for shame,for shame.
wtf is that in the last pic?
banned for being confused in a non-confusing place,where everything is confusing if it be the will of kratos of spartaaaaaaa
I Challange Da To The Best Drunk!
*does a jig* 13
who said it was beer? banned for thinking i would give beer to a minor.
*continues to pass out drinks*
if you don't want one,then don't take it.
banned for not having a beer with me.
*passes out drinks for everybody* ANOTHER BITES THE DUST.
*passes out drinks for everybody*
i'm only one on,sweet.i need to ask you guys something when ya'll get on.
*points to jojoj* boot to the head.
huh?who are you talking about?
*is cleaning glasses*
this movie was so freaking stupid,i was laughing so hard.this was a funny as hell movie.if you haven't seen it,go see it now,before you become broke or something,i don't know.
cheers theme song-cheers tv show
*pours coke into glass* *slides glass on the bar down to fayt*
i'm going to say has the lastest graphics and stuff(since were not suppose to say cod4).i can't wait for's going to be different with the jap's instead of the germans.and also,my fav medal of honor would be airborn.
are they serious about putting it on the ds.OMG,that is funny.i can't wait to see what it looks like.