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  1. Technic☆Kitty
    Well I can't score points if I don't do tricks. In all seriousness I've understood the severity of my driving habits for a while now. Behind the wheel I'm just not afraid of anything. Put me on a roller coaster though and I'll cry like a baby. If I'm the one in control I have enough trust in myself and my capabilities to handle the situation. It's not enough to be good at something, you have to know you're good at it. I forgot to mention I practice singing during the entirety of my drives. These close calls really help you hit the high notes xD

    Weird, no. Crazy, yes. In all honesty I wouldn't teach anyone to drive the way I do. I'd teach them to drive, following the three c's (cool, calm, collected). Whatever they do or decide to try after that would be on them. I put the safety of others above my own which is why I'm great at dodging. I'll take the offroad challenge before I hit anyone.

    People are always mad about something. If it wasn't your speed it would've been something else. It's funny how you can always be in a hurry to get somewhere. I'm always in a hurry to get nowhere except where the road takes me. If your instructor told you to maintain speed then that's what you've got to do. I'll give you a word of advice and this is my own personal motto, though I alter it at times, "The worst they can do is hit you." So long as you're sure to wear your seatbelt the damage would be minimal. It'd be their fault so you wouldn't be in any trouble. Don't try to make them hit you but if you're maintaining the set speed limit then you're in the right.

    You'd be surprised how easy it becomes to do menial tasks such as swerving. When I drive it feels like a current. The road is the river, my car is the raft. Just go with the flow and avoid all the hazards. It's one of the few moments of peace I have to myself. Never forget that people walking on the road have the right of way. That doesn't mean they are allowed to walk in the middle of the road, they'd be arrested pretty quickly. As far as parked cars, or pedestrians for that matter, you just have to gauge your car's width to see how much room you have to move. The smaller your car the more room you have to avoid hazards. Before you get in your vehicle walk to the front and get an image of how wide your car is. Remember your placement in the car and gauge yourself appropriately. I test this all the time. I've cleared a gap barely big enough for my car several times. Driving is part skill and part math. Physics and numbers, that's all driving is. If you're driving sixty miles an hour, your a quarter mile from the railroad crossing, a train is coming at an equal perpendicular length at an equal speed. How fast would you have to speed up to pass before the train reaches? You wouldn't. In a quarter mile, you can't speed up enough to make a difference, at least not in a typical vehicle. More than likely there would still be a collision. Now given an extra quarter mile on the trains part, you would have enough time to clear the tracks. That's still not recommended as it's dangerous and given the condition of the crossing you could still be looking at an accident. The point is it's all calculations and reactions to those calculations.

    Again, with motorcycles, the worst they can do is hit you. They'll be more injured than you, providing you wear a seat belt. If they hit you then they are the ones in the wrong, given you didn't give them any other option than to hit you (for example pulling out in front of one which is traveling at a high rate of speed). The only thing you have to be careful of is hitting them. Keep a good distance if you have a two-wheeler in front of you. A car length and a half is a good distance in the city. You want enough time to react if they stop suddenly. Trust me, if you hit a two-wheeler who's just stopped on a dime ... it doesn't matter how fast you're going, they're getting air time.

    Just remember to keep your eyes open, use your full sight, use your senses, and stay calm. Driving involves 25% watching what you do, 75% watching what everyone else is doing. If the only motto you ever have to use is "The worst they can do is hit me" then you're doing alright. I've used a lot worse.

    Be alert. Be Calm. Be safe.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Technic☆Kitty
    That never made sense to me. Both men and women have breasts. Both men and women have crotches. Why then is it that when thinking of one or the other it's always breasts for women and the crotch for the men. Seriously, what's so appealing about breasts? What's so appealing about a crotch for that matter? It's just ... ew.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Technic☆Kitty
    You've never lived until you've drifted a five speed. I've done it several times this week alone. I'm not a reckless driver, they were all actually defensive driving maneuvers. I was turning left at T, saw a truck coming at me at around 15-20mph, calculated a 3 second response time before I was facing a collision, in the three seconds I had I cut the wheel right and then back left while hitting the gas. I actually saw his license plate through my drivers window. For those interested he was actually going to run the stop sign. If that had been anyone else there would've been an accident.

    I will attribute a lot of the situations I find myself in to the fact I'm crazy. I frequently hit 100mph on backroads just to see if I can. I take turns double the posted recommended speed. I pass a lot of people in the worst spots. I had a guy the other day turning left so I went off road to pass him. There was a slight shoulder but my right wheels were eating dirt.

