Which part, Ive said a lot
Ive always been strange like that
No one does, sigh this place is like a flower beautiful when it starts then hideous while it dies
I am very bored
Yeah its pretty bad, a lot of the site will leave because of it im sure, not that it was all that strong anyways. Im doing pretty amazing i love...
So im not sure where our convo left off lol
well it really depends on how relaxed the security at the venue is, some people will let you in cause you're so close, others wont let you in unless its your mom, so really there is no definable answer.
if it helps at all i think it was funny
but they could get involved too next thing you know its a world wide thing
good then we can get my neighbors involved too
pshhh i cant die fool i keep springing back up hehehe
Dude im into all that **** cant you tell. And i have no idea what happened to them to tell the truth
@C Yepp ive had a different name for a while but this one suits me much more @MM and lets do it i like it rough lol
sounds kinky........lets do it
Yeah You Wanna Bang?
Hello there
Pshhh we haven't even spoken yet and your'e having strange dreams about my body damn
Boy we sure are busy posting tonight aren't we
Devil May Cry Series- I loved the hack-n-slash gameplay along with the good storyline, along with great character devlopment. Megaman Legends 1/2- A total different spin off one of my all time fav. characters, an amazing game with decent story and unique play. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- What can i say with the right view a game that lasts hours and hours, I never truely get bored of playing a badass vampire bent on destroying his father.
Ba-Bump....that is all