OOC: Ok, can I ask that you write more. Like a paragraph worth with some details. SOrry for nagging but I would really appreciate it.
OOC: Sure Riku. Jasmine was walking to shop to shop, to get her robes, her potion equipment, and her new spell books. She had on red, resembling the color of the house Gryffindor. She was in the house Gryffindor, but was aiming to be in Ravenclaw. Her parents, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly, were looking forward to her being in Gryffindor, but she reallly didn't want to be in it. She sighed. Just 2 more years and she's out.
OOC:I noticed this too...do you mind both of you being brother and sister?
Ok we can start.. Jasmine looked at the Brick wall in front of her. She sighed. Another year at Hogwarts. This was her 6th year there. One more year, and then, maybe she gets to become her life long dream job, and Auror. She sighed and took her wand out.. She taped the walls three times. As she taped the wall, passerbyers looked at her weirdly. Why was she taping a wall with a stick muggles would questioned as they passed. When she was finished, she stood back waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, the walls began to expand. The walls expanded. then came apart, creating an archway. On the otherside, was a jubilent town, called Diagon Ally. People were rushing arround, going from shop to shop. Ths was a sign, it was time to go back to school. She sighed and walked into the archway, letter in hand , and her suitcase rolling behind her.
Your in! We start when we have two more people.
I have decided to make a role play about Harry Potter, but in a new and more modern sense. This role play will be in books, so I am planning on making about 5 books of Harry Potter. The reason I called it “Harry Potter†instead of “Wizarding School†is because there are going to be characters originated from the original Harry Potter Series. Example: A character is the son/daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasly. I strongly suggest that have read all the books of Harry Potter, because this is a spoiler, and I am going to use all the books, including the last one. Requirements and Guidelines: 1. Please use creativity in the names of the character. Don’t use something like “Harry Potter Jr.†or something like that. Use something more original and something that would fit your character well. This also counts for animals too. Use other names that aren’t used in the books. 2. You get to choose what house your character is in. But please don’t make it so that all the characters are in Gryffindor and no characters in Slytherin or all the characters in Slytherin and none in Gryffindor. Also, please use the other houses also. There has to be a balance in houses. If I find that there are too many in one house, I will ask if some could be moved. 3. Please have at least good grammar and punctuation. And also be able to write more then a one sentence post. Try to make a paragraph or two with some details. 4. Romance only can be up to PG-14. Hugging and kissing and “making out†are fine, but when sexual content is concerned, take it to pm, or request a time skip. Also, I don’t mind homosexual relationship, but same rules apply. 5. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to PM me. -Character Sheet Name: Age: Year: Blood-type (Mudblood, Pureblood): Parents (according to the book, if not stated in the book, you may make up a character, but use at least one character in the book.): Appearance: (pictures are fine, but please use a link.): Pet: (Toad, cat, or owl, with an original name, origin, and a special quality of your animal): Bio: Specialty: (In terms of types of spells.) Wand: (what you wand is made of, and a special quality the wand has.): *You may take the Parentheses out. The Plot After twenty years of Voldermort’s death, Hogwarts have been overflowed with new witches and wizards. Some of the new students were children of recent witches and wizards that went to the school, like Hermione Granger, Ron Weasly, and the famous Harry Potter. He is famous for killing Voldermort. All is going well for twenty years, until a horror starts terrorizing Hogwarts. Mysteriously, students are disappearing, and other students are suddenly going into a “dying state.†No one knows what’s going on. Will this be the end of Hogwarts, or a new beginning of new heroes?
I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you squeeze me, I'll pop. If you look at me, you'll pop. Can you guess the riddle? 97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the correct answer? (Who ever guess's the Answer gets a cookie ^^)
Alyssa was walking to King Cross Train Center and walked through Platform Niine and Three Quaters. She then put her bags on the tarain, and got on the train. She would miss London, but of course she missed it everytime she went to Hogwarts. She sighed and tried to find a campartment in which she can sit. OCC: BLAH! Short post...
Alyssa looked at her mother through the closing walls. Her mother smiled at her and waved. She smiled back and waved back. As soon as she waved back, the walls closed in front of her. SHe turned around, and looked at Diagon Ally. It was so active. Everyone was looking so busy. Alyssa sighed and looked at her letter. "I need a basic potions ingredients, and some uniforms, and a winter cloak" she smiled. "I could get all of this." she said and began to walk to the first shop she can find. She looked around, to see if therewas anyone from Hogwarts she knew. She sighed as she looked around. No one was there, well as far as she can see. She sighed and walked into the first shop: the Potion shop.
Um...gave it away...Male...
Alyssa and her Mother was walking to the Leaky Cauldron. They were followed by Alyssa's cat. Alyssa was draging her suitcase down the smooth pavement of London. "Are you nervous? About going to Diagon Ally by yourself?" her mother asked. Behind her quuestion, Alyssa can detect that she was worried about her. She can detect that she was having doubts about Alyssa going by herself. She sighed. "No, I'm not that nervous, Mum" she said. "Well, I'm glad you are growing up by yourself" her mother said with a smile. Alyssa smiled back, and kept walking. They arrived at the Leaky Caldron. Her mother guided her through the bar. While walking through the bar, Alyssa's mother was astonded by what she saw. A man stiring his tea, without even touching the spoon. People arriving through the fireplace. How weird was this. "Alyssa, how is that man doing that?" she asked. "He's using magic." Alyssa said and smiled. Her mother, yes, was a muggle. Her father was a wizard, but died when last year while she was at school. Her mother got used to her being a witch, but since she wasn't able to use magic at home, her mother had never saw magic up close. When they arrived oin the back of the bar, Alyssa's mom looked at her. "You have your wand?" she asked. "Yes mum". "Your clothes?" "Yes, mum, I have everything." she said and smiled at him. "Ok, Alyssa, I guess I have to let you go." She smiled at Alyssa and hugged her. "Be careful ok?" she said. "Ok, mum" she said.
The Sun rose toward the window, representing that it was morning and it was time to rise. Slow soft, breathing was heard from the other side of the window. A blond haired girl was sleeping. As the sun rays blocked her eyes., her eyes opened revealing cerulean blue eyes. A Bengal cat suddenly climbed on her bed, and started to lick her cheek. "OK Viscus, I'm up" she said and got up. The cat's brown eyes was watching her intently. Alyssa smiled at the cat and scratched his head. "Good Morning to you to, Viscus" she said. The cat pured and climbed on her shoulder. Alyssa rose out of her bed, to go to the bathroom. Her gentle, quiet, morning. While combing her hair, Alyssa ran downstairs, Viscus at her heels, to the kitchen. In the kitchen, she saw her mother cooking breakfast. "Good Morning, Mum." she said. "Good Morning, Alyssa" she said. "Alyssa, breakfast is almost ready." her mother said. "OK, mum" she said as she walked to the dining room. "And, oh, Alyssa" her mother called. "You have mail from school on the table" she said. "OK, mum" she said as she walked toward the dining room table, to find a letter sealed with a lion on it. She grabbed the letter, sat down, as Viscus jumped on her lap, and opened it. It read: Dear, Ms. Morgan, You are pleased to welcome you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We hope you are having a wonderful summer. Bu school is starting on September ST. The supplies you need are listed below: Basic potion ingredients, three sets of standard school uniforms, including cloaks, one winter cloak with silver fasteners. You may bring if they desire, a cat OR a toad OR an Owl OR a rat OR a bat. We hope to see you at Hogwarts! Alyssa smiled and ran to her mother. "Mum, school is starting soon. We should leave for Diagon Ally today, and stay there for a week, so I can just leave from there." she said. Her mother turned to her. "May I see the letter please?" Alyssa showed her the letter. "Yes, your right. But your old enough to go by yourself" she said. Alyssa looked at her. "Are you sure?" she said. "Yea,you are old enough, so go pack your things, so you can go." her mother smiled at her. "Thank you mum!" she said and hugged her, as she went upstairs to pack, Viscus close behind. Her mother smiled at her, and turned around, to finish cooking breakfast. OOC: WOW....the longest I have EVER written....and im not even done.....
Its almost 1 now...do we start?
OOC: I haven't roleplayed in like...a while...wow...I need to get on more...but I'lll try this for today. Username: Singstar Student Name: Alyssa Morgan Gender: Female Age:15 Year at Hogwarts: Fifth Height: 5'3" weight:120 Temperment: Very intellegent, spell wise and book wise. She has a very intellectual side to her. She examines nearly all obsticals in her way before actually taking on those obstacles. She is very quiet and very shy, unless you get to know her. She is very friendly, but only when she is contemplating about something, and she is disturbed. She lovess to read, and in her spare time, when no one is looking, she always carry's around an extra study book, in which she can read. House: Ravenclaw Appearance: Slim for a girl, blue eyes, light skin, a square jaw, aubern straight hair, with a strand always in her right eye. Blood Status: Mudblood Wand length: 9" Wand wood type:Rosewood Wand core type: Unicorn Hair Pet: A Bengal Cat named Viscus, latin word for Heart.
Its okay... I haven't been in my shop in awhile...Im back in buissness!!
Avy: Very Cool. I really like it...And it looks very simple. 8/10 Sig: Pretty Nice too...But kind of boring.....7/10 Sig2: It's...sweet...8.5/10
Its Jordin Sparks when she won American Idol.. But I get what you mean...
Avatar: Looks plain... 5/10 Sigs. I LOVE your sigs LOL. They are so HOT!! 10/10
My first Sig that consists of a stock! I always use a render for my sigs, but I used a stock for this one, CnC Pleaze