    Basically, it's not as bad as you think it is. If I was your instructor you'd have cut your license in half and threw the pieces into a volcano. Drive safe and remember to be alert but calm. Don't freak out when you see a cop, that causes panic and could lead to a mistake. Generally you'll have a decent amount of time to react to something. That's why I argue gamers are better drivers ... at least the ones who don't hit people for fun. The faster your reaction time, the better you'll be.

    A tip for clutch is to rest your foot when not in use. If your leg gets tired, don't be afraid to pull off at a gas station or a parking lot and walk around the car. Get the blood pumping back to your legs. Driving can be extremely tiresome, especially putting up with all the people who don't know how to drive. I've always argued that honking your horn, in most situations, does more harm than good. The only reason you should use your horn is to signal to another driver that danger is imminent or if you're saying hello.

    I'm one of the best drivers I know. I'm extremely dangerous but I'm still the best. Protip, don't look away from the road for more than 1 second at a time. That's only in cases where you have to. I typically look away for 3-4, sometimes longer, seconds when I'm driving and I end up in the oncoming traffic lane. I'm one of those people you learn from by watching their mistakes.

    Seriously though, you'll get the hang of it. In a few years it'll be like second nature.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Technic☆Kitty
    One of the many reasons why if I had been born female I would've been gay. I hate men ... at least the 'manly' ones. Go back to watching your football and drinking your beer. Breasts don't really interest me. If I'm staring at your chest it's either because I'm reading your shirt or I'm debating on how to tell you it's one of the ugliest tops I've ever seen. The first thing I look at are clothes. Shiny things or ... how should I put it, pretty things distract me. That's why I like cartoons so much. I'm always jealous that there's so many more options of clothes for girls than guys >_> Not cool.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Technic☆Kitty
    Going into performance mode will help with RAM but unless she'd be willing to buy new memory sticks then there's not much else that can be done. All of my aforementioned 'fixes' will help to decrease RAM usage. But if the model isn't that old I don't believe there should be a problem with the RAM. Most current systems (ie Win Vista/7/8) will have a pretty decent amount of RAM included. They typically come with 4 to 6GB starting out. The fewer programs you run through your computers ON duration, the less RAM that is consumed. My laptop stayed on for about two straight months with constant opening and closing of programs, web browsing, etc and I got a little notification saying my RAM was at its limit. I've got 6GB and two months of constant activity isn't bad. A low usage user should be able to go a very long time before they see a decrease in processing capability, that's with the computer remaining on the entire time. Users who, unlike me, turn off their computer when they are done will not likely run into this problem.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 20, 2015 in forum: Technology
  6. Technic☆Kitty
    If it's lagging, that could mean the PC can't handle all the services that are currently running. A way around this, at least I do this when I'm using After Effects because if I don't it's super slow, is to open the Control Panel > View by icons small or large > Click Performance Information and Tools > in the left sidebar click Performance Options > select Adjust for best performance > Apply

    This just gets rid of all the cool looking things Windows has to distract its users. When it's done it'll look more like a Win95 but it'll run like a champ. More processing power can go where it's needed.

    You could also cleanup startup applications so that startup time is down. Make sure that there aren't too many programs opened at once. A processor can only handle so much. If it only has to focus on one or two tasks, they'll get done a lot faster as opposed to five or six.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 19, 2015 in forum: Technology
  7. Technic☆Kitty

    So, it appears I wasn't completely wrong about needing a microSD card. Apparently, for whatever reason, when they made your model they decided that accessing the phone's internal memory should be impossible. You'll need to buy a microSD card, place it in your phone (your model accepts a maximum of 4GB but no more), move all your pictures to external memory (ie your SD card), and then transfer them with a data cable. Once an SD card is inserted into your phone, it should connect to your PC. In this way you can transfer music, apps (I think), images, etc to your phone or from your phone to your PC ... there's just a few extra steps involved.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 19, 2015 in forum: Technology
  8. Technic☆Kitty
    It should be, well a lot of things 'should be', under USB Mode. Just look around and see if you can find anything about charging, data, etc.

    EDIT: Another option, I can't remember if this was covered, would be to use a microSD card to transfer. You should be able to find one pretty cheap at Walmart. If your computer isn't microSD/SD compatible, you can also pick up an SD to USB converter at Best Buy. I'm not sure if Walmart would have a converter but Amazon/eBay would most definitely have one.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 18, 2015 in forum: Technology
  9. Technic☆Kitty
    Try looking through your settings and see if you can find the option. Sometimes it has to be set manually. If that's not the case then perhaps the cable is charge only. If you can find a laptop or a computer with bluetooth you could go that route.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 18, 2015 in forum: Technology
  10. Technic☆Kitty
    It's more than likely an issue with the server the gadget connects to to get its info. I'd just download weatherbug if I were you. I am having the same issue with the gadget but it doesn't really bother me because I was just tinkering. My RSS feeds still works and my picture puzzle thingy. I don't really use them anyway.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Mar 26, 2015 in forum: Technology
  11. Technic☆Kitty
    How did I not know this? How was this not noticed? This should be one of the first things I noticed!!! What is wrong with me?!

