Yes, but I do not play PC games :/
How are you cheating on PCSX2? Cause that code works fine for me with no problem. Also, are you enabling any other codes when you turn on the limit form code?
Writing code for PCSX2. Quite bored.
Hi. I know, it's been awhile. How are you?
Of course the default FTP server sucks. It's like that with any host-given FTP. Use something like Filezilla to upload to your server. If you don't know the back-ends to running a site, a different domain won't make it any less confusing for you. I have been with 000webhost for over 2 years and I have never been charged any hidden fees.
000webhost Does not exist. If that did exist, why would people pay for their own server? If you're getting a free server, you're gonna have space and bandwidth limitations.
11CE0B68 0000095D You can search for these types of codes. They are very easy to find.
.... Overrated: -Kingdom Hearts (main) series -Final Fantasy VII series -Final Fantasy X (though still great story) -Persona 3 & 4 -Mega-Man -Metal Gear Solid series -Grand Theft Auto series Underrated: -Final Fantasy IX -Persona 2: Innocent Sin & Eternal Punishment -Mortal Kombat 3/Trilogy (still the best 2D fighter released imo) -Castlevania (not the 3D ones) -Skies of Arcadia
You can't joker codes on PCSX2. It only accepts codes that begin with a "0", "1", or a "2". The way PCSX2 works with ASM is by recompiling the entire ELF to x86 on boot-up. I don't know your method of cheating, but chances are you are not able to activate the ASM hacks before recompilation so ASM codes will not work on PCSX2 (both of your codes are ASM hacks).
The battery inside the controller is going out. The only solution would be to replace the controller.
You also have to look at it from their point of view though... If allowing access to RSX in Linux, piracy would have came -much- sooner without even using hacks or exploits. We could eventually dupe the PS3 into loading games from there. Not only that, but it would open up room for much more exploits to be discovered. Which would unlock the system to the point it is now. So it's understandable why they didn't allow that. Honestly, they shouldn't have added OtherOS to begin with. Although homebrew is possible on it, it was a terrible idea to allow a operating system on the PS3 without hardware acceleration. Rendering too much on the SPU's via software isn't gonna cut it. Developing from that route is like giving us something with less power than a N64, when we already know it's capable of sooo much more. It's like epic fail. Their really isn't a way to solve this debate. Each purpose could be used to help and/or hurt the other. Everyone wants full access to a computer they bought, but Sony as a buisness cannot allow that (for reasons I explained above). Homebrew is fun to make and use, but it also opens a door to piracy. It can also be used for things such as cheating online, but can also be used to allow great things such as FTP, Homebrew games, Emulators, etc. Just to note this: Once homebrew is allowed, it is -impossible- to implement a way to prevent piracy. Unless you count OtherOS, in which case, many devs will laugh at you. Installing another operating system on the PS3 isn't any form of hacking. When another operating system is installed on the PS3, it is still bound to Sony's rules through a application called a "Hypervisor" or "VMM". This basically watches over -every- peice of code executed under that operating system. Sony has the RSX (video card) and 1 on the processors locked out from other operating systems. Therefore; they sucked. So people tried to undo the suck-age of them by allowing RSX support, but for my reasons as the top of this post, Sony decided to remove the feature in fear it would unlock the system to the point it is now.
I think you all are forgetting that every dev in the world can agree OtherOS sucked beyond belief. Without access to the RSX (video card), you are extremely limited to your creativity. Even with OtherOS, they were trying to hack it to allow access to the RSX (not fail0verflow, but other teams). Homebrew is inevitable. No gaming console yet has been able to stop homebrew. Though Sony is now taking the right approach to stopping it with their recent "Hack our products and you'll be in court". Geohot did, by making Backup Managers unable to load on his custom firmware. Sony sued him shortly because they were still pissed. Unfortunatly, this will not be the case. Once the doors are blown off the hinges, it's not possible to find a true fix. Even if devs start implementing their own piracy protection in their games, it won't stop people from cheating. True, it won't be as common as it was before, since any 13 year old kid could cheat if he wanted to. But if you are advanced enough in reverse engineering, no security routine will stop a true hacker from wanting to cheat since reversing the code is now possible. But if devs want to keep the game clean, they need to do what Guerilla is planning to do: make patches common. To keep implementing new protection schemes.
No, it does not.
There is no "remotejoy-like" solution. Your only option currently is a capture card.
Firmware 3.56 added a rootkit to the PS3. This is a program sony controls that allows them to implement new security checks without the need to send the new security checks in a new firmware update. When you sign online, your PS3 will now be running remote sony code. This will simply stall the illegal online gaming/cheating. Also, with this, Sony can now peek at everything on your PS3. From video files, music, system files, etc. Some people are pissed at the privacy invasion lol. Oh well, I'll just wait for them to decrypt 3.56 and remove it.
Never noticed this thread. I did the same thing about a year and a half ago:
To be honest, they can easily fix online games. Not Sony, but the devs. True, everything they try to do to fix it though will just get busted if some loser is wanting to cheat -so- badly at a game online (any patch they give us to update their code can still be changed via ASM hacks). But still, devs shouldn't give up. Atleast attempt to prevent cheating, if it gets busted, move on. Me being a mediocre programmer, I can already see how a fix can easily be implemented into online gun games (just as a example). Or Sony could charge for PSN, which would eliminate 90% of the cheating pirates. Either way, their is no solution that isn't fool-proof. Measures can still be taken though, unless devs are incredibly lazy or don't care at all for their past games. Or Sony could step their game up and ban people with a hacked console. I honestly don't care for online gaming. I'm sure they are waiting for the court to decide if jailbreaking gaming consoles is illegal before dropping the ban hammer though. To be honest, i'm almost sure geohot will lose this court case. The iphone has hardly no reason to be locked down to one service provider. They still have to pay for phone service regardless who their service provider is. So of course the courts saw no problem there. Gaming consoles? No. You get it all for free.
Because CSO's are compressed. There will not be any repeated bytes besides header data.
Server problems.
I have a new email. I still am on MSN at least once a day. I will PM you it.