*thorws balls everywhere*
i'm bored.i need to do my homework.someone post.
stop blocking my balls.
*uses cheat* *throws masterball at misty* *misty was caught* hey guys,i just caught me a misty.i think she's level four.
yeah,cause they be running in their high heels and i'd escape in my pimp mobile.
i caught a weedle with a net.
no,just the hookers.
what joke,everybody knows about the prem section.you guys are just sore losers,cause you all know the normal members would own all of you.
me. cause what's the point when all the people who kept most of this thread together are done.what else is their to do.
the premmys and admins have no chance of ever completing this feat.
actually,if hopes and dreams were hookers,i'd be the richest pimp in the world.
no you won't.you'll be at the mall with tanner.
if hopes and dreams were hookers,i'd be the biggest pimp in world.
i second this statement.
*paradox* *head exsplodes*