Both girls nodded and took their cards.
"Ok" Namine said smieling. "Why not?" Xion asked herself sitting up on her bed.
Xion looked around her room. "Ummm...plushies, shell jewlery, and a few coupons for sea salt ice cream." Xion said notting all of the odd items that littered her room. "I have drawings, paper, and crayons." Namine added.
"What would be on the lines?" Xion asked the question that was on both her and Namine's minds.
Xion continued to cry until her eyes hurt. She then laid on her bed and sighed. ((if you're bord you could use your other charecter))
Xion did the only other thing a girl could do in this circumstance. She cried. "I DON'T WANT TO FADE!!!" Xion sobbed and Namine patted her on the back gently.
"This ain't good! I was going to go try and find Xigbar and let him out of the ice but it looks like he's sided with them! OMG I AM IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!! I'M TO YOUNG TO FADE!!!" Xion exclaimed fearfully. "Maybe they'll show you pity if you apologise." Namine reasoned. "Dout it! They're to mad and all because Vexen convinced them that I was the bad guy when he is really the evil one! I mean he was the one trying to cut off my hands!" Xion ranted.
Xion continued to run with Namine until she all but collapsed inside her room. She locked the door before sitting down. ((ok jump right on in!))
Maryah gave a small smile. "Ok then do you have any need for a spy?" Maryah asked.
A growl from Maryah's stomach made up her mind for her and she decided to ask Nox. "So is there anyone you want dead?" Maryah asked bluntly.
Maryah looked around wondering if there was anyone that she could get hired from. She didn't see anyone that would look like they wanted someone dead so she sighed and looked at Nox again.
((sure you can)) Xion kept running wile Namine got pulled along. She didn't stay in one place for longer than a few second. Needles to say, she was terrified.
Maryah, never being shy, walked over to him smiling. "HI there." She greated.
Maryah walked around the streets of America until she caught sight of Nox.
((???)) When the plane finally landed Maryah snuck out of the plane and looked around her curiously.
Once Maryah was sure that she wouldn't find any work around here she hopped on the first plane she could find. She had climbed into the luggage area and knew that if she was found she could just kill the guy.
((ok then I'll just wing it))
((...ok...What should I have Maryah do?))
((ok hb)) When Xion though she heard the sound of boots she quickly stood up and grabbed Namine's wrist, since it was common for her memory powers to be studied, and ran wile pulling her along.
((Vexen is trying to cut off Xion's hands for an experiment so she ran off with her rescuer, Riku. She then had a talk with Saix about hearts that worried her and now she is hiding out with Namine. Vexen is playing poker with Luxord in hopes of getting him to help him find Xion))