I'm sure they would use another cell processor. The idea of sticking to the cell would give Sony half of what it takes to enable backwards compatibility to PS3 games. Which, as everyone knows, is huge for the console. Plus with the hardware of the PS4 (that I atleast expect it to have) using emulation to enable PS2/PS1 backwards compatibility would be quite easy. As any programming/hardware savy person knows, even next generation would not be able to emulate the PS3. Using updated forms of its hardware is the only way to enable backwards compatibility for it.
You can boss warp from any point in the game. Regardless if you have reached that boss in the story.
And here's hoping Capcom will pull off a true HD overhaul. Instead of simple upscaling like Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica.
Trying to defeat piracy permanently is like shooting flies with a pistol. It will never work. Companies shouldn't look into a permanent way to defeat piracy, but how to prolong it before it happens. Given the right amount of time and knowledge, any human can defeat any form of protection placed on a product (DRM, encryption, etc). Proof of that is the past 30 years. The idea should be "How can we make this product not be pirated when it comes out, at least till we see reasonable profit". Sony is the only company that seems to be using this tactic that I'm aware of. They change how the encryption of their newer games works by changing the keys and sending firmware updates to its machines to keep up with how the new security works. 3.50 and below use the same as that's when piracy hit them, but with 3.60 and 3.70 they each have their own set of keys to encrypt and decrypt their content. With their current tactic, when one game can be pirated does not mean all can. Newer games will take longer to pirate then others (since march this year not 1 game that uses the new encryption has been pirated.) Again, prolonging piracy is the only reasonable way to go with this.
I honestly disagree, entirely. This BETA is nice, it had some nice ratios weapon till afew days ago. Then Naughty Dog patched the game super fixing any glitch and changing M9 damage ratio and afew other weapons. If you shoot inside a wall now, you die immediately.
libregkd, do you play Uncharted 3? If so would you like to play sometime? I always look for good teammates.
I have the U3 BETA that is only accessible to United States citizens. (You can play the BETA in any region, but the code to actually get the BETA is only accessible here.) Would anyone like to game share for it? The BETA has been announced to carry over to the full game. So your stats, cash, costumes, kickbacks, all unlock material, etc will be carried over to the real game. So basically you get a 2 and a half week head start on playing the multiplayer and ranking up. If you would like to game share for it say what your willing to trade for it and I will PM you the details. Sorry if admins here do not like game sharing.
Post all the codes you are using when this happens. Also, these codes will crash while playing occasionally. They are more meant for you to just beat up enemies/bosses via UCM rather than play through the game.
It's in C:\Windows\System32. Update windows, some updates will delete the old explorer.exe and replace it with a newer version of it. Though to be honest, how to track down probable cause of this is not easy with the little info you have given us. Not to mention I doubt you are computer savy. Although I can guaranteed it is indeed explorer.exe that is causing the freeze, I cannot guaranteed that a virus/another exe file is not responsible for it freezing. Also, try a system restore to return your computer's working condition back to a earlier date (hopefully before this happened).
The code will remain activate until you delete it from emuhaste and click "apply cheat(s)/Patch RAM" again.
No reason to keep such info a secret.
Emuhaste will work for 0.9.8 if you set the base address to "20000000".
You cannot joker codes on PCSX2. Emuhaste and pnach file do not support it. They are not needed though. On emulator you can activate and deactivate codes in the same fashion as how jokering codes on the console works.
//Infinite HP patch=1,EE,200C0100,word,8C830238 patch=1,EE,200C0104,word,8C810184 patch=1,EE,200C0108,word,0023100B patch=1,EE,200C010C,word,08068678 patch=1,EE,200C0110,word,AC820180 patch=1,EE,201A1A10,word,08030040 Add that to F266B00B.pnach
I was asked by a friend not too long ago for a no sub code. I will look into it soon and get back to you. As for the second request, you can take float values and put 0x00000000 in their place till you see the desired results. Keep in mind though their are thousands, but i'm sure you just need to check the 0x00300000 - 0x00500000 region of RAM for it.
Magic Level Mod 201a66c0 240b000x 201a66c4 a1cb2524 1 = Level 1 Spells 2 = Level 2 Spells 3 = Level 3 Spells If used on PCSX2, must be entered through pnach file.
I need to know your method of cheating as well. Most likely it is a error in the code.
I see. Well, i'm sure windows is more than enough to get your needs done.
I have linux installed on my PS3. Though I rarely use it. I perfer my PC for internet access, not my PS3. I also perfer windows dev environment...
Yes, haha. It was the first username I ever had on any forum. That was quite along time ago.