I seriously can't believe you forgot you had my FB. .-. Me nu important too yu? :c Hahaha
Yeah, just a little haha. That and I have quite some problems right now. :/gasp: You have a Girl already? Niceeee man! I hope you're happy with...
My, My.. You are really handsome Jave :lolface: You must be good with ladies. :D
Let's get real, ALL TWEWY fans want the whole freaking game to be in KH:DDD Hahaha. Except KH-ified with keyblades and all... It would be so awesome to see Josh/Beat and Minamimoto in HQ Models. :lolface:
How are you? I need to be less busy and hang in here more... ;_;
Yeah, whenever that would be... ;-; You know, you could still get to me on FB.
Took me 3 re-reads to get it. Hahahaha, well played Jave, Well played. Indeed. I hope I do good at it. C:
If you get time to ****, then all is alright. Hahahaha Pretty much the opposite. WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much free time until next week when I start...
Neku. Sorry, I couldn't resist...
As we do all... </3 Yeah. xDDD How are you?
No, more like: Cold Pizza knife, anyone?
Do one with your real smile, bro. B| For realzzz :c Looking so Argentinian there :lolface:
She's such a sweet heart. <3 Even with all the problems she's had she still tried to smile all the time... she was so sweet... :c I seriously miss...
Spoiler Bah, I'm bored take it with a grain of salt...
Gray is the new pink?
I have a feeling this would totally kill someone. Or work pretty well as a weapon. Anyway, I would like to test it Venezuelan bro. :lolface:
Yeah... last time I spoke to her was in march 2010... I miss my sis ;~; Wow. Is the payment good? :P With two jobs you should have quite some...
Indeed, I'd wish CtR could see this pic too. :~; Lol, yes. Oh wow, Wait you have TWO jobs? :l How OLD are you? o.O
...Yes and no. If I Recall Correctly you can take an username another member used ONLY if it isn't the member's Original/Default Username. The only time this has happened is with the Female Roxas here, but she was an exception. Like. I can't name myself Forsaken right now, Even if forsaken is using another name for the time being. Although if forsaken named himself Spiderman, but is no longer using that one I think it's alright if another member claims it. Mods, feel free to correct me.
Space Jam combined with Persona 3... Strangely enough, I like it. The things I find on this forum... o.o Also, they should have used the original version instead of Reincarnation one. :c DEMONIC SPACE JAM, HELL YES.