*they kept fighting*
*they both blew up the phone*
*Able stood up* "Able..." Ada said "ABLE! GET BACK HERE!" Matthew said
XDXDXD I find this to funny to beleave!
GO AXEL GO!!!! If I was Olette I would be scared to forgett homework after that!
Mickey’s Apprentice Chapter one: Yen Sid’s message One warm summer day, King Mickey was sitting broadly at his desk, in Disney Castle. Since his return he had found himself up to his neck in work. Since he had been fighting thee darkness, and away from his home world, his work had just kept growing. He had spent the last weak consumed in paperwork, and was just about board to death! “Man! Being the King of all world, and the keyblade bearer doesn’t mix well!” Mickey complained laying his aching head on the paper work covered desk. “You ok Mickey?” Mickey’s wife, Quean Minney asked walking up to him. “Yeah just a little tired.” Mickey replied looking up at her. “Well being a king is a big job.” Minney reminded. “I know, I know.” Mickey said with a sigh. “It’s just a little overwhelming at times.” “You can do it, and if you need help with the balance of the worlds you can always call in Riku and Sora. They are keyblade bearers too.” Minney reminded. “No! You only get to be a kid one, and they have already given so much of there childhoods up already. I’m not going to bother them agin unless I have no other choice!” Mickey replied sternly. “Ok. I understand.” Minney said gently. She knew how close of friends Mickey was with those kids, and specially with Riku. She had heard tons of stories about them. She heard about Riku from Mickey, and she had heard about Sora from Donald and Goofy. They both quickly looked towards the door when they suddenly heard it open. “KING MICKEY! KING MICKEY!” Yelled a worried Donald running into the room. “Yes? What’s going on Donald?” Mickey asked standing up, and running over to meeting his worried friend half way across the room. “You got an urgent letter from yen Sid!” Donald gasped catching his breath, and handing the letter to Mickey. Mickey quickly opened the letter from his old teacher, and read it. Dear Mickey, I know you have just returned home, and are probably finally getting the sense of normality returned to your life, but I need to speak to you about an urgent matter! I can’t go into anymore detail at this time. This is something that must be explained in person! Please come to my tower as soon as possible! Sincerely, Yen Sid “Yen Sid need me to come to his castle! Minney can you have Chip and Dale get a gummy ship ready?” Mickey asked turning to look at Minney. “Yeah, but what is this all about?” Minney asked worried “I don’t know, but if Yen Sid thinks it’s important then it must be!’ Mickey said, and then quickly ran off to pack. He wasn’t sure how long he would be gone. Last time this had happened he ended up being gone for two years.
*dies of laughter* this is so wrong!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIi8EsQcugM&feature=related
Hey! I just realised Mickey necver killed one of the members! he had Sora and Riku do the dirty work!
"yeah" Matthew said *Able nodded*
"they had a fight" Ada said simply *Matthew and Able woke up/*
*Ada sighed*
yes. yes he is!
"it might not be smart to mouth off to someone that see's the all powerfull God alot!" Ada warned
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDING ME!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBhNl-Z1uTs&feature=related
*Ada sighed in releafe* "thease two can realy drive someone to the brink of insanity!" Ada exclaimed
*both were still alive*
no I acshely cryed when Axel, Demmy, and all them died!
*when the some cleard Matthew and Abel were both laying on the ground unconches* "NO!!! MATTHEW ABEL!!!!!!" Ada yelled runing up to them NO! I CAN'T LOOSE THEM! NOT AGIN!She thought to herself
yes! it's very sad!