I wonder how many of those bets were placed by KHVidians. ~Nights
(I know I wrote myself out of the script but I'm still gonna be checking this on the daily-ish.) ~Nights
Assassin's Creed 3, Super Mario Bros 3, DBZ BT 3 Sequels are easy to think of but not all of them have 3 in the title.
Only eight more years!! I'm so ready. ~Nights
It's difficult to keep commentary flowing, especially when you play alone. That's why a lot of LPers, like Game Grumps and TBFP have at least two people playing or at least one person playing and the other helping to keep the conversation going. Typically you just talk about whatever. Normally the topic starts with the game but ends up turning into stories about past experiences, jokes, and, in some sleep deprived situations, things that just make you go wtf. To be an LPer, you don't actually have to have commentary anyway. It just helps to give the audience something more to listen to while watching you play. Otherwise it just turns into a walkthrough/gameplay video more or less. If you'd like to try commentary, try inviting a friend over to commentate with you. Like I said though, it's not something you absolutely have to have. ~Nights
Nights responded to @al215 by, while a little shaky, grabbing his hands and fighting for control of the blade. He could already see he wasn't going to win this battle but maybe the war was still debatable. So what, run then? That seemed like a cowardly thing to do. Maybe it was just time that he let fate take him in its clutches. What would she think though? About that time, a bullet hit the blade sending it flying. Nights looked in the direction the shot came from. He had a look of terror on his face and for a second he thought about pleading for Al to take his life. It was Lunara standing on the deck just a little ways from them. "That's enough fun and games for you," she closed the gap and released a smoke bomb. She then grabbed Nights and made a run for the edge of the boat, "We're leaving." Just before the both of them jumped off the boat, one more forcibly than the other, Nights called out to Al, "Looks like you win! I'd like to fight again sometime." With that, they both dove off the side of the boat, landing in a smaller boat on the water. ~Nights
This^ But wait, there's more! Even if Sora does fly the ship every now and then, which typically doesn't end well as Cal stated, that doesn't mean the terminal used to fly is anything like the computer we saw from the clip. It doesn't mean he's learned to type. It's not even clear as to whether or not he can actually fly the ship at all. Reason stands that Sora is just bad with technology altogether. Unless you have solid proof that the gummi terminal requires you to be able to type and that Sora is both capable and adequate at doing so, my statement still stands. ~Nights
*cough* I mean the lovely and magnificent Llave was the one who gave me those pins. Oh, Llave, what a coincidence seeing you here. My, you look absolutely amazing today. I love the new look. Trying something different, eh? Wow, would you look at the time! There's a thing ... I have to do ... in a place ... that's not here. Bai! Please don't hurt me ;_; ~Nights
Has he really? I mean has Sora ever actually used a computer before? Before the series, do we even know that Destiny Islands was advanced enough to have a computer in every home? Even if they did, Sora was more of an outdoorsy type so would he have really used one much anyway? It was more of a village, it being an island, and in small communities there is less likely to be people who can use computers. Typing would've been something learned in the later years of elementary, if not high school. Seeing as Sora missed out on the majority of his schooling, it can be assumed he never learned how to type. So ... he may have never used a computer before or not enough to learn how to type on one. ~Nights
I can haz mah yeerly penz nowh? ~Nights
This is an issue I've had with my desktop that never ever ever gets used ever ... anymore. I could fix it with a new heatsink/fan and thermal paste. Don't really need the heatsink but the thermal paste went bad and the connection was lost. I've got several additional fans I've collected from PC graveyards ... ie my closet. I just don't bother since my laptop is all around better than my desktop. My laptop is my new desktop. ~Nights
Tuxedo Mask? Oh, you mean Slenderman. Yeah, he gave me my pins and asked if I saw anyone collecting notes. He's a weird guy. ~Nights
Confession: Five Nights at Freddy's wasn't anything compared to this, That was just mortifying ... ~Nights
In utter disbelief, Nights coughed up a spout of blood as he looked down at @al215 who just freshly wounded him. Nights reacted at the last minute but there was nothing he could do to stop the attack, just keep it from being a fatal one. Surely just centimeters to the left of his heart, he knew he was in a bit of a pickle. The pain was fresh as was the sensation of liquid running down his shirt. Time had all but came to a halt. Was he supposed to be seeing his life flash before his eyes? He wasn't quite ready to give up. He couldn't give up. As his adrenaline wore off and time began to move again, he grabbed Als hand, knife and all, and with swift kick, and immense pain, he sent Al back a bit. He coughed up another spout of crimson liquid. He was in no shape to continue but he lifted his gun again, taking aim. His vision blurred, he shot once and the recoil knocked him backwards. He was too weak to fire a gun. ~Nights
Treating your kids like crap is always a crap decision. If you do then you're a horrible person and you should feel horrible. Though there is a line between treating your kids like crap and allowing them to do the same. You can't let them get away with everything or they'll end up like the rest of today's youth. I am referring of course to the majority and not the minority of the kids who are decent. Never beat your kids or hit them out of anger but there is nothing wrong with a spanking every now and then when it's called for. Of course the problem with that is in today's society kids are more threatening than a guy with a gun in a back alley. Through media, friends, the internet, or other means they learn that parents are afraid of the repercussions for disciplining them. I've lived the majority of my life with my grandparents and learned respect that way. Being a parent is a guessing game. You just gotta do your best and what happens happens. ~Nights
No probs, dude ^^ I can't wait to see what it is. Thanks for letting me know though ;) I'll be as excited as the first person who learned you could eat cookie dough! ~Nights
The only Pokemon song I know ... Used to dance when this came on TV. I let my cable go a few months ago. ~Nights
You too? I thought it was just a sign that some creep is going to start stalking me while wearing a hockey mask but he can't be in two places at once so I'm safe ^^ ... or am I? *dun-dun-dunnn* ~Nights
Wha ... no ... No this makes sense. I can't even pun at this moment. This singularity of clarity you've just bestowed upon me is so magnificent that I feel like I can see everything. I can see myself, a different me, doing different things, in a different place. I don't want to be that me. The best person you could be is yourself ... unless that's illegal, then settle for slightly not yourself. ~Nights
Kids scare the living hell out of me. The thought of having them is even worse. I plan to adopt eventually, many many many many years down the road. I want to be able to pass on my knowledge and whatnot but the thought of reproducing is just not something I'm interested in. ~Nights