    Anyway, happy belated birthday Amy and Princess ^^

    Thanks to everyone for the response.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Mar 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Technic☆Kitty
    Okay, so overall this was an excellent chapter. Still pretty in-tune with the characters personalities. No major, if any, deviations to show accurate story scripting. We even got a few songs this time around. I absolutely loved getting to read Derpy up on stage singing about muffins. In my headcanon she wasn't even auditioning, she just wound up there by accident and was basically just being Derpy. One thing I will admit was that, at first, I thought it was going to be super easy for Rarity to get the part. Technically she didn't get the part, she just got the understudy, which is still a big deal. Leave it to Manehattan to bring Pinkie down >.>

    Another thing is I noticed what might possibly be a typo:

    In the second line, it appears there's an extra 'any' in there. Aside from that, this was another great chapter. Looking forward to the next one ^^

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Mar 26, 2015 in forum: Written Works
  13. Technic☆Kitty
    Don't mind me, I was just fighting off a pack of wolves to save a baby coyote from a terrible fate while a team of ninjas were attempting to silence me for my knowledge of the Elder Scroll. As if that weren't enough I was getting shot at by a backwoods militia for invading their privacy, oh and did I forget to mention they were heavily equipped? I'm sorry I didn't have a free hand to check my phone while dodging teeth, bullets, and ninja stars 0_0
    Basically, I was sleeping >.>

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Technic☆Kitty
    I like how it jumps right back into it. It's common to make transitions boring, long, and just plain awful. Here we get right back to it. "The show must go on," I suppose, no pun intended. I liked the introduction for Sebaleon. I've instantly taken a liking to him ^^ I'm assuming he's an Earth Pony and not a Unicorn or a Pegasus? That was one question I was actually asking myself by the end of the chapter. Everything else was great. I didn't lose interest after a few minutes of reading (I do that a lot >x<) so that's a big bonus right there. It was just like watching an episode only more imagination is involved in animation.

    There is one other part I have a question on and this is just for clarification. I'm not sure if it's a spelling mistake, slip-of-the-hand, or if it is intentional and it's actually her name but here:

    Is her name actually 'Miss Dracon' or is it supposed to be 'Miss Dragon'? This only confused me because of the talk of dragons right after.

    Excellent chapter ^^ Glad to hear you got a new keyboard and fire on your fingertips. Definitely looking forward to more.

    PS: How could Rarity overlook something so important? It was in fancy writing! I feel like there's an Apple Bloom facepalming and a Sweetie Belle yelling 'oh, come on' somewhere back in Ponyville and they've no idea why.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Written Works
  15. Technic☆Kitty
    That was such a touching piece. The emotion I felt pouring out of it as I read was breathtaking. In all manor of speaking, I'm left speechless. I've read a lot of poetry and if a quarter of what I've read contained as much emotion I'm sure I'd be out of tears to shed. The entire piece was powerful, though powerful might be an understatement, but one part in particular caught my eye.

    The way it was worded, the feelings it portrayed, just hit me for a ton. It's still debatable if words could describe how well written and well portrayed this piece is but I know words like amazing, fantastic, and excellent wouldn't cut it. Thank you for sharing this. It's both artistically and emotionally inspiring. I've still got the strangest, warmest feeling from reading it.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 26, 2015 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  16. Technic☆Kitty
    1. Honestly, you appear to be one of the few intellectual trolls on the internet. I enjoy your species' antics, good sir. Many a night I've spent facepalming at your distant relatives poor attempts at the art of troll. Seriously though, you seem like a funny and cool dude.

    2. Aren't most gears made of metal? I suppose the older ones would be wooden but I'd imagine they're not as durable. In all seriousness, I've never gotten into the metal gear series. It's just never really interested me.

