I finished it. I'll post it in the convo ^^
Aww, you guys are so sweet. Thank you. She was actually my best friends grandmother but she was also like a grandma to me. I've known her ever since I started hanging out at his house. She was always super kind and funny. It didn't matter how bad of a day I had because as soon as I came over she cheered me right up. It was heartbreaking when she passed but it didn't hit me until the viewing. I know she's watching over me now and she'll always be in my heart. Again, I really appreciate the support guys. I know it's kind of late but I haven't really been myself for awhile. So thank you, Amaury, Magick, Roxam. It means the world to me. -Nights
All the flashing was a bit rough on the eyes after a while but it was really good. It synced with the beat really well. Good job ^^ -Nights
I don't typically consider myself a nice person ... maybe helpful or direct. I don't even know if I can vote. There's too many options ... too many nice peoples. I'm going with tale. Tale is good peoples ... well you're all good peoples but I'm still picking tale. -Nights
Hmm, didn't think I was actually that funny aside from my occasional bantering or off-brand humor. I don't really have much material to go off of for a lot of the nominees. Llave is typically pretty humorous and has managed to make me smile on several occasions. -Nights
To be honest, I forgot that there was a wikia for the site. I didn't care for it. Not secure enough, too much drama. -Nights
Almost Immortal Chapter 1 Strawberries Marceline awoke just as the sun was setting. For her this was like waking in the morning. The night was her day. She casually rose out of bed and meandered her way to the bathroom. It was difficult keeping up appearances when you can't see yourself in a mirror. She'd likely put it in a ponytail as she didn't feel like putting in the extra time. After her shower, she donned her typical grey shirt and blue jeans. She also threw on her favorite plaid jacket. She only had the one plaid jacket. Still, it was her favorite. The rumbling of her stomach said it was time to grab a bite to eat. What was she in the mood for? Apples? Cherries? Most likely the decision would be made at the fridge. She hovered downstairs into the kitchen. "Hmm hm hm-hm-hm-hm-hm hm hm-hmm," she hummed as she opened up the fridge. She looked around for a moment before pulling out a bowl of strawberries. She didn't really like strawberries, for some reason the red just didn't taste right. They were a gift, though, so she couldn't just toss them. This was especially true considering the gifter. Knock knock knock. "Hold on," Marceline called as she made her way to the door. Who would be knocking on her door at this time of the day? Probably Finn wanting her to go do something again. Knock knock knock. "Okay, okay," she cried as she opened the door. To her surprise she was met by a pink fist halfway through the motion of knocking again. "Bonnibel?" Princess Bubblegum blushed in embarrassment, "Oh, s-sorry. Oh glob, I'm such a dufus. You were sleeping, weren't you?" Marceline gestured to her pajama pants. "No, I always dress like this," she replied sarcastically. After rolling her eyes emphatically she continued, "So to what do I owe the pleasure of her highness' company?" "Marceline," Bubblegum sighed. She shook her head, "Nevermind. I just wanted to thank you for your help the other night. I'd have never made it through that cave. If you hadn't been there then I couldn't have gotten the jelly-bean mushrooms I needed for my research. ... ... Why were you-" Marceline interrupted with a cough, "So, if that's all then I think I'll be going back to bed now." She attempted to close her door but was stopped by a strangely powerful hand. "Hold on, I've got something for you." Bubblegum held out a gift-wrapped box with a ribbon on top. "My way of saying thanks." Marceline eyed the package for a time before carefully taking it in her hand. "Thanks, but you know you don't have to give someone something when you thank them, right?" Bubblegum nodded, "Yes but it's a good emphasizer. It usually has a high success rate with my citizens." At that Marceline sneered. "Sorry! Sorry," Bubblegum frowned. After a very long moment of silence she coughed, "Well, I guess I'll let you get your sleep now. I'm sorry to have disturbed you." Without another word she turned and left the cave where Marceline's home resided. "Stupid Bonnie," thought Marceline as she drained the red from a strawberry. "She just comes and goes as she pleases. Who does she think she is? Me?" She sighed as she returned the now half-empty bowl of strawberries to the fridge. She headed for the front door and thought, "I don't even like strawberries."
