I'm great how are you?
Xion nodded and hugged Riku tightly.
Xion could have cried in joy from the sound of the other's knock. "HELP!!! HE'S TRYING TO CUT MY HANDS OFF!!!" Xion yelled.
Xion kicked Vexen where the sun don't shine and pulled her hand away before running to the door and banging on it. "RIKU! AXEL! DEMYX! XIGBAR! ROXAS! SOMEONE!!! HELP!!!!!!" Xion screamed.
Xion made a portal and ran through as fast as she could.
Xion pulled her hand away and let out a scream before she unlocked the door and ran.
Xion didn't have to be asked twice and the keyblade with in her hands before he had even finished his sentence.
Xion sweat dropped. She didn't like the sound of that.
Xion sweat dropped. "You do realise my weapon is a giant key and I can use portals so locking the door doesn't really do anything..." Xion stated.
Xion folowed Vexen looking rather bord.
Xion followed him to the lab; waving at everyone that they passed. "I SHALL RETURNE!!!" Xion said.
"Fine fine fine, but I better get hot chocolate wile I'm down their or I will freeze to death!" Xion replied.
Xion blocked the attacks and sent her keyblade flying at Xigbar.
Xion blcked it then remembered that Vexen would probubly be watchingit. "No studdying my keybalde if I die." Xion said.
Xion looked at him wide eyed. "HELP HE'S GOING TO KILL ONE OF THE FEW KEYBLADE BEARORS ON OUR SIDE AND THEN WE WON'T GET OUR HEARTS BACK!!!" Xion screamed loud enough for the entire castle to hear her.
Xion looked back at Riku and giggled. "Yeah I really do!" Xion replied. Xion dogged the blast's and hit Xigbar upside the head with her keyblade.
Xion gave his hair one last yank before letting go and kicking his shin.
Xion turned back to normal and stood up. She looked pretty ticked off now and she wapped him upside the head. "THAT WASN'T FUNNY YOU OLD COOT!!!" Xion yelled pulling his ponytail.
Xion decided to try one last thing to save her life. She went supper cute Chubi on him. "Oh...Please don't hurt me Xiggy! I'm sooooo sorry!" Xion begged curtly.
Xion sweat dropped. "Oh...h-hi Xiggy..." She stammered nervously.