It's still early. O: (for people that have nothing to do with their lives, like me... ._______________________.) And, hokay. Hope you rest well!
Explain the Acronym? ^This x 1000 times, Us latins can be either WAY too hairy, or have NO hair at all. Hit or miss, really.
Yes, thanks for clearing that up. C: Claw was going to do it, but he seems to be pretty busy... I just don't want to pester him.
Not sure if want. And no, I do not doubt of my masculinity. It's just a beard+Mustache looks incredibly weird in a 17 Year old. ...I am way too hairy.
Pretty normal, with normal I mean stressing, with stressing I mean I have absolutely nothing to do at all. That is all. You?
Ah, ya veo. u.u AJAJAJAJA
Aurantiacus Alexinator. Atropureus Alexinator. I'll keep those in mind.
Oooooooohh, I like the sound of this. B) I will mix it with my next username. (After I get the other GODDAMN 40 posts.)
Wut. In which universe? u.u
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. REPLY GODDAMMIT. B|
Actually, he spelt Speedy Gonzalez wrong.
Try me amigo.
Tema. O por lo menos asi nombran los topicos los foros en español... vB Oficial, USEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I understood like 75% of that C: Yeah, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish share some similarities, so if you know one the others become 60% Easier. Oh no, it ISN'T.
Still lazy. How are you? xDD
Hmmm, interesting. HELL YEAH. B| @_@ Don't pay attention to it. It sounds something like french to me xDD
It's okay. not much people has. :'D I'll make sure to make him suffer with Fireballs, and numbers. B| Ever heard of A+ for effort? What in the...
Too much brony here. Not sure if want.
Forever alone? I mean, Literally.
...I actually thought that if one of us ever made it to the staff it wouldn't change things at all, but that's not what happened at all... I...