hmmm....good point!!!! the worriors for light are all murerers!!!!!!!!!!
yes...Sora is a murderer !!!!!!!!!!!!!
"what are you doing?!?!?" Ada asked Back-Pack *there was a huge exploshion*
Well...I just feal bad for them. how could they know it was hurting other peoples fealing when they had none of there own
"Awww! did the little girl get hurt? oh well...she was always dead waight!" Able moked "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" MAtthew orderd as flames surounded his body and he attacked "MAtthew!!!!! Abel!!!!!!!" Ada screamed as flames went all over the battle feald
yeah but he didn't even act like it matterd that he killed a bunch of people
ooc: Fixed it
well it's not like they were doing something Sora wasn't. I think Sora should be killed if that's how it is, because he was killing heartless before they came along and will after they are gone!
*Matthew blasted at Able* *Able doged the attack and hit Trinity with his sife* -*Ada screamed and fell to the ground* "ADA!!!!" AMatthew exclaimed flying next to her
I felt bad for all of them...I meen all they wanted was there hearts back! is that so wrong?
"By the end of this I will have eather died or nocked you back to your sences!" "Right! It's eather all of us go back or none of us!" "bring it!"
This song makes me think about how evil sora was to kill Organization XIII!!! Is anyone with me no this?