Two beers left in my freezer, would you like them? :X I drank a lot on my birthday and had a great time overrall. My brother and my best friend are the best! :o HAHAHAHA. I went to a water park, it was fun all sorts of water games. Only bad thing, I seem to have damaged a finger in my left foot and can't walk very well now. D: THANKS EVERYONE! I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IN A SPECIAL AND NUMBERED WAY. <3333 I'll try to thank back everyone! Not much presents, but they don't make the fun. It is the people you love and cherish that make it. Thanks my good friend. Hah, By now I'm 100% certain that you do not remember who I am. Oh well, I can start over again Makaze. Nice to meet you. I drank so much xDDD You and all my latino friends should have been here. :c Lol, Thanks Keyblade Spirit. My number doesn't change because I only ate 56. o: Thanks a bunch, actually I didn't have a cake this year. :XXX But it was not needed. @MODS: FUCK IT IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY THREAD, I CAN NECROBUMP IT TO THANK EVERYONE JUST ONCE. B( I'm kidding, but please... :c
No, you're not. I don't hate it. but I just dislike how the series was done. u.u ...Way too weird, for me? I only liked GIR's character. He was so random that it was cute. <3 :X
Estem, cuando uno dice VER uno se imagina que estubistes con la persona. -.- Oh bueno. Podria preguntar quien es la afortunada? :lolface:...
Thanks? xDDD Derp, the view on the beaches Venezuela has is really nice, if you catch my drift. :X
You guys do know that wishing happy birthday before the date is of bad luck? :v
JAJAJAJAJAJ, ''online girlfriend''? Y porque es online si ya la conociste? :X Es una de las expresiones mas obvias de los argentinos......
*Insert Xemnas Voice* -Not yet. Thanks Venezuelan mate! o/ Of course, naturally they are the best looking one's :'D No super models, though. I'm no Brad Pitt. B|
Uhh, Arepas, Empanadas. Tambien son tipicas aqui, Cepillado/Raspado. etc... Ah hicieron la comida, que sabroso! Mañana cumplo 17 años y lo...
I have planned to go to a pool with all of my friends, or at least the closest ones. I wish I could invite a few of you, but I live in another country. B| It shall be awesome, I will take pics. That is all.
Oh it's this thread. Like for the 856th time.
And I'm theirs.
You know, Mickey and co have such a Darkside. You know, like they like eating shadows with people's hearts. How can something that has freaking Disney characters be goth!? I think Halloween Town is the only word that maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay fall in there, but that's it.
I thought you had run with the toy? Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I hope you liked it sir, Please keep coming~
*Turning Flaming protection shields: ON* *Flaming shields activated*
Not like this is any of my business. But, to me... Stating a fact: The sky is blue. Making up an excuse: I'd do it, but you guys know the sky is blue. There is very little difference in them, I guess one can mix them up at times... *Hides Below a rock*
...Some of Makaze's Posts/Comments are, OUCH! Luckily enough, none of them are directed to me (yet). :/
For a second there I thought you were going to eat the toy. *Cleans window* Please, come again~