Xion hugged him back. "Are you telling me that if she had said sorry from the beging none of this would have happened???" Namine asked.
"And I'm supper dupper sorry for pulling your hair." Xion replied looking at him with teary blue eyes.
"For being a bad girl and kicking you." Xion replied sniffling.
Lexaeus made a shield around himself from earth. Xion watched from behind the other shield wile Namine. "XIGGY PLEASE STOP! I'M SORRY!!!!" Xion yelled.
All the attenchon went to Vexen, do Lexaeus did take this chance to knock Xigbar's gun out of his hand.
The ground under Xigbar's feet shattered and rocks began to fly at him. Lexaeus then turned around and took another swing at him.
Lexaeus made a wall of earth to block the shots and then summoned his large weapon. He left the girls in the shield and then tried to hit Xigbar with his weapon.
Lexaeus shrugged and took Xion from Xigbar. Once he had done that he broke off the ice with his weapon. "Ow..." Xion said standing up. She then hid behind Lexaeus when she caught sight of Xigbar.
((LMFAO!!! XD )) Lexaeus waited with Namine outside the office. Namine looked rather nerves but Lexaeus seemed rather sure of his plan.
A note appeared in front of Vexen. It read that Xion better be in front of Xemnas's office in five minutes, unharmed, or Lexaeus would personally help destroy Vexen's lab. Xion's body began to glow lightly. ((oh OK))
"I'm still telling superior." Was all Lexaeus said before he went through the portal. He was very protective of the younger members and harming one of them was a death sentence. The frozen Xion had fallen into a sleep like state. ((if no one knows what her eliment is then I'm going to make it dreams...I don't know...it's all I can think of...))
"...3! Last Chance Vexen!" Lexaeus warned. He already had the portal open and Namine had already gone through.
"...2..." Lexaeus counted and Namine waited. Lexaeus had a rock shield in case they tried something.
"Vexen I'm going to give you to three and if she's not out by then I'm going to Xemnas you you can kiss your lab and all your experiments goodbye! 1..." Lexaeus threatened.
"Vexen, I thought of all people you would know how much Xemnas cares for the keyblade bearers in this organization since there weapons are the only ones that are guaranteed to send the hearts to Kingdom hearts, so if I semply brought up how loosing one could risk us not getting back our hearts he would most definetaly come here and take Xion back...if that's even all. I wasn't supposed to tell you this but I have heard rumors about him shutting down your labs because of the problems it caused." Lexaeus informed. Wow...he must be supper mad to talk that much! "Come to think about it, I heard Larxene and Marluxia talking about Xemnas saying that too..." Namine confirmed.
((Any ideas what Xion's element is?)) Lexaeus made a portal with Namine to outside the lab. "If you don't come out with Xion I swear I'll tell the superior and how do you think he will like the fact that you are harming one of the few keyblade bearers on our side?" Lexaeus asked. He must be mad to talk this much!
"Fine but before I go...LEXAEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Namine screamed at the top of her lungs. Not long after that the large and muscular nobody walked through a portal in the secret spot. After looking around he cracked his knuckles and summoned his weapons.
Namine ran over to Vexen and kicked him in the shin. "You big bullies! I hope you're proud of yourselves! Picking on a little girl wile you are both grown men!" Namine scolded.
Both girls screamed. Namine looked around desperately for something that she could use to protect Xion with and Xion closed her eyes tightly, preparing to be shot.
Xion screamed and hid behind a large rock with a face drawn on it. Namine heard the scream and ran to where Xion was. When Namine saw Xigbar she wapped him upside the head with her sketch pad do it wasn't very hard since it was Namine doing to hitting.