New Clothes. Hair cut. Face lighter. Xaries had changed. A lot. Her face was lit. She had a smile on her face. Bangs covered her eyes. If someone knew her, and they looked closely, they would know it was her. But no one would look that close. Right? Xaries was on top of a mountain, watching the sights of the Pride Lands. It was good to be free. No one was following her, and no one would recognize her. Life was good.
Xaries walked down the streets of Twilight Town, her hood on her head. She walked slowly, as for the sun was shinning on her cloak. Things were going downhill for her, she knew it. This was getting bad. These are the reasons why she didn't want to be a nobody. She just needed to be herself, whatever herself was. She gave a slight blow from her lips as she walked up the stairs to the station. Twilight Hill, that were she needed to go, to think. She rode the train as she looked out the window. Things are getting confusing. It's time for her to pick a side. But who? The Nameless? But, of course, like the Organization, they're going to crumble soon. And she couldn't be apart of something that, in her mind, will fail. But, if she would be alone, well maybe with Xeltic, if she finds him. It was hard to juxtapose between The Nameless, and being by herself. By herself, it was more possible for her to be extinct, she can be extant with The Nameless. She needed to be herself. Trust herself, more than others. She needed to have time. Maybe..maybe she can find a hear like this. Maybe everything will go fine. Yeah. But, The Nameless, have and advantage of how to get a heart. No, she can do it on her own. Like she wasn't anyway. She walked to the Twilight Hill, where she saw the whole town at twilight. It was beautiful. She gave a small smile. Everything was going downhill. Her crossroads of her destiny. She looked up, and took her hood up. She would leave something behind here, right now. She closed her eyes. It was time to leave. Xaries left there, right there, with her Nameless cloak, blowing in the wind.
OCC: Xaries not with the Nameless, Xaries not with Xeltic, she just disappeared for a while, is all.
OCC: I am reaaaally tired, so I'm going to make this quick, then I'm off to bed, sorry. Xaries looked around. Everyone was looking at her, depending on her. And they wanted her to go with them? Why? She sighed and held her head. This was complicated. She couldn't leave Xeltic like this, against them two. But, she was still in the Nameless, and she had a job to do. But the question still stood. Was she loyal to them? Did she really care for the name of the Nameless? If so, it was time to leave Xeltic to die. But if she wasn't, she would be an enemy of the Nameless, and a wandering nobody for life. Which was worse? She held her head, thinking. What can she do? Her brown eyes roamed to the two Nameless members, and to Xeltic. This was it. A life or death situation. She made her choice. She released her head and looked straight ahead. "I choose.." she started, then turned around. And vanished.
Dude, what your doing is against the rules, you need to edit. Thats the rules
"I think I could take on that one." she said pointing to Lexeaus. She ran toward Lexeaus and summoned her metallic pole. This isn't really going to do anything, I need that weapon of his, then I can do some damage. "Xeltic!" she yelled as she ran toward Lexeaus. "Cover me while!" she yelled as she summoned her pole. Maybe...if he attacks me, and throws that Tomahawk at me, I can catch it, and maybe...just maybe... She ran quickly, summoning two vials, just in case she needed them.
OCC: I feel bad. I'll slow down. Xaries just stood there, looking closely at Lexaeus. She looked at his aura carefully, trying to figure out where his power was coming from. He hasn't started showing his aura until his weapon came, so it's possible that it's coming from his weapon. She smirked a bit, and looked at Xeltic. He has no idea, though she thought inside her head. If its possible to get it away from him, then maybe.. She nodded to herself, and waited, until he was done, or Lexaeus started targeting her.
Xaries sighed as she looked at Lexaeus, then at Xeltic. "I'm not leaving you her with him." She said calmly and scratched the back of her head. Then, she did a brief examination of the tall, muscular man. Muscular man, must be strong then. She gave a small inhale, the opened a vial in her hand she had in her hand for a while, then drank it. She then turned to Xeltic. "I suggest you cover your ears." she said smoothly. Then with that, she turned, and she screamed. OCC: Make whatever you want out of that xD
Xaries rolled her eyes. He was clearly annoyed with her. She sighed and cleared her throat. She walked silently to the Hall of Melodys, walking behind him, not saying a word. As she was walking, she closed her eyes for a while, thoughts wondering around her head. Thoughts about everything. Why am I so worried? Why does fear always stop me? Xaries growled to herself. Everything is not going the way she planned. She opened her eyes, and noticed that she was almost out of the room. Maybe...I'm so angry..because of fear? Maybe..
