-Flee's- Wheee! -stops to nom an apple- -Keeps Fleeing- -Whacks into a wall- Owww..
Damnit.. -Takes off a glove and claws way out of bag- -Flees- |D
Bam, and the Remmy ish gone! -Poofz away-
Why Hullo Thar =D
o3o Hai Thar!
Rooftops - Lostprophets
Badaboom I fear nothing! -Defys Gravity and Walks off upside Down-
[/ Or is it..? o3o
RRMS was here
I gives up ;-; -Throws a Poster at Goimez- AAlso thats strange o3o.. Dizzyness is not fun though D:
Im Good!!! ^___^ I iz Hyper Right Nao On a chatbox with some friends and we is being ******s Is fun :33
<o< >o> True That X3 Hai Amberrr~
.... Drats! -Makes Poster and anything within 6 metres of it Goimez Repellent- >:33
Nuuu D: Buh Bai XP
APPLEHZ <3 I good ^_____^ n u?
OF COURSE ^________________^ Jeez I do have a good memory ;-; xD
NUU MAH POSTER D: -Puts another one up- <o< >o> -Sprays it with Anti-Goimez Spray- Mweheheh! >:3
-Tapes Poster to the wall that says 'Remmis was here'-
RAWR. That is all.