lol sure, anytime.
I wouldn't consider that a real CFW. True, it is a modded one, but it contains no useful features at all. It can't even bypass the signature check to run homebrew yet. It simply has a option for looks basically at this point.
Thats pretty much the position they are in. We have full access to the console. Now CFW will come since we can sign our own firmware. So whatever they have planned, no lie, I doubt its gonna work. Since we can run our own software similar to prx's on the PSP, whatever protection scheme they have planned will just get busted via hackers own software (for example: if they run CRC checks on the signature of games to check if the game is a un-modified form, we could simply write a app to force a certain CRC check back to them). They did this (and still are) with the PSP. For the lack of nerd talk, my point is, now that we have access to our console (and firmware) whatever they do, we can counter it. Seems they have a plan. I'm interested to see how they do this since those keys cannot be changed. Maybe they are gonna just update the apploader (which is used for decrypting games) for newer games similar to what they do with the PSP? They should know that route just stalls the inevitable though... Or they could write new keys via software instead of hardware and make a gigantic patch to 1) detect the game (with the old keys) 2) write a new signature in RAM using new keys that could be done via software. 3) see if it can be decrypted properly with the new key. But, that being done to every piece of software up till this point in quite time consuming, but I would think Sony will do what they can to keep piracy at bay. Oh well, only time will tell what their method is. On a side note, it seems geo has removed the signature check. (most likely through a CFW)
The part in bold is the part that is wrong. That line cannot be ported because it seems it was coded differently in the US version. The way that line works would have to be remade.
lol no It didn't take them 5 years, it took them less than 12 months. Team fail0verflow started hacking the PS3 when Sony removed Linux support. Not the real hackers? If you look around the net they have released more then enough proof to show that their work is legit. Actually, reverse engineering(hacking) copyrighted code is indeed illegal. Though I have no clue if their hypervisor and other .self files are copyrighted (I would assume so?). But what's done is done. Sony could probably send them to court, but it would do no good. The PS3's keys are on the internet already. Also before it is said, they cannot patch this. The keys are hard coded.
Yes, it is updated with the value to attack the default person every frame. So unless the joker is on, the actor will return to targeting his default target. I have actually fixed all three of those this past week. Though I don't consider what I did a true fix since it requires a custom PCSX2 i've been working on to hack the codes for you. But since my concept worked, I will eventually recode it in ASM for the PS2 (actual console). It will allow slot 2 and 3 to always target who slot 1 is targeting. (including boss')
Actually I made the code awhile back, but it is quite long.
KH2FM is progressing, slowly. It's a lot more work due to the fact it uses custom encoding which makes it difficult to translate. Re:COM is very...
This isn't a PS2 game, but no. You can make codes from the console. It's more trouble to take that route though. No, computer vs computer.
Oh, I swore this was about PS3 (which HEN for it doesn't allow custom firmware to write to flash). Got it and PSP mixed up for a sec. Do you have experience in advanced programming/hacking? If not, I wouldn't recommend working with you PSP in anyway that intends to someway edit your flash. Especially with these non-pandora models. I don't know how HEN for PSP works though, if it just edit security routines in RAM, then your good.
HEN doesn't give write access to flash. A CFW for those models won't come from it.
CWCheat has been blocked from the beggining. Official firmware cannot run unsigned code (homebrew) without a hack of some form. Yes, Sony patched how datel was running their devices on the PSP.
Such as creating your own labels and writing comments. The .PIS file stores all of that, along with the binary file (in your case, PS2 memory dump).
It's because you didn't use your PS2 to install it. Free MC boot will only work on the PS2 that was used to exploit the memory card. As for flash drives, PS2 does not support any that cannot power themselves. The PS2 doesn't have the extra power to power the USB device.
PS2dis stores regular binary dumps as ".PIS" once extra info has been added by the user by PS2dis functions. Go to File -> Save as...
I'd be surprised if anyone used it. Sony blocked out Action Replay last year with firmware update 6.30. Only way currently to use cheats on a PSP is through: 1) Custom firmware PSP with a cheat plugin of some form. 2) Save hacking, which a lot of developers lately like to encrypt.
What? I haven't posted in any thread in forever.
Im lazy to read this whole thread, so I'll start from the top. The game must not be a ISO, PS3 has no ISO loaders. When backup'd you will see a directory that is identical to the disc (has all the disc's files etc). To put the rip onto or off the PS3, use either a FTP or have a big flash drive. Flash drives are recommended since it's much, much, much faster. FTP is quite slow and even slower when thinking of the size of some PS3 games. To use a flash drive to move it over, download "Comgenie's Awesome Filemanager". Put the rip onto your flash drive, plug it into your PS3 after you jailbreak it, and launch Comgenie's Awesome Filemanager. Go through the dev HDD0 and find the game ID "LAUN1234". Once you find it, if it doesn't exist already, create a folder called "GAMEZ". Copy your rips into this folder. To use a FTP, download "blackbox ftp 1.1". You must use a FTP client to connect to your PS3 from here. Copy the rip into the GAMEZ folder like I mentioned before. Also note, the new back-up manager that can run without a disc in the drive is bugged apparently. You may want to avoid that version for the time being.
Not that big... KH2 boss' don't require as much work to make them playable. Luckily, when you swap a animation and other stuff, things just seem to work. Not much code would have to be written to make it un-DMA because of that. KH1 'play as' codes are a beast to make, even DMA. Things such as your x,y,z position are not changed by the animation. o.o (Like the running frames wont make your character actually move, for example.) All that has to be fixed along with actually making them playable. So the un-DMA forms were just constant finger-cramping-on-input long. I always wanted to try to do something like what I did to dark riku in KH1 on boss riku or boss roxas in KH2/FM... I might give that a wack sometime.