Hey, I just started school again, and my parents send me to bed eariler. So YEa. Weekends = LATE NIGHTS, EARLY MORNINGZ = TALK TO YOU GUIZE.
-Appears- I r alivez -Disappears-
Areazfggbsreg Im Alive. And Whats that? o.O -Ish Stoopidz-
Omg, DF!!!!!!!!! :3
Im always hyper and I really make no sense at all. Im mostly Izzy >.> BUT I LIEK DUNCAN CAUSE DUNCAN IS AWESOME AND STUFF. Courtney = Me. Plus I act Like Courtney every now and then xD
Lol. Tis True. Gwen Cosplay ftw? :3 Caussee I think you haz aGwen Cosplay >.<
HAROLD MADE ME LEAVE TDI EARLY I hit him with a lamp pole ;.;
Gwen = Gwen =P Remmis = Courtney Packy = TRENT
Nope.. o3o I havnt hurt myself in the past week.. Soo.. Probably sleepwalking o3o
Rawrr.. We was bored x3 [Edit] OH OH OH AND GWEN MADE THOSE NOT ME XD
Lol! And I do actually Sleepwalk sometimes o.O
My Leg ish bruised for some reason o3O I dun remember hurting mah leg......
Clouddart100 8DD Hes awesome xD
Goooood! Holidays are being boring Dx Lookatthis: Gwen + Packy + Remmis + MSN + Mics + TDI = 8DDD Me and Madi and Packy x3
I IS BORED. And dad ate some chicken yesterday, so there was only enough left for one sandwhich. Nao Im hungry xD HOW IS YOU?
o.o I came to your profile and I end up staring at Evil DF for like.. 5 minutes.. :sideways: Curses. Im distraced Easily, I even Forgot what I...
Lurk Lurkidy Lurk Lurk Lurk. This Thread Lacks DF D:
.........o.o...... -Slowly Backs away- But yea, That must've been amusing XD
Spell your name with your eyes shut: RRMS Spell It With Your Elbow:RRMS Spell it with your forehead:GFTR Now with your chin:RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMXZXXX ((Lol!)) Spell it with your nose:RRJMS
Roxas~Rox~my~sox RRMS <.>