In theory, it's possible, yes. Nobody's ever switched effects with effects from a different file, however. A moveset is different to status. I'll hack a status code, gimme a minute. EDIT: DW Roxas has Valor Form's status 01C9F674 00000001
The moveset mod alone will give you the effect you're looking for, roxas1989.
This place seems to definately have regressed in the last year or so... The code you're talking about is the original moveset mod. Antiweapon didn't hack the code, just made the video - there's a big difference. Anyway: 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 This is what you want. Go convert or whatever. There is a newer, shorter version, but I can't be bothered to go find it. @Rapt0r: Google "Emuhaste". It's a lot faster than using a convenional PS2 hacking device, and it only works with RAW codes, which is definately good. That, and the fact that you can change codes whenever you want with it. Need any help getting it to work, just email me or something, I don't come here often.
... You're Dissappoint.
It's been fun. So long!
Knows how awesome I am.
Funny youtube guy posted it on his twitter page. :D This is also where I found this.
I found This Spamzone-worthy. Quite possibly the best google street view image ever. Enjoy.
No u! ----------
I still don't get it at all.
The server dies every time I make any sort of post here, for some reason. I didn't mean it.
Sure, I can have a look for it, I'm not gonna re-hack it though (actually I think it was originally hacked by truth anyway). It's on my other computer so I can't look until tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure it's still there. Regardless, I'm not sure how well this would work as a "user-end" code. I seem to recall having a LOT of problems recording it.
Nope, Pretty sure it's gone for good, and there's not a lot I can do about it save for recording and editing the whole thing again.
Well, seeing as you didn't actually tell me what the last time, I can only assume that the answer is something like "nothing". But perhaps you...
...But nothing happened with the thread. ...anyway, please, ignore me, I'm just way tired - I'm going to regret saying that big time next time I...
Screw it, if that's what I get for choosing here of all places to kill time in, I'd much rather go somewhere else, or better yet just going to sleep.
None aside from the BB code used to embed the image.
...wut? That wasn't me, I swear it. I just happened to post it at the exact time the site crashed. ...but whatever, it's not like it was...