    3. The actual question here, sir, is why isn't a PS2 on your head? Hmm? (In all honesty, it's the only way I can get anyone to play with me ;_; *cries*)

    4. I like puns that are well thought out. Anyone can just cast a pun into the lake but it takes a true master to reel in the biggest laughs. Although, I'm known to make really cheesy puns ... a lot of them. I need to o~pun myself to new material. Huh? Huh? /*Fail

    5. The not alive ones as they're the least scary. In all seriousness, I'd have to say the Tyrannosaurus Rex. (Spelled correctly on first try!) They're proportions are pretty comical and were made more evident in 'Meet The Robinsons' by the line "I have a big head and tiny arms!" If they could make tiny dinosaurs, real ones, I would totally have a T-Rex as a pet. If it tries to bite you, just hold it back by the head.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 26, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  17. Technic☆Kitty

    • Prompt Submission for 2/15 - 2/21​

    • Summer Love Festival

      There was a sweetness in the air as I made my nightly walk through the neighborhood. The soft summer breeze was gently caressing my skin with just a touch of coolness. It hadn't been summer long but everyone was already preparing for the festivals. Posters scattered about advertising one festival in particular, the Summer Love Festival. Perhaps this would be the fifth year in a row I attended it alone. As I continued my walk, towards the park near by, something changed in the air. It was still sweet but there was something else there. Bitterness. I prefer my coffee with plenty of cream and sugar, as far away from dark as possible.

      As I rounded the corner I heard a sound, neh a voice. It was soft and sweet but distinctive. The familiar melody rang through my ears as she sang. I subconsciously began to hum along as the voice repeated the verse.

      "If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs,
      "The bark on the tree was as soft as the skies."
      While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely
      He cries to the moon, "If only, if only."

      Just as she finished the verse I came upon the park entrance. Out of curiosity I turned to see who it was who had been singing the melody and I was met by a girl, pale as a ghost. Her long dark hair flowed gently in the wind, her glasses reflecting the moonlight above. I couldn't exactly make out her face with the scarf she was wearing. I could understand just the scarf, something to take the chill off, but she was also wearing a pretty heavy jacket. I thought it odd but passed it off as nothing more than she was a cold natured person.

      It's odd how quickly a face can change colors. Hers now a bright red. Perhaps she was easily embarrassed when it came to her singing, though her voice was truly magnificent. Attempting to relieve some of her embarrassment I spoke, "Lovely night for a stroll, eh?" No response. "Sorry, I should've introduced myself. My name is Simon," I extended my arm as is normal in most introductions. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss?"

      "..." was her only reply; well, that and turning a few shades more red. Maybe I was coming off a little bit odd or something. I didn't care to stick around and make her feel more uncomfortable, so I turned to leave.

      "Well, it was nice meeting you. You have a lovely singing voice, by the way." My attempt to remove myself from the area was halted by a tugging at the back of my shirt. Not sure what to make of it I turned around to find the girl had in fact clamped onto my shirt. "Um, miss?" I asked.

      "D- ... D-do you r-really ..." Her voice was shaky and came off as a complete contrast to the voice I had heard singing just moments before.


      "D-d-do you r-r-really think my s-singing is good?" I wasn't really sure what to say. It was more of a farewell compliment than a conversation starter. At least she didn't think I was a creep ... or so I hoped.

      Contemplating the question for a moment, complemented by the rubbing of my head, I answered, "Well yeah. You were amazing. You captured the melody so well I was lost in the sound." Wow, that probably sounded creepy.

      To my relief, she smiled and I couldn't quite make it out but it sounded as though she laughed. She looked up at me, her face not as flush as before, and said, "Aria."

      "Aria?" I asked.

      This time she clearly laughed, "My name. You asked my name earlier. It's Aria."

      She released her grip on my shirt as I turned around to face her. Aria was a very lovely name and I couldn't help but feel it befitting for her talent in singing. Again I extended my arm, "It's nice to meet you, Aria. My name is Simon."

      She laughed but at least shook my hand this time. "The second introduction is always better than the first."

      I let out an eerily awkward laugh, "Oh yeah, I already gave you my name." She didn't seem to care much. Actually she seemed pretty bemused by my antics. Moments too late I noticed there was something flying towards my face. "Gah!" I cried. Pulling the item in question away from me I noticed it was one of those posters from before. "Man, they should be more careful with these things," I stated as I began to wad the paper up angrily.

      Before I was able, it was swept away and now in Aria's hands. She gazed at the poster with a look of excitement. "A festival," she cried, "I've been wanting to go to one since I moved to town."

      "You've never been to a festival before?" I asked, a bit shocked.

      "No," she shook her head, "I've lived most of my life in a small mountain town. Sadly, they never had any festivals there. An occasional party or two but-" She cut herself off.

      "You want to go?" She stared at the poster a while, the redness coming back to her face. It took me a moment to realize why she was doing so. I read the poster to myself, Summer Love Festival. "As friends, of course," I quickly added, though I don't think it came off as suave as I'd liked it to.

