''Itaru "Daru" Hashida'' and his curse of the Fire alarms automatically ticking off. It was bypassed to you.
*delivers order* Enjoy your meal, and come back soon~ *Gives special toy*
I thought Britney played a good Mike. o: Was I fooled?
I'm a sir, why thank you. Your order will arrive shortly, please await by the next window...
I did it for the heck of it, and MY amusement, jackass. :)) It's a joke. I'm not being serious.
*Sighs* The convo died 7 minutes after that... I guess it's okay, you're a pretty busy man these days...
KindKaze? Kaze-jin? Yeah, I'm horrible at giving nicknames, heck look at mine. >->
I'd bet nothing is going to happen. Just like how the world was supposed to end several times this year, yet we are still here posting from hell in KHV. Though Anonymous is 100% un-predictable.
Bad plumz 5eva. ;-;
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Twitter hates me, that's registered too. I'll keep my current username apparently >_> Though I will use this one on one of my nicknames for sure. :'D Thanks anyway Jave.
...Nevermind. I can't fucking spell that in a life time.
Heck, if she can repeat, then so can I. >_> plz. Alexinator's cool, but I want one I can use for twitter. *~*
More like the turdzone.
Could you enlighten me, Misty? Did it or Did it not used to be a rule? I think I remember quite a few threads being locked when someone asked ''ooooooooooooh what happened to XXXX Member!?!?!? :cccc'' Staff are so softy now... Except for certain mods that deleted every single post which wasn't a relativity theory in KH. >_> I don't know whether that's a good or a bad thing.
Desktop 100% at the time. I used my old phone at times before, but it was way too slow and small like to actually be of any use. Until I get a PSP or a better phone with wi-fi access, then I will only be on from desktop.
Forever Accompanied.
So, been trying to change my twitter account name, but every single nickname I like is already taken, and No. I will NOT use an underscore or 0...
Do you wish french fries to be served with that, sir?
I think it was on the rules, that by No excuse members may ask why another one was banned. Or at least I know it was a rule back when I joined. Only staff knows. What happens in staff stays in vegas staff.
I finally recovered all the posts I lost in the time warp KHV had a year ago. Without me losing those posts things would be a bit different here... :/