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  1. Technic☆Kitty
    You'd be surprised. A virus can attack anything from a single file to your entire file system. Anymore I think the latest viruses are becoming more intelligent than their programmers.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  2. Technic☆Kitty
    Well ... make sure you don't have any extensions that run in incognito mode ... if that doesn't work, try clearing your history/cache.

    As a last resort, you can try uninstalling Chrome and then reinstalling. If you're Plus account is linked then all your bookmarks should be saved. Last resort though.

    Short of actually being there in person and being able to dig through Chrome looking for the bug, there's not much I can do from here. I'm not really one of those helpdesk guys. I'm more like the dude who shows up to your house with a monster, an iPod, and a toolset.

    Seeing as it worked in IE then it's local. It's not due to the site but something with Chrome.

    Also run a virus scan and check your flash plugins to see if they're updated.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  3. Technic☆Kitty
    Try browsing in 'Incognito Mode' and see if the Tooltips start working. If that's the case then it's an extension causing your problem. Also try to see if it's working in another browser on your computer to see if it's a local problem or not.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  4. Technic☆Kitty
    Anytime you upgrade an OS, you run the risk of incompatible hardware. It could mean that the hardware itself will not be compatible and you're just poop out of luck or it could mean that you'd need to wait on the manufacturer to update their drivers for compatibility.

    Honestly, I don't like where Microsoft is going. I had Windows 8 on my laptop but I downgraded at the first sign of lag. Windows 7 has been my favorite since 2009 and it'll stay my favorite until Microsoft quits making updates for it ... maybe even a few years after that. I wouldn't want ten even if it is free ... though I'd take an installation disc, for worse case scenarios. I don't want to sound stubborn but all the new software, even next gen consoles, they're just not appealing to me. I guess I'm just old.

    Anyway, you should consult a Microsoft official either via phone call or email ... do they have IM? Whatever. Get ahold of them and ask them about what you're running into. They'll tell you whether or not you should be worried. They should be releasing a compatibility check, if they haven't already, which would tell you if your system was capable of running the OS or not.

    Hope this helped,

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Technology
  5. Technic☆Kitty
    So is it just me or did anybody else weep deep tears of sorrow for forty-five minutes after watching 'Fast and Furious 7'? Seriously, my everything hurt after that. I just couldn't stop crying. Like, who does that? It wasn't that "I'm crying and I don't care" cry either, it was the "No, don't you let another friggin tear fall, you promised you wouldn't do this" cry. For forty-five friggin minutes. I think I might have problems >.>

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Technic☆Kitty
    It most definitely did. When I saw you guys were making the move, I had a million thoughts rushing through my mind of what the new style could possibly look like. I was stuck between thinking you'd go for flat or maybe just keep with the aesthetic flow we've seen over the last few updates. Never did I imagine it would be a beautiful mesh of the two. I can't honestly remember seeing a flat-pop style anywhere on the web. It was either one or the other. This isn't just an achievement for KHV, you've managed to do something few possibly could.

    Again, well done to you and everyone who worked on the Framework and the style. Kudos all around. I never want to leave this place again and it's all your fault ... job well done ;)

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Technic☆Kitty
  8. Technic☆Kitty
    I'll be the first to admit it. My mind has been completely blown. I knew you were putting a lot of effort into making this but ... wow. This style is a strange mix between flat and pop, and I love every bit of it. The font-awesome was a very nice touch. So much amazing packed in a small little screen.

    Congratulations to Misty and all the staff members! The new style looks better than words can describe.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Technic☆Kitty
    Actually the background color was originally the same as the blue on her vest. I had to darken it due to all the "lighting" I was using. Otherwise it would've just looked like a blue and white background >.>

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: Art Shop
  10. Technic☆Kitty
    Like I said, my opinion. At least you like it ^^

    Pretty much. I found a nice image to use as a background texture, made flashy lights, and changed opacities. Altogether there were four layers for the background.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Technic☆Kitty
    I can't match Llave's style exactly but I did use the avatars above for reference.

    View attachment 42242

    EDIT: The lights look better blurred, imo.

    View attachment 42243

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: Art Shop
  12. Technic☆Kitty
    So I finally decided to start using the pen tool and I'm disappointed I've waited this long. The pen tool is amazing! I picked out an image so I could get a little practice. I chose that one in particular because I really wanted to see it in color. This is the result ...

    It took what seemed like forever. I actually left for several hours to come back and finish it later.

    I also decided to start messing with Illustrator more and I'm disappointed ... Why doesn't it have a normal paint bucket tool? Seriously. I've never had so much trouble finding what I need in a program >.> Here's the result for that mess ...

