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  1. Majik
    ASM codes don't work if the emulator is using recompilation. You need to use pnach files for ASM codes to work on PCSX2.
    Post by: Majik, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Majik
    Look on the side of the box of the game on the very bottom. It should say SLUS xxxxx (x's mean the version of the game). The version of the game I created it for is SLUS 20370. You can also check this by putting the game inside your computer. If it is not SLUS 20370 then their is a good chance you have a different version of KH1 than I used to create the code for. If it is different the code will have to be ported to your version of KH1. The code is very long and the slightest error in inputting the code will mess it all up. Give it a double check.

    He has the Dark Keyblade. Their is a way to use any dummy weapons on Sora (such as Dark Keyblade or Soul Eater) but I do not have documentation of how I did that years ago on this PC.
    Post by: Majik, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Majik
    It is so long because of how boss data and playable character data is handled. They are a bit different. In order for him to play properly, the data has to be corrected. For one, it's a lot of data to fix, and two, the data is in a dynamic portion of memory. Because of that, I had to write the code in ASM which made it even longer than it already is.

    It works on the PS2. I have tested it myself, many times. Make sure you're using NTSC KH1. The version of the game I used to create the code was the original version, not greatest hits (although that may not matter. Some games it does, some it doesn't). The code will never be shorter unless you want him to play a lot worse. Double check that you typed the code in correctly and that you are using the proper master code for your cheat device.

    Hope this helped.
    Post by: Majik, Apr 3, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Majik
    You won't find tutorials. Every game is built differently. To edit a game, you must understand how the game is built, take it apart, edit, then rebuild it. You can find tuts for easy stuff, like editting uncompressed ASCII but don't expect that to fly with Square Enix PS2 games. They all (that I have examined) use compression and custom encoding on the text.
    Post by: Majik, Mar 4, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Majik
  6. Majik
  7. Majik
    Gameshark Pro.
    Post by: Majik, Feb 25, 2012 in forum: Technology
  8. Majik
    I did this along time ago. Never went far with it, just a test I did when creating a file dumper.
    Game uses same custom text table as Japanese KH2. If I had a more powerful PC, these type of projects would be less troublesome for me. I had the hardest time testing KH2FM when I worked on translating it because I run PCSX2 so slowly.
    Post by: Majik, Feb 24, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Majik
    As I said before, you will not get this to work. it can be done with other cheat devices, but not ARMAX. I shall explain:

    It can be done on other cheat devices that accept the '9' type M-code (Codebreaker, Gameshark, Swap Magic Coder) because of how it hooks the games code to call the cheats. '9' type M-codes do not activate cheats on any game other than the game that has a JAL at the address given in the M-code. When you use ARMAX then swap magic directly after, ARMAX (which uses 'F' type M-code) activates the cheats on Swap Magic Coder, causing problems since the cheats are not meant for it.

    Again, it's annoying, but just use Swap Magic Coder cheat system.
    Post by: Majik, Feb 11, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Majik
    Not gonna work. Only option is swap magic coder cheat system. Sorry.
    Post by: Majik, Feb 10, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Majik
    I'm sure that's how it works for PS3's. Otherwise I cannot explain a problem I had before. When I went to custom firmware I used something called "QA Flagging" to downgrade my consoles firmware. Unfortunately, when I did that I didn't know it deletes every license file on the PS3. When I returned to official firmware I tried to re-download some of my PS1 classics, but it wouldn't allow me because the content had been downloaded too much. (because of game sharing)
    Post by: Majik, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  12. Majik
    What I was referring to was the number of times your allowed to download the content. Although you are right. You can deactivate someone using your account, but it will not help you because the content has been downloaded twice (5 times currently) already. This is assuming the person actually game shared with you. Not only does Sony have a limit on how many times you can account share, but they also have a limit on how many times that account can download a purchased content. Although, it can help for future purchases.

