Name- Tuski Utasama Age- 17 Weapon(later on they will get this)- The oblivion Keyblade Personality- She's quiet around people, and doesn't like to talk alot. She is a smart and very logical. Appearance- Demo post(required of everyone)- Tuski paced around her room, and looked at her keyblade, and said, quietly, "I don't want this....this power...this unimaginable power. I don't want to become someone, because I'm a no one. Nobody's don't somebodies, that easily anyway" she whispered. But maybe, just maybe.. light just conquers everything. History- Her mother died, when she was born, and then lived with her abusive step-father. She ran away, and traveled the streets ever since, but still trying to go to school. Other-N/A Played By- Singstar
Sora, Riku and Kairi have returned to Destiny Island. They have been there for 3 1/2 months. All is well. Except that Sora has been feeling a brewing of darkness. He's been distant from the others and been having....nightmares. Nightmares about darkness. Destiny's and Darkness...thats all he's been thinking and dreaming about lately for the past 3 months. Then, one day, a letter in a bottle came drifting down the ocean. It was a letter from King Mickey!When Sora, Riku, and Kairi red it, it said something about, a "Potential Danger" happenng in his Kingdom, and in other worlds. "I can sense Darkness, but I don't know where it's coming from. Ihave searched everywhere, but have not found anything. I am going to search again, for the potenyial danger. I need you to search too, for this Potential Danger" the letter said. What is going on? Is this what Sora's been thinking about? Is this is what he's feeling? Let the Untold Destiny's Unfold. Characters: Sora: Riku: Kairi:Singstar Roxas: Namine: Leon: Yuffie: Cloud: Donald: Goofy: (Anything I have left out, you can let me know) OC Form: Name: Age: Gender: Weapon/Power: Good/Evil: Biography: OC Characters: Name: Hoshi Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon/Power: She has the power of the keyblade. Good/Evil: Good Biography: Hoshi is very quet and doesn't really talk alot for her age. She have been abandoned when she was a small girl, and gained the power of the keyblade when she was 14. Apperance: Name: Rage Age: Unknown Gender: Male Weapon/Power: Has the power of Darkness and time Good/Evil: Evil Biography: Unknown Rules: 1. Romance is allowed, but only PG-13 2. You can only have 3 characters max 3. No killing a character without the person who is controlling the characters permission and my own. 4. No Godmodding 5. No controlling other people's characters. 6. Have fun! (Or else....) Updates:
The second boss fight with Demyx
Ok...And if my bro feels comfortable singing with you, we can start soon ^^
[C u p p y]&[K i t t y] that would be great... Can Ihave a sample of you singing a part of Jasmine's And Bama... Thats great too ^^ two can make it into your own? Any girls outhere who can sing....?
Well, he absolutly LOVES the sing "A whole new World" but He can't sing that with a boy....he needs a girl for that....
Well, I havent decided on that... Maybe a boy-boy Alladin song... Its not not for me....maybe later...its for my brother..... If you want, I need a voice sample....
Can someone do a duet with my brother or me.... But mostly my brother.....I want it to sound nice...
Tuski nodded and waved and got up. "Well, maybe I should go" she said as she stood up.
Tuski loooked at him and smiled a bit. "Ok...sure you can" she said.
Tuski looked at her scar and thought about what happened to her in the bathroom.. " have powers...." she said as she looked up at Letum.
"You have powers?' Tuski said a bit skeptical.
I was in my tech class, and I was bored so I put peices of scotch tape on my face and acted like a mummt.
You know that mini game in Traverse Town, where ou have to move that little cart up the hill. Well, when I first got the game, I thought that little cart would move, and it wouldn't, and I was getting really mad and I was hiting the cart for about a half an hour, then I noticed that it didn't have any wheels on it, so I broke my controller in my fustration, and got another one and played again.....I have issues......
I like KH2 Sora... In KH1 his voice was soooo anoying to me...... I'm glad he grew up.....
I don't hate her. She is annoying being the girl in distress all the time.....
Tuski looked at Daisuke. "No, your not the only one" she said scartching her head. ......
Me, keisha, nana, and Serie