Storyline: This roleplay takes place 20 years after the final battle with Xemnas. The storyline is as follows: 20 years... Its been 10 years since adventure had ended. Its been 20 years since they all have been united together again. Its been 10 Years... Sora, Riku, and Kairi are all grown up now. Nothing changed. Everything stayed the same. Except.... Everything is being taken over. All the worlds have been taken over by a new kind of darkness. Midnights, they are called. King Mickey was contemplating on how he was goiing to solve this problem. He coouldn't get in contact with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. He decided to leave, and find a way to solve the problem. He has been gone for 3 years now. At King's Mickey Castle, everything is going haywire without King Mickey. Queen Minnie can't control the castle anymore. It has now been taken over by Darkness. Donald and Goofy are trying to defend the casttle, but they have been captured by the darkness, and so has Queen Minne. Everything at Destiny Island has been quiet....too quiet. People are turning up missing. Many people are getting worried now. No one knows whats going on. Every world is taken over by darkness. There is no one to defend it. Whats going to happen to the worlds? Is it going to be taken over by the new darkness? How will Sora, Riku, and Kairi know what is going on? Is this, finally, the World's End? 10 years... Rules: 1.You must Audition for a main character, such as Sora, Kairi and Riku. If you would like to audition for a ccharacter, please pm me with the audition. 2. Cursing is allowerd, but not extreme cursing. If you are using an extreme curse, please use astericks or stars. Ex. f**k, s**t 3.There are going to be at least 5 Keyblade masters to the max. If you would like to be apart of the Keyblade group, please follow the bio, and post your bio here, and send your bio to me. 4. Romance is PG-13. Please do not have "descriptive romance". Keep that kind short and to the point. Thats what the pm system is for. 5. Keep violence PG-13. 6. If you are leaving, please have a persion take over your character, and pm me saying someone else is taking over your character while you are gone. 7. Please include in your post "Everyone has a light inside them" so I can tell you read the rules. 8. Have Fun! Character Bio: Name: Age: Weapon/Keyblade: Apperance: Bio: Audition Post: Characters: Characters Taken: Sora: Riku: Kairi: Singstar
Kairi sat up and rubbed her head. "Ouch, that hurted" she said outload. She looke d around. "I'm in...Hollow Bastion". She got up and began to walk around. "Sora! Riku!" she yelled and begin to walk around to find them. "Where are they?"
OOC: -_- No..... I forgot the name...oh well...
Ok.. What happened to the RP you made?
I live in Manhatten....
OOC:I don't know...Probably not..But whenever I'm gone someone can play my part ^^
No one can't beat my summer.... 1. I'm going to England and France for the whole month of July. 2. I'm coming back and go to California to see my kinfolk 3.I'm going to gymnastics camp for a week. 4. Then, until school starts, I'm going to Idol Camp.
OOC: I am sooo sorry. I had too much exams...2 weeks worth of exms..and now its dead because of me...I'm so sorry..
Welcome! Remember to floolow the rules, be active, and have fun! Or I will come after you >> << LOL. Just have fun ^^ Welcome again!
Thank you. ^^
I actually duplicated the pentool layer 3 times, so in total it would be 4 layers. Then I left the 1'st layer on the top alone, the second one I gausined blured it at 10, the 3rd one at 20, and the 4th one at 30 and put them at screen. Then I merged them together and colorized them.
Avatar: 9/10 Something missing for me...... Signiture: 10/10 I like i. Its looks simple but I like it, its cool.
Thank You ^^
I followwed a tut.... My first time using the pen tool....
Kairi came running toward the 5. "What happaned" she asked looking at the 3 who were sitting.
Kairi loooked up at the sky. Why has the sky turned suddenly dark she thought to herself. She began to study it carefully.
Kairi got up and began to walk about the beach.I wonder where Sora and Riku is? she thought, then shrugged. Wherever their are, I'm sure they are all right.
OOC: My character can't do all those stuff yet...she's not that advanced.
She breathed and then threw a big wave of water around her.