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  1. NeoCloudstrife

    Oh hey look

    Can you feel the joy?
    Thread by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 27, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. NeoCloudstrife
    The majority of this thread mildly amuses me.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. NeoCloudstrife
    Thread by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 26, 2010, 50 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. NeoCloudstrife
    Profile Post

    That hurt. *cries*

    That hurt. *cries*
    Profile Post by NeoCloudstrife for Catch the Rain, Jan 26, 2010
  5. NeoCloudstrife
  6. NeoCloudstrife
    Hay look, some spam! My most favourite of reasons to delete posts. :lolface:
    But seriously, don't do that anymore. It's been said before countless times, but the people here do this as a hobby - they arent your code slaves. You want something? there are literally thousands of pages in this section where you can learn how to do things for yourself.

    Also, the front page is there for a reason, use it.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  7. NeoCloudstrife
    No. The majority of us will have to wait at least 6 months - slightly less, if we're lucky.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. NeoCloudstrife
  9. NeoCloudstrife
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. NeoCloudstrife
    NO U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111112918372941326yee1hu1oneoneonetwo!
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. NeoCloudstrife
    NO U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111112918372941326yee1hu1oneoneonetwo!
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. NeoCloudstrife
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. NeoCloudstrife

    An Old Friend

    Wants to say hello.

    Thread by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 11, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. NeoCloudstrife

    So KHV


    Enough Said.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 11, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. NeoCloudstrife
  16. NeoCloudstrife
    Profile Post

    sweet, thanks a lot.

    sweet, thanks a lot.
    Profile Post by NeoCloudstrife for Zsofi13, Dec 11, 2009
  17. NeoCloudstrife
  18. NeoCloudstrife
  19. NeoCloudstrife
    OK, i've once again figured out effects modding. I can tell you all that it's DMA, but it's a semi-closed DMA, which is why all of you can't get it to work most of the time. What I THINK happens is that there are about 5-10 different adresses the effects could load on, and they constantly change, but do have a decent chance of being the same ones, since i was able to make a video on effects modding in the past.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 9, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. NeoCloudstrife
    Not totally sure, but i see no reason why they shouldn't, the process of activation should be about the same for both Emulator and PS2.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Dec 8, 2009 in forum: Code Vault