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  1. Majik
    It's possible, just not as "UCM" friendly.
    Post by: Majik, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Majik
    They are not working because they are ASM hacks. You cannot inject ASM hacks in real time on PCSX2. (MIPS ASM is recompiled immediately after you launch the game). You would have to use a pnach file.
    Post by: Majik, Jun 27, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Majik
    HP code won't work on PCSX2 because it edits the MIPS ASM. By the time emuhaste injects code into RAM the MIPS has been recompiled into x86 ASM and that is only done once as soon as they game is loaded. So you won't notice any change. If you use non-asm version of infinite HP, it will work.
    Post by: Majik, May 30, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Majik

    C++ Help

    If you need advice or help feel free to ask. I've studied this and a few other programming languages in college. As to get better, their is no simple way. Either you're interested or not. If you are, pay attention in class. If for some reason you're just not grasping it, grab a book of follow some tutorials online.
    Post by: Majik, Dec 5, 2012 in forum: Technology
  5. Majik
    After release they stop manufacturing them. Which means no more will be made. Sites like gamestop (online only), amazon, and CD Universe order enough to fill pre-orders. They also order a few extra hundred or so for people who want it around when its released. After a month or so, don't expect to find it anywhere but ebay for a ridiculous price. Maybe your local gamestop would have a pre-owned one.

    Glad I ordered mine 2 months ago.
    Post by: Majik, Jul 26, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  6. Majik
    The dark riku code is too long for any other device besides codebreaker and maybe gameshark. ARMAX doesn't support it because of it's size.
    Post by: Majik, Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Majik
  8. Majik
  9. Majik
    Sorry for bumping this thread.
    I have managed to get a hold of three of these. I'm interested in selling 2 of them. If anyone here is a big KH fan and wants one, let me know. I will end up putting them on ebay if anyone is interested in buying them.
    Post by: Majik, Jul 4, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Majik
    Both are equally good. I prefer the N64 version for the nostalgia bomb. I never understood why people complained about the water temple so much. Going to the menu and back takes a grand total of 3 seconds. As if someone playing a video game can't spare the time to do that. 3DS version has some nice updated graphics. I would only recommend people to buy the 3DS version if:
    1) Never played the original.
    2) Hardcore fan of the original/Zelda series.
    Otherwise it's the same old Ocarina of Time. Also, the 3D effect is just a major gimmick IMO. It gets annoying after awhile.
    Post by: Majik, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  11. Majik
  12. Majik
  13. Majik
  14. Majik
  15. Majik
  16. Majik
    Because it's a different type of hacking. Creating 'play as' codes can be done by changing values in RAM. The soft reset code is required to be a ASM (Assembly) hack because the game isn't already set up to support it. Not many people ASM hack around here.
    Post by: Majik, May 17, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Majik
    It would be quite difficult to be made without a debugger. No one has made it for that very reason. You would have to find the routine responsible for loading the next map of the game, and force the game to call the routine when you press a certain button (or a combination). IIRC the room mod can be used to access the title screen. If so, then what I said above is all it takes to make this code.
    Post by: Majik, May 17, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Majik
    Unless it's a error from you inputting the code, your cheat device is to blame for it not working. I use codebreaker so I recommend you use swap magic to exploit your PS2 with freemcboot to run the codebreaker elf file.
    Post by: Majik, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Majik
    No, it doesn't. If you were to encrypt a code with Codebreakers encryption Swap Magic Coder wouldn't be able to use it. It uses the old Action Replay v2 cheat engine. You must be confused because the codes you have been using are unencrypted codes, which many cheat devices can use (Gameshark, Codebreaker, old Action Replays, Swap Magic Coder, etc.)

    What I was saying is, I don't know in good detail how the Action Replay v2 cheat engine works. It may not be able to handle a code as long as the Dark Riku code, which is why it may not be working for you. Have you used any other codes on the front page? Have they worked for you?
    Post by: Majik, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Majik
    I should also mention I have no clue how the old ARv2 cheat engine works (Swap Magic Coder uses it). It may not be able to handle a code that long. I use codebreaker, which can use 255 lines IIRC.
    Post by: Majik, Apr 12, 2012 in forum: Code Vault