    This may be abit confusing so let me try to explain what im saying abit better. I assume your trying to describe a way to have each PS3 take turns activating the account to play some content. True, even if each PS3 did have it already downloaded, what you need in order to play the content is a license file. Sony will only give out 5 license files (as of today) per purchases content. If you deactivate a console, all the license files for the content that account owns gets deleted, hence, your unable to use that content. If you already have the content and no license file, to get another license file takes away a download slot still.
    Post by: Majik, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  13. Majik
    On the flip side to that, freeing slots isn't too helpful. Once a content has been downloaded twice it will require you to repurchase it.
    Post by: Majik, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  14. Majik
    No one is really affected by this. It only counts towards purchases made on Novermber 18th and beyond. If you have a account on your PS3 that has been shared with other people, no one will lose any content. It just sucks that one of my favorite features of PSN is going away. Everyone can agree sharing a account with 5 people who all buy stuff is nice. Especially when you pay $100 and get $500 worth of content back.
    Post by: Majik, Nov 6, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  15. Majik
    You can now only share your account with 1 other PS3, instead of 4 like every day till now.

    Thread by: Majik, Nov 5, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Majik
    I see, I remember me playing as him there perfectly, minus the effects. Though this isn't the latest form of the code, it's just one I happened to find still on my PS2. Must be before I looked into fixing that world.
    Post by: Majik, Nov 5, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  17. Majik
    You can equip certain abilities to make him attack differently. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of those abilities. You kept doing jump slash on every ground opponent, their is a ability you can equip to make him do his normal combo.

    Also, he works in Halloween Town. But you must remove his effects. The reason being I half assed that part with the effects. It would need a (small) ASM hack to make effects work perfectly in all worlds. It crashes because Sora and Halloween Sora have different files. This hack was based around normal Sora.
    Post by: Majik, Nov 5, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  18. Majik
    Well, maybe ally weapons. But for the dark keyblade it would need some work. As it's not a normal weapon for Sora.

