*Put's on to-do list* Your request shall be processed between 1 week and 12 months~
Just noticed, then. o: I will... Tomorrow. xDDDDDD Seriously, I've been trying to create a new one for like a week.
Nah, boy. Mine's falled from the computer's table to the floor which is at least 60cm long. SEVERAL times, and it's still alive and kicking. the lense is on it's last foot though. But that's offtopic. Before trying something so costy next time, try to be a cheapass and do everything you can to make it work. xDDD
Wouldn't be a bad Idea either actually. o: That game was AWESOME, despite it's AWFUL Controls/Camera. Using KH2/BBS engine with KH1's story.
/MAYOR FACEDESK. You bought a NEW PS2 just because ONE game wasn't working? Man the first thing you try is testing SEVERAL games before doing that, or buying/burning the game again. It still astonishes me that they actually fabricate brand new PS2's as of this late... Though, we all make some derpy mistakes now and then..
Perfect. But, HIGHLY Improbable. Even though I don't own a PSP myself... Like I said, square doesn't really pay too much attention to side-games. Look at Re:CoM and it's EUR release. What release? EXACTLY.
Oh, so you're a hipster now? B| I had one, like I said: I had one, but then it became wuedjashdoiashdoaidhaodha and couldn't use it anymore. I...
Waste of space, Resources. If they are going to be remade, then BBS will be ported with them, since the latter actually uses some space. All I asked was the command deck for Days, ALL. ;_; If only Days would have been made AFTER Re:coded...
Why do you not have MSN? I mean, WHY? .____________. I had one, but then it became wuedjashdoiashdoaidhaodha and couldn't use it anymore.
o: Are.you.Shiiting.me?
Do I need to repost the Re:Re:coded pun? -.- it's incredibly pointless. outside of the actual ending cutscene and secret ending recoded's story was deepswats. Filler, filler, explination of datascape, filler, filler, data riku world, filler, filler. ending... That's why I say, if Days and Re:coded would have made ONE game it would have been the best one (in terms of play ability...) Days' story with Re:coded's gameplay on the DS = WINMODE.
Perhaps I'm not detecting the sarcasm properly... (since it's midnight @_@) But, do you have me on msn?
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh~ I like your way of thinking... HeeHee~ AHAHAHAHAHA-
Blocky cut-scenes and very awful voices? Lack of actual pre-rendered cut-scenes? Lack of originality in multiplayer customization? I mean, they could have added AT LEAST one UNIQUE attack to each char without it being the Limit mode. I could go on... Don't get me wrong, I like it but it could have been way better. (More so if they would have done it with Re:coded's gameplay.)
You could still try to do it. :lolface:
Ever watched the BBSFM Secret-SECRET Episode? SPOILER ALERT. Spoiler EDIT: I should have added, it's heavily speculated from this video that the BBSV2 Refers to another game-thingy. Notice how time keeps moving forward-rewinding. Some say it has to deal with time travel, it's all about theories really. No one but nomura knows what the BBSV2 will end up being.
If anything, I bet it's going to be BBSv2 thing that appeared in BBSFM. I would love the Re: Days/Re:Re:coded thing, but nomura likes to screw on the Nintendo/Side games.
HeeHee~ It's okay if you do it via msn or some other mean they CAN'T check c:
Also, that I said I'm hairy doesn't mean I LIKE to have it. >_>
More than one repping, from me anyway. I give out ten. and asking for reputation, even indirectly is against DA RULEZ. o: I'll go and tell the...