      Moments passed as I waited for her response and just as I opened my mouth to talk, she said, "Okay."


      "Okay," she laughed, "Let's go as friends. We'll meet here the night of the festival." Without another word, she turned and ran off.

      I was left dumbfounded and only managed to say, "Okay."

      A week had passed since I met Aria in the park. Tonight was the night of the festival and I arrived a little early to our meeting spot. I had dressed up a bit for the occasion. While they were still casual clothes, they were the better selection from my wardrobe. I was a little embarrassed when Aria arrived. She was wearing a beautiful summer dress adorned with floral patterns. So we headed to the festival. One of us looking elegant and dressed for the occasion while the other ... not so much.

      We'd been walking through the festival, stopping at stalls occasionally throughout. They were letting off small fireworks while they prepared the actual show. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked in her dress, the lights accentuating the floral patterns. Unintentionally I hurried her past a stall. The guy running it stopped me every year I went by; the past five to be exact. I ended up leading her to a spot nearby. There weren't many people around and that's why I was fond of coming here every year; well, that and the view.

      "What are we doing here?" she asked with a laugh. "Isn't the festival back that way?"

      I checked my watch to see the time. It read '8:55'. "You'll see," I said, taking a seat on a bench I led us to.

      She sat down next to me, her face flushed again, "So, do you take all the girls here or just me?"

      I coughed on the soda I was drinking. It managed to cause her to laugh. After clearing my throat and regaining my composure, I answered, "No, not really. Out of the last five years I've been coming here, you're the first person to know the location of my secret spot." That and I'm just terrible at dating.

      "Secret spot," she asked amused. "Why's it so secret?"

      I checked my watch once more, 8:59. "You'll see," I said. I pointed up over the treeline, just in time for her to look up and see a bright blast of colorful light exploding in the sky.

      "Woah," she glared at the sky, amazement and wonder in her eyes. "We can see the fireworks perfectly from here."

      We watched the fireworks display for what seemed like eternity. I turned to look at her amusement and my heart started thumping. The look on her face was priceless. Like she'd never seen anything like it in her life. The lights were again accentuating her attire but ... also herself. I felt the blood rising to my face and for some reason thought of the stall I'd hurried her by earlier. "Hey," I called. She turned her attention on to me confused. "Um ...," that idiot stall owner's slogan ran through my head, "Want some discount chocolates?"

    • Moments after reading the prompt I decided I didn't want it to play a major part in the story. I also wanted it to be an ending as opposed to an opening. Upon getting to the singing scene, "If only, If only" immediately popped into my head. I wanted it to be something befitting the scene and to me it more than accomplished that. I'm not typically an original works kind of guy, I much prefer fanfiction as it gives me a basis to add my personal twists to, but this one in particular peaked my interest. I'll typically second guess myself in writing but this one was pretty straight forward.

      Thanks for reading, I hope you found it as enjoyable a read as it was for me to write it~

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 16, 2015 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  18. Technic☆Kitty
    That's what I typically use but I can't figure out a way to use it and justify as separate bbcodes without being a pain. I tried using 'p', 'body', 'span', custom classes, but it never wanted to work right. I prefer about 50px using text-indent but using the white-space CSS to keep white spaces is the closest I've come to being functional and manageable.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 14, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Technic☆Kitty
    I completely understand. I just thought it would be a good idea.

    After wracking my brain, I've come to the conclusion that using 'p' tags for both justify and paragraph bbcodes, and be easy to use, is impossible, or I've just not figured it out yet. I did, however, figure out a way to use the 'span' tag with the 'pre-wrap' white-space css to allow the justified text bbcode and maintain white-spaces. You'd have to press the spacebar five times every paragraph but it also only required the bbcodes to be wrapped once around the entire message. If the tab key worked in the editor it would be perfect.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 14, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. Technic☆Kitty
    This is something I've already noticed elsewhere, in regards to the paragraph and justified bbcodes. They don't exactly play well together. For instance, in a multiple paragraph thread, you can't just wrap justified bbcodes around them all. In a recent thread I had to use paragraph and justified bbcodes to wrap each individual paragraph, paragraph first and then justified, to get it to work properly. Personally, I like my important stuff to have an ident and be justified. I really wish this would be a built in feature for the editor *cough* XenForo *cough* but sometimes you have to make due.

    I'd like to request a new bbcode be added for both paragraph and justified at the same time. It'd be something like 'jparagraph' tags, the name doesn't matter. I'd get a lot of use out of it in formatting and it would be a lot less strain to use, simply wrapping it around each paragraph. HTML replacement would simply combine paragraph and justified styling.

    Thread by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 14, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance