"Really, I didn't noticed" she said. then she stopped and looked around. "You can leave from this point if you want." she said. "I'm not forcing anything on you." she said , and scratched her head. "I know you have other things to do...or want to do, in that matter." she said, referring to the yellow-head. "You can just make a portal and leave, I'll be fine." she said and turned around and walked into the next room quietly.
She sighed and held her head. "More walking.." she said and walked quickly. "Come on then, and please don't make me bored." she said. When she was on a mission with someone, or just wondering around with someone, she absolutely dreaded when is is silent. It made her bored, and it made her worried.
"Fine, your going to have to carry me the whole way." she said with a small giggle. She then looked forward and held her head. "Well, I guess I'll be alright." she said softly, not really believing herself. She could honestly say the she was scared, or nervous. But of course, she's not going to say that to Xeltic. He'll never leave her alone. She sighed. "Can I walk now please?" she asked.
Xaries looked at him. "Hold my hand, and I'll break it off." she said in her cool, relaxing tone of voice. She looked at him, and gave a grin, showing that she was joking. She walked slowly, dragging her her feet on the surface, looking straight ahead. She stopped, and sat down on the surface. "Lets take a little break." she said, even though they had been walking for not very long. She wanted to see something. If anything was going to happen, it would probably happen then, and there.
She gave a smirk. "Your welcome." she said and continued walking slowly and steadily. Then, she looked down. It was a deep darkness into the abyss. Interesting. What is this material made out of? It seemed like is was a type of glass, that appeared when you step. I guess one of Vexen's inventions? She sighed and looked forward again. They should walk more quickly now, they were almost there. But something seemed weird; irregular. She looked into the distance. Something was wrong, but she couldn't think of what. Like something was, repelling her? She turned to Xeltic. "Xeltic." she said to him. "Do you feel something?" she asked, getting worried.
She looked at the transparent bridge, and walked slowly over it. "Oh.." she said and dug in her pocket. "I forgot." she said and ran to Xeltic. "Here." she said, and put a small vail in his hand. "That should clear your wounds nicely." she said. Then, she walked slowly in front of Xeltic. She wasn't worried, she wasn't scared. She needed to see, see if he really was brilliant. If he was...then she can use him. "Don't run fast, or you'll attract attention, and noise." she said, without looking back.
"No.." she said simply and turned around. "But I want to see someone." she said and sighed. "Vexen, I think his name is." she said and opened a portal. "You can come, if you wish." she said and looked back. "But, I really would like you to come." she said, and walked through the portal gracefully, without anymore words. She needed to see this person of Organization 13. He was supposidly the brightest of them all. She needed to find him...and test his brilliance. Then, kill him.
"I see." she said and stood up. "Don't think like that." she said suddenly. "The Organization is corrupted, sure, but they are still extremely powerful." Xaries said. "And I wouldn't want to see you, or anyone for that matter, hurt." she said in a calm and smooth tone.
She sighed and nodded. "Whatever." she said. She knew it was a bit childish, but she knew that he wouldn't listen. That's just the way he is. She put her hair behind her ear and looked at the grass. Pink-haired man. Who was he? She saw him before, he had, but where. She began to pull the grass from the floor, her way of thinking. She saw him before. She just knew it. She stared at Xeltic again, waiting for him to look at her. "What was you purpose for kissing yellow-head, anyway?" She said, going over the kiss over and over in her head. She shook her head, trying to make the thoughts leave her head. "What were you trying to gain from it?'
She looked at his face, then his shoulder. She then took her hand, wrapped it in a fist, and punched him in his arm. "You aren't really bright, are you?" she asked, the first sentence she said to anyone, in a while. "That stunt you pulled, could have killed you? Do you know that? She is powerful and you just had to go and use the situation as a time to use your pervy mind?" she said. She wasn't screaming, but she wasn't at ease either. She sighed and held her head with her hand. "I'm not angry with you." she said. "I'm just disappointed." she said, and she looked at the grass.
Xaries watched Xeltic, and appeared near the tree she was on. She squinted her eyes on him, then turned to examine the yellow-head and the pink-head. The battle was over, for now. She shook her head dismissed her weapon and jumped off her tree, right in front of Xeltic. She scratched her head, then took off her hood, relieving her brunette hair. She squinted at Xeltic, then turned away, giving a sigh. He knew what that meant. She was disappointed. She walked away, slowly, expecting him to follow her. It was interesting how Xaries acted at time. She never talks to people she didn't trust, and only people who really examined her, and knew her to an extent, knows that everything she does, means something. Xaries is that quiet person, but everything that comes out of her mouth, is intelligence, and intellect. Xaries walked to the spot she originally was, were she left her book. She grabbed her book, and sat down and began to read, waiting for Xeltic. She wasn't angry, that's him for you, but that was a stupid move for him to pull. As her eyes traced each word in her Chemistry-inbounded book, she thought of the yellow-haired girl, and the pink-haired guy. She saw the pink-haired guy before, she knew it. But from where? She closed her book, and put her hand on it. It disappeared, into a dark abyss. Then her eyes landed on Xeltic.
Xaries stared at what she now recognized as Xeltic, a person she respected. She gave a small sigh at his courage and independence. Why was he trying to be so strong at the situation? Well, that's Xeltic for you; hard-headed, head-on, Xeltic. But, it was his fight. She could have easily helped him, but he was the one who escalated it. Xaries held her head down, showing her disappointment in him. Then, she shrugged and walked slowly into the darkness. Then she stopped after a few miles of walking, and jumped into a tree. She wanted to see if anything would happen, if she really wasn't needed. She tried to blend into the darkness, where she wouldn't be seen. Also, she summoned her weapon; A tall metallic pole. It doesn't seem much, but it is very, very deadly when she uses it. Silently, she looked at the fight in the distance, so she can be there if needed, even though Xeltic said no. While watching the battle progress, she couldn't get the image of Xeltic and the yellow-head. She shook her head, trying to concentrate on the task, but it could not be removed from her head. How dare he? With the enemy? Are you serious? She growled a bit. She would settle that later. For now, she really needed to watch, and listen for danger.
Xaries looked at the strange couple closely. The guy had black hair with white highlights, and an unusual style of clothing. The women had light yellow hair, and of course a huge black cloak. An interesting combination, to be frank. She also saw the weapons that were wielded. The strange man had a Naginata held in his hand, but Xaries can also see shurikens in his holster. Xaries shifted her eyes to the women. She didn't see any weapons, but her expression told Xaries that something bad was going to happen. Then suddenly, the guy flew into the air. It seemed to be a surge of electricity...lightning. He had been shocked with lightning! Xaries widened her eyes a bit. Her eyes trailed as the guy flew in the air, and rushed back to the women with yellow hair, pushing her into a corner. What power.. It seemed he had cornered yellow-hair into a corner. Interesting. He threw his weapon, almost hitting her neck, but landing right beside her neck. She could have easily got out and countered, but something was holding her, a kind of force. Xaries eyes shifted to the guy. His hand was out. Of course! He's using some kind of force. Very Interesting It was evident by her heavy breathing that she is scared, afraid. Xaries watched the yellow head. Her chest going out, then in. Xaries watched the young man walk to her. He said something to her, which was inaudible to Xaries, but then Xaries eyes widened a bit. He kissed the yellow-head. Kissed her! Who the hell is he, to kiss her? And then...what?! Xaries eyes turned away, not wanting to see anymore. Xaries trailed her eyes on the girl. Her breathing was deep. The guy was going to need help. She sighed and slowly walked to the guy, her hood still over her head. Something was going to happen, she knew it. Well, let's try this...
Me in the mirror: http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o174/lanihead7/l_95d23ed01ec03175f02b2a54da0f9685.jpg
OCC: Thanks. It's intresting how a person can tell how a person acts just by the mere sight of them. You can tell wether they were a immature insufferable, child wanting attention, or a mature, intellectual person. All by the sight of their face, their eyes. Thats how Xareia sees a person. Xareia was sitting on the ground of Castle Oblivion, reading a book of chemical fusion, her brunette hair covering her face. As her eyes brown eyes trailed each and every word, she was also listening for anyone coming near her, to bother her. It seemed like no one was coming, yet. After a while, she closed her the abrasive book in her hand and threw it on the ground, took a black cloak on from the ground, put it on, and swiftly began to walk into the blackened darkness, with pure grace. As she walked through the courtyard silently, her eyes trailing through the darkness, she stopped, and saw a couple of people near by. She backed away slowly, not wanting to be noticed. It seemed to be a girl, and a guy. She began to walk, but a smiled crept on her face. She turned around and stayed, to watch and see what would happen. She hid her face, trying not to draw attention to herself, or not to get into trouble, for that matter.
Name: Xaries Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Number: V Strengths: Xarias is a very odd person. Her strengths are logical thinking, a large range of knowledge of chemistry and weaponry makes her very intelligent. Also, her quick reactions give her the ability to be quick and graceful in battle. Weakness: Xarias weakness is intimidation and fear. She easily gets intimidated at her opponent if things doesn't go her way, and it affects the way she fights greatly. Weaponry: Xarias wields a long metallic, blue pole, which she can control. Personality: Xarias is a calm person, who doesn't talk a lot. Probably because of trust issues. Although she is calm and unspoken on the outside, she doesn't let anyone gets too close to her. Or not yet anyway... Theme Song(Optional):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEjkPlCcm00 Other: Her somebody is Unkown at the moment.
May I join this roleplay?
Sorry to intervene, but may I join?
I haven't roleplayed in a while..but may I take the role of Kairi please?
OOC: I feel bad for nagging...but I hate one sentence posts..