    Take into account that was all done with a mouse and it means I'm slightly better than horrible. Through all the anger and frustration I actually had an epiphany ... All art tells a story. Some tell pieces, some tell wholes, but they all tell. Strangely enough it inspired me to do more in the art department, which I've been slacking. Maybe in a year I'll be able to figure out the stupid live paint bucket tool ... or maybe I'll just do lineart and use photoshop for the rest.

    Anyway, feedback is appreciated. I'm particularly proud of these two works. The first one for my first time using the pen tool and the second for my first time free mousing a picture in Illustrator. Let me know where I messed up and how I could do better.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Technic☆Kitty
    The price it costs to eat out every day can literally buy you more food than you need. It's roughly ten dollars a meal depending on how much you get and where you go. I can buy enough food to last a week with ten dollars. Ramen noodles aren't a very balanced diet but they're cheap and delicious, and still better than fast food. You can buy things to add to noodles to make them better. You can fry beef tips and add to the noodles that way it's not just starch. Point is, if you go grocery shopping and bargain hunting you can eat like a king for little to no money.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 5, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Technic☆Kitty
    In all actuality, I didn't even register the title when I opened the thread. Though if it's any consolation, I would most definitely call the Ghostbusters.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 5, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Technic☆Kitty
    This was pretty minor wordplay. If you want to flat-ten the competition you need to b major-ly better. So take a note and make some noise.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 5, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Technic☆Kitty
    Eight years is crazy. I'm one of the fiendish fives *cough* -bad joke, sorry- and I can't help thinking how strange it is to be a part of anything for this long. I usually join and drop stuff in a month, maximum. We all disappear sometimes but manage to come back in the end. I guess some things just become a part of you and you don't really want to let them go.

    Wait, is that too sappy?

    What I meant to say was *deadpan* KHV stole our souls, blah blah blah ...

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 3, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Technic☆Kitty
    I enjoy the Spam Zone for what it is currently. It's like my room in a way. Though it seems organized and well kept to me, to others it may appear a tornado has just blown through it. The Spam Zone is plenty 'spammy,' you just get used to it after a period of time.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jun 3, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Technic☆Kitty
    Again, I never endanger other people. You'd never see me doing anything crazy unless I have no other option. For example, when I was forced to drift around that truck who was running the stop sign. That was a situation where I had to do something crazy to avoid endangering the guy in the truck as well as the guy in my front seat.

    Turn signals are optional on backroads. Not in the legal sense but there's typically nobody there to see it anyway so why use it.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Technic☆Kitty
    It's not that I don't know the consequences, working on EMS I've seen them firsthand, it just doesn't bother me. If it happens, it happens. I don't have a death wish or anything, I just really love to push the limits. I've done the same thing, over and over, growing up. Whether it was climbing trees, riding bikes, a moped, what have you. I fell out of a tree (which produced my fear of falling), I fractured my shin on a bicycle, and I wiped out on a moped. The moped was pretty bad because I blacked out for ... I'm not sure how long. The only thing I was worried about was if someone saw me, how embarrassing. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and if it kills you ... well, you're dead. It's sad and typically freaks me out when I think about it but behind the wheel I'm just chill. I'm not superman, I'm not invincible, I'm just a guy in a car.

    Driving down windy backroads going 60+mph doesn't bother me in the slightest. Big cities with all the different turning lanes bothers me. I usually end up running a light or taking the wrong turn lane in cities because of the way they do them. If I have to lock up my breaks because the light changes with me only twenty feet from it, straight to red, there's a problem. If I'm in the right lane and it's a right turn only, at a four way, there's something wrong. I'm used to simple and nothing is simpler than a good 'ol back road. You see someone coming, slow down and get over. Stay on your side when taking turns. Turns signals are optional. Simple. That's why I only drive to town when I have to.

    I've digressed a ways back. Point is, I understand that I can die within half a second. This is especially true in my little car. I completely understand this. There are no warnings anyone can give me because I already know. It's my choice to drive the way I do. I don't take chances that might involve injuring a pedestrian or a fellow motorist. I'm less likely to drive the way I do if someone is in the car with me. The only person in danger when I do this stuff is me, I make sure of that. The last thing I'd want is to kill or harm an innocent person. I'm the safest, dangerous driver you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Technic☆Kitty
    Meh, it is what it is. I said the 'manly' ones >.>

    Aside from the headache of calculating sizes and high heels, I could live with it. I hate bland ... pretty much anything. When I look in the men's department, it's like a picture because it's the same thing every single time. No variety. Though I do hate clingy clothing, it just doesn't look or feel good. I don't know. I guess there really isn't a good balance between comfort and fashion but then nobody ever said fashion was comfortable.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, May 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone