Yes, you would.
If your just using the emulator to test codes like half the people here, speed shouldn't be a issue.
It would be a DMA code and it wouldnt be as simple as a single pointer swap. Its not worth the trouble.
That's true, but I believe the game has separate models for the dark keyblade anyway.
Anyone play multiplayer on Uncharted 2? If anyone wants to play with me I will PM ya with my PSN ID. Im level 51 btw.
Just for the record (not trying to sound rude to you or anyone in particular), since I always see different people give different answers to this, I would like to give a true (nerdier) answer. To make a code work properly on PS2 you have to make sure the code obeys the "pipelining" of the system. Emulators do not use pipelining unlike the console. Reason being, they can do tricks inside the emulator to give speed improvements if they decide not to use it. Which doesn't affect the compatibility of games. So in the pcsx2 devs eyes, its a win-win situation. But for people that are developing for the PS2 or making changes to the software (which is what people here do) it can be a little mis-leading for that stuff, since as I said before, it doesn't do everything exactly like the actual PS2 would. The emulator doesn't get to use all your computers resources just cause it runs on your PC. It can only use 32mb of RAM for the PS2 (not counting the RAM required for the actual emulator to store its data) nor can it use more processing power (unless you undo 60/50fps limit, either way, it doesn't affect the compatibility of a code).
I hope I'm not sounding rude, but you can't expect help from people for a project like this. As I said before, the texture is in a custom format called IMGD and you will need to write the converter for that format yourself. As that format has only ever been used in Square Enix PS2 games, and knowing how encrypted Square kept their mainstream PS2 games, I seriously doubt anyone has written a converter for their image format to a casual format. To be honest, if you have no programming knowledge you're better off making the textures for your models yourself. It would be a lot less trouble.
Yes, you can control 3 sora's at once. Well, you won't get to control there attacks well. But there is a code to play as more than one playable character at once, and another code to prevent it from crashing once you try to change maps. Both are most likely on the front page of this thread.
It won't immediately crash it. On real hardware it would crash after it was shot and you try to change maps. Dunno if emulator gives off different result.
That code I gave 00roxas00 is not DMA. But they can crash the game depending on who is using certain people effects. Terra's effects on sora, for example, can crash the game when his cannon is shot.
I never noticed that when I tested it, what rooms were you in that caused problems?
Yes, it is possible. But I am not interested in doing so. No, you must burn the game to a blank DVD. Your PS2 must also be capable of loading back-ups (burnt games). Their are many ways to do that, use google in case you need a way.
It's not as simple as swapping the files. I won't bore you with the details why, but its more work then its worth to take that route. I will translate those Final Mix exclusive scenes, eventually. I won't be adding english voices to those scenes.
The currently released Final Mixs have been announced that they will not be released outside japan. Your only hope for a english version is a unofficial translation patch.
You must tell google and other search engines to index it. Keep sending them requests every 2 days. Some search engines will throw out alot of applications for free sites (I know google is picky).
No, it wouldn't work. It was a miracle the PJ roxas worked for gameplay.
I see, java is a good portable language. So all your apps will work on non-windows OS's ^^; And yeah, knowing how to programs helps knowing how...
Their is no straight answer for that. It's completely dependent on you. But to learn enough to be able to do what I said in my previous post, its not something you can simply learn over-night or in a day.
For the Kingdom Heart PS2 games, yes. It is complex because the game doesn't use 'standard' formats for its files. The model/map are in a custom format that 3D editing apps do not support. The texture is also in a custom format that image editing apps do not support. You have to convert them into common formats then edit them. But that is also no easy task.
Disk space isn't a issue for shutting down the PC. To be honest, their are so many things that can cause stuff like this the only easy way to fix it is to backup your important files and reinstall windows. Though, my laptop has the sleep mode issue also time-to-time. I found that closing it while its performing a task normally causes it.