    I happened to come across a cbs file on my PS2 with this on it. I thought I lost this long ago. It was a old version of the code I made to play as Dark Riku. It works in every room/world.
    [B]Play as Dark Riku[/B]
    (Must be used as a .pnach file on PCSX2!)
    003f211f 000000FF
    003f2120 000000FF
    003f2121 000000FF
    20545384 01066300
    205453dc 01066300
    204e6314 00000001
    204e6318 00071ade
    204e631c 0021f504
    204e6374 00000000
    204e6378 00071f1d
    204e637c 000fa030
    204e78e4 00000001
    204e78e8 00071ade
    204e78ec 0021f504
    204e78f4 00000000
    204e78f8 00071f1d
    204e78fc 000fa030
    204e7f64 00000001
    204e7f68 00071ade
    204e7f6c 0021f504
    204e7f74 00000000
    204e7f78 00071f1d
    204e7f7c 000fa030
    204e9a04 00000000
    204e9a08 00071f1d
    204e9a0c 000fa030
    204e9a14 00000000
    204e9a18 00071f1d
    204e9a1c 000fa030
    204e9a34 00000001
    204e9a38 00071f1d
    204e9a3c 000fa030
    20487320 00000000
    20487324 00000000
    203d50dc 4d3c0101
    203d50c0 0002594f
    203d5cf8 594f4d3c
    203dfb64 594f4d3c
    203e0040 594f4d3c
    203e0130 4d3c0152
    203e0134 0068594f
    203e03c4 4f4d3c01
    203e03c8 01577159
    203e05e8 4d3c0149
    203e05ec 5771594f
    203e0710 4f4d3c01
    203e0714 2d006859
    203e144c 3c005d47
    203e1450 71594f4d
    205397c8 594f4d3c
    2053dee8 4f47452c
    2053deec 544d504a
    2053def0 00000000
    2012f380 08030000
    2012f384 00000000
    200c0000 3c02ffff
    200c0004 00041880
    200c0008 24040fff
    200c000c 00681821
    200c0010 8c690000
    200c0014 11200009
    200c0018 3c07000d
    200c001c 31280fff
    200c0020 15040004
    200c0024 00a22824
    200c0028 3c020020
    200c002c 03e00008
    200c0034 0804bcec
    200c003c acef0000
    200c0044 acf80004
    200c0048 3c0f0000
    200c004c acf90008
    200c0050 340f800c
    200c0054 8c780130
    200c0058 3c190000
    200c005c 170fffef
    200c0064 340f0006
    200c0068 ac6f0018
    200c006c 34180007
    200c0070 ac78001c
    200c0074 340f0004
    200c0078 ac6f0024
    200c007c 34180005
    200c0080 ac780028
    200c0084 340f0006
    200c0088 ac6f002c
    200c008c 34180007
    200c0090 ac780030
    200c0094 340f8014
    200c0098 ac6f0034
    200c009c 34188014
    200c00a0 ac780038
    200c00a4 340f8014
    200c00a8 ac6f003c
    200c00ac 34188020
    200c00b0 ac7800d8
    200c00b4 340f8020
    200c00b8 ac6f00dc
    200c00bc 3418801b
    200c00c0 ac7800e0
    200c00c4 340f801c
    200c00c8 ac6f00e4
    200c00cc 3418801b
    200c00d0 ac7800e8
    200c00d4 340f801c
    200c00d8 ac6f00ec
    200c00dc 3418801b
    200c00e0 ac7800f0
    200c00e4 340f801c
    200c00e8 ac6f00f4
    200c00ec 3418001c
    200c00f0 ac7800f8
    200c00f4 340f8015
    200c00f8 ac6f01b8
    200c00fc 3418801f
    200c0100 ac7801c0
    200c0104 340f8026
    200c0108 ac6f01c4
    200c010c 34188027
    200c0110 ac7801c8
    200c0114 340f8026
    200c0118 ac6f01cc
    200c011c 34188026
    200c0120 ac7801d0
    200c0124 340f000e
    200c0128 ac6f020c
    200c012c 3418000f
    200c0130 ac780210
    200c0134 340f8024
    200c0138 ac6f0214
    200c013c 34180010
    200c0140 ac780218
    200c0144 340f0011
    200c0148 ac6f021c
    200c014c 34180012
    200c0150 ac780220
    200c0154 340f0013
    200c0158 ac6f0224
    200c015c 34180000
    200c0160 ac780304
    200c0164 340f801e
    200c0168 ac6f0320
    200c016c 3418801d
    200c0170 ac780324
    200c0174 340f801f
    200c0178 ac6f0328
    200c017c 3418801e
    200c0180 ac78032c
    200c0184 340f801f
    200c0188 ac6f0330
    200c018c 3418801f
    200c0190 ac780334
    200c0194 340f801f
    200c0198 ac6f0338
    200c019c 3418801d
    200c01a0 ac78034c
    200c01a4 340f8017
    200c01a8 ac6f0350
    200c01ac 3418801d
    200c01b0 ac780354
    200c01b4 340f801d
    200c01b8 ac6f0358
    200c01bc 34188023
    200c01c0 ac780370
    200c01c8 8cef0000
    200c01d0 8cf80004
    200c01d8 8cf90008
    200c01e0 08030007
    Post by: Majik, Nov 4, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Majik
    There is, but If I recall correctly Sora doesn't hold the weapon correctly. Though this responce is based on a old test I did to give Sora the dark keyblade and not an ally weapon.
    Post by: Majik, Nov 1, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Majik
    So I'm fairly new at photoshop. I think these two pics I did are fairly decent but not fantastic.
    I would like other peoples opinions on what aspects I can do to improve.

    Riku. - 3DS - 2.png

    Shining Gundam.
    My attempt to copy Laplace's style. /fail Gundam.png

    Please send me a link to a tutorial you think I should work with to improve.
    Thread by: Majik, Oct 27, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics