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  1. Majik
    EvilMan is right, the BIOS does not affect codes in any way.
    Marcell, post the code your using and explain your method of using cheats.
    Post by: Majik, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Majik
  3. Majik
    Profile Post

    Hi, how are you?

    Hi, how are you?
    Profile Post by Majik for Janime6, Aug 14, 2011
  4. Majik
  5. Majik
  6. Majik
  7. Majik
  8. Majik
  9. Majik
    The inf HP code doesn't work because as you describe it's a ASM hack (If you want the problem in detail it doesn't work because by the time you input it into Emuhaste the games elf file has already been recompiled into x86 by PCSX2). You can use PCSX2 .pnach files to get around it. Though it'd be easier to look for the non-asm version of inf HP. I know their is one.
    Post by: Majik, Aug 9, 2011 in forum: Technology
  10. Majik
    I can create the same thing I gave you in my previous post for 0.9.8 soon.
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Majik
  12. Majik
    Here: 0.9.7 + Emuhaste 2.55.7z

    Read the "Read Me.txt" to learn how to use cheats on PCSX2.
    Post by: Majik, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Majik
    I created a app to rip KH1 and KH1FM about a year and a half ago. Although, I'm am not on the PC currently that has that app on it. I also didn't make it with the idea of modding, so no reinsertion.
    Yes, it is possible through codes and modding (obviously, as you can do anything through modding).

    KH2 keeps the values static. KH1 doesn't. I may look back into KH1. Back in the day, I made a un-dma character modifier. Well, not really a modifier since you couldn't choose who you could play as since each character required a completely separate code. Though I did get play-as codes to work un-DMA.
    Post by: Majik, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Majik
    Have all cards is a compressed code. Emuhaste & PCSX2 do not support compressed codes. Uncompress it and it will work.
    Post by: Majik, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Majik

    Has anyone other than me gotten a chance to play this? Me being a fan of the first inFamous, I have been waiting for this for quite a long while(which is actually rare for me. As I don't play, let alone anticipate video games as much as I did when I was younger). I must say, Class-A game right here. Definitely the most highly improved sequel I have seen so far this year. Everything from the story, gameplay, animations, to graphics is equivalent to Uncharted 2's standard. This game is like watching a superhero movie at a theater.

    The story picks up where the first left off. Cole has come to grips with his powers and must grow stronger to be able to defeat "The Beast" that his future self, Kessler, has warned him about in the previous game. He travels to New Maris where he meets a man named Wolfe, one of the developers of the Ray Sphere. Wolfe informs Cole that blast cores are the key to increasing his powers which he must collect before it's too late. As Cole continues to grow stronger, the Beast destroys city after city as it makes its way to New Maris to fight Cole again.

    Gameplay wise, it is far greater than inFamous 1. The way how powers are handled is alot better. Their are alot more powers to choose from/upgrade as you become stronger. You can also change which power is assigned to which button (to a extent) on the fly. New super moves called "Ionic" moves make you feel like you can blow the hell outta anyone one in your way, which is how you should feel with a superhero game. You also get to choose between a new superpower, fire or ice, depending on your karma choice. Melee combat has been completely redone. Instead of fist-to-fist combat, you wield the "Amp", a woop-ass stick capable to stylish moves.

    Graphically, (as I said before) it's on par with Uncharted 2. Which most of you should already know how good that game looked. It's nice for Cole and the gang to have realistic looks and animations instead of looking like rag dolls from the first game because of handmade animation Sucker Punch used.

    Even the credits in this game look cool... Or it could just be the music used in it was very fitting for the end of the game. Either way, I definitely recommend you all to try this game out.

    And for the record: Throwing cars at people is fun.

    Big Spoiler:
    John is the Beast.
    Thread by: Majik, Jun 4, 2011, 34 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Majik
    To be honest, codes can fix it. It's just not feasible though. People here don't know anything about assembly hacking, which this would require if you want to remove the "focus" effect the camera has in all cutscenes. A alternate would be for someone to fix it through DMA, which is highly unfeasible, as the code would need to be remade for each individual cutscene.
    Post by: Majik, May 27, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Majik
    What your asking is beyond codes. What you need is a modified KH2FM with higher resolution textures, also a modified emulator to support said textures. PS2 only supports 480p, upscaling it to HD with PCSX2 is just it stretching (already low resolution) textures, which results in the blur or what I assume you mean by "ghost" effect.
    Post by: Majik, May 27, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Majik
    He says it doesn't support it is in a way correct, but wrong when looked at deeply. Basic users will only know how to use the pre-listed programs emuhaste supports. But if you know how, you can make the program support anything that runs under the window OS.

    I uploaded the PCSX2 0.9.7 with cheat support:
    Post by: Majik, Mar 15, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Majik
    It won't work. PCSX2 0.9.7 uses a dynamic Base Address. It changes every so often. I can upload a custom 0.9.7 to let you cheat through emuhaste though soon. (not on the pc that has it).
    Post by: Majik, Mar 13, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Majik