((you can be them both!!))
When Xion got away from Axel she walked around bordly for a wile until she came across Namine, who was drawing in the hall. It sometimes worried her that Namine looked so much like her. "Hey there Namine." Xion greeted. "Hi Xion. Are you hiding from Vexen again?" Namine asked looking up from her drawing. Xion nodded and sat down next to her.
((sure you can))
Maryah wandered the streets looking rather board, but then again the sky could be falling and she would look rather board. This was one of the rare times that she hadn't been hired for a wile and she was getting a bit worried. A growl from her stomach reminded her that she needed to find either a job or a person to rob and soon.
Xion let Axel drag her along quietly. She was still deep in thought about what Saix had said and about hearts. She wanted her heart back so bad but couldn't help but dout.
Xion's blue eyes went wide and she let go and took a few steps back. "We're going to get our hearts back right?" Xion asked. She had heard the other members talk about it but they never seemed to get any closer.
Xion pouted sadly. He wasn't going to get rid of her that easily. "BUT PUPY!!! YOU'RE OVER WORKED AND NEED TO REST!!!" Xion wined hugging him tighter.
"U-oh sound's like puppy's angry...He needs a hug!" Xion exclaimed before she gently laid down the flower and ran after Saix. When she caught up with him she hugged him happily. ooc: Thanks!
Xion smiled as she walked with Marluxia. "Same old. Make lots of trouble and not die." Xion replied laughing a bit. Her laughter only grew when she heard Saix. "Yeah! Vexen's trying to cut hands off and Xigbar's frozen." Xion replied.
Xion's smile widened happily. "Oh thank you so much Marluxia!" Xion thanked holding the flower gently in her hand.
Xion had silently slipped out of the library and wile wondering the hall she saw Marluxia. "Hi there!" She greeted walking over to him. When she saw the flower in his hand she smiled sweetly. "Your flower is very pretty." Xion complemented.
ooc: Thanks a tun!
User Name: #1 DinestyX Name: Maryah Harbor Age: 20 Description: chocolate brown hair, sea green, large, eyes, and tan. Country of Birth: Spain Where you are now: Russia Aliment: anywhere that will take her. Job: spy/assassin Bio: She was abandoned at a young age and so she could live she began to be a spy for anyone that would pay her and then being an assassin soon followed.
ooc: bye Xion giggled happily.
"I wanted to properly introduce you to #5 Lexaeus, the silent hero, since he's been on a mission every time you came to visit." Xion replied. Lexaeus mearly gave a wave of his rather large hand.
ooc: sure you can make your charecter. Xion smiled and lead Riku over to Lexaeus who looked up from his book.
Xion smiled when she saw Lexaeus and waved. Unlike most people he didn't scare her. Lexaeus waved back from his chair.
"He wanted to know where my keyblade would go if I didn't have hands." Xion replied. ooc: but wouldn't they be higher rancking than Xemnas then?
"He tried to cut off my hand." Xion replied. ooc: sure. How would your charecter fit into the story? Like anouther member?
Xion nodded and took Riku's hand and ran out of the lab and all the way to the upper level library.