She sighed and ran her fingers threw her hair. She was tired and stressed out already. She didn't need to kill Vexen. That was just an excuse for her to come here. She needed Vexen. He was so brilliant, that she could use him to find out who his somebody was. If it was possible. And of course, she hated yelling at Xeltic, someone who was always there for her. but it was necessary. No one can find out about her search about her Somebody. Because, maybe if she found who her somebody was, maybe she would find out why she was so..angry. After going up a flight of stairs, she stopped. She rubbed her head. "We're not getting anywhere." she said loudly and kicked a wall. "We don't know where we are, and we probably can't go back." she said and banged her head on a wall.
"He's not my rival!" Xaries yelled as she stopped and turned to him. "In order for him to be my rival, I have to know him, and know his strengths and weaknesses." she said, fire in her eyes. "I just want to kill him to get one of them out of the way." she said turning around and continued walking. "No more, no less." she said. Then she stopped and sighed. "I'm sorry." she said. "Lets just not talk about it, okay?" she said.
Lol. I understand Damn database errors.
Xaries looked at Xeltic and sighed. She nodded and rubbed her head. "Yeah, I get it." she said and gave a smooth grin. Then, she continued walking, slowly so he can walk with her. "I think we should stay on guard, since the explosion might attract attention. She looked down, and moved at a strand of hair from her eye.
"Why would you just leave me?" she yelled angrily. "With this KuaXa, who I don't even know well enough?" she said angrily as her eyes lit. "And why did you storm off like that?" she said and turned her back on him. "What's going on?" she said, her eyes narrowing to him. "Tell me." Thats coolios though So what's up?
Xaries's eyes followed KuaXa. Why is her here? She sighed. Her eyes looked at his sword of light. Her eyes dimmed. This is bad. She looked up, and around. Someone else was coming, she knew it. It wasn't just 2 against 1. It would probably be a bigger, badder Org. XII opponent. And of course, she didn't know if KuaXa could fight with her. She gave a loud sigh. "What are you doing here?" she finally said out load, sounding annoyed. How did he follow them? She grimaced, not waiting for an answer, and turned to Xaldin. She got into stance and eyed him. She was going to hurt him, badly. Suddenly, Xeltic stormed in. Xaries looked at him and she scratched the back of her head. Where was he all this time? She then looked at his expression. He looked disgusted, angry. What was his deal? She then stared at Xaldin, then her eyes swung back to Xeltic. Her eyes widened as he said "By all means, kill that loser, but not her. I give you permission" She then was shocked, and her mouth opened slightly, when he left her. Where is he going? Her teeth gritted then stared at Xaldin. She had enough of this. A vial appeared in her hand. A mysterious light blue liquid was in it. Her eyes glanced at Xaldin. Then, she turned to KuaXa. "When I throw this, I want you to run, as fast as you can." she said then turned around. "I'm done with this." she said out load then threw the vial at him. But it didn't land on him, but in front of him. A match then appeared in her hand. She grazed it on her metallic pole. It ignited. She ran toward the spill of the bluish liquid and dropped the ignited match on it. "I suggest you run." she said to Xaldin and ran out of the room quickly, before an explosion came. She ran in the direction that Xeltic was running in. Someone was going to die, she just knew it.
"Carries a shield as a weapon....supposedly a brilliant person." she said and sighed. This wasn't him, of course, she shook her head. Why was he here, in front of me. Can't he just leave? "So your not the one I'm looking for" she said calmly. "So, I have no interest in you." she said and looked at him. "So are you going to move? Or stand there like a Belgian Brown Bear who lost her children?" she said smoothly.
Xaries looked at the mist float by, then subside. Interesting, a water person is he? She sighed a bit. Then she looked up. "It seems your a brilliant man." she said slowly and calmly, while playing tactics in her head. "And it seems like your the brains of the Organization." she said looking around. "So I wanted to see how brilliant you were, if you are anyway." she said.
Xaries looked around. It seemed like it was getting colder. She sighed, really feeling his overconfidence. "You really are, overconfident, are you?" she said as a vial appeared in her hand. She looked at it, then dropped it on the floor. As she stepped back, mist suddenly erupted around the room. The mist was so thick, the you couldn't see two feet in front of you.
She looked around. Dragons around her, Xeltic nowhere in sight. "The exact reason why I said to leave." she said outload and summoned her metallic pole in her hand. Then, quickly, she counted how many were around her. 1...2...3...5...6....7 There were seven of them. At the moment. She spun her pole quickly, and threw it at one of the nearby dragons. One. She ran toward one, jumped high in the air and kicked another one, then took an arm of one and threw it at another. Two...Three She grabbed her pole and swung it at another one, and threw it at 2 others. Then, like a boomerang, her pole came back to her hand, and while doing this, hit another one. She huffed and puffed and dismissed her weapon. He got captured...damnit...