Marceline awoke just as the sun was setting. For her this was like waking in the morning. The night was her day. She casually rose out of bed and meandered her way to the bathroom. It was difficult keeping up appearances when you can't see yourself in a mirror. She'd likely put it in a ponytail as she didn't feel like putting in the extra time. After her shower, she donned her typical grey shirt and blue jeans. She also threw on her favorite plaid jacket. She only had the one plaid jacket. Still, it was her favorite. The rumbling of her stomach said it was time to grab a bite to eat. What was she in the mood for? Apples? Cherries? Most likely the decision would be made at the fridge. She hovered downstairs into the kitchen. "Hmm hm hm-hm-hm-hm-hm hm hm-hmm," she hummed as she opened up the fridge. She looked around for a moment before pulling out a bowl of strawberries. She didn't really like strawberries, for some reason the red just didn't taste right. They were a gift, though, so she couldn't just toss them. This was especially true considering the gifter.
Knock knock knock. "Hold on," Marceline called as she made her way to the door. Who would be knocking on her door at this time of the day? Probably Finn wanting her to go do something again. Knock knock knock. "Okay, okay," she cried as she opened the door. To her surprise she was met by a pink fist halfway through the motion of knocking again. "Bonnibel?" Princess Bubblegum blushed in embarrassment, "Oh, s-sorry. Oh glob, I'm such a dufus. You were sleeping, weren't you?" Marceline gestured to her pajama pants. "No, I always dress like this," she replied sarcastically. After rolling her eyes emphatically she continued, "So to what do I owe the pleasure of her highness' company?" "Marceline," Bubblegum sighed. She shook her head, "Nevermind. I just wanted to thank you for your help the other night. I'd have never made it through that cave. If you hadn't been there then I couldn't have gotten the jelly-bean mushrooms I needed for my research. ... ... Why were you-" Marceline interrupted with a cough, "So, if that's all then I think I'll be going back to bed now." She attempted to close her door but was stopped by a strangely powerful hand. "Hold on, I've got something for you." Bubblegum held out a gift-wrapped box with a ribbon on top. "My way of saying thanks." Marceline eyed the package for a time before carefully taking it in her hand. "Thanks, but you know you don't have to give someone something when you thank them, right?" Bubblegum nodded, "Yes but it's a good emphasizer. It usually has a high success rate with my citizens." At that Marceline sneered. "Sorry! Sorry," Bubblegum frowned. After a very long moment of silence she coughed, "Well, I guess I'll let you get your sleep now. I'm sorry to have disturbed you." Without another word she turned and left the cave where Marceline's home resided.
"Stupid Bonnie," thought Marceline as she drained the red from a strawberry. "She just comes and goes as she pleases. Who does she think she is? Me?" She sighed as she returned the now half-empty bowl of strawberries to the fridge. She headed for the front door and thought, "I don't even like strawberries."
I once went on a two day bender and managed all three seasons ... there was no sleep to be had.
Why couldn't Sly Cooper and Carmelita work out? Why did Bentley have to get heartbroken? Sucker Punch is infamous for this kind of stuff. ......
Descent Into Madness - (A Tragic Fate) Hidden in the darkness lies a letter of destruction. Standing in the path lies an object of obstruction. Fighting by himself alone with all his sadness. Falling down the road he sinks into his madness. One by one he slowly calls upon his choices. He simply cannot help but to listen to the voices. They control his thoughts, his movements, his soul. There's just one thing that they cannot control. That would be his passion as an artist you see. This would decide his fate, a tragic melody. -Nights
This, basically ... -Nights
This actually occurs in any relationship be it male/female, female/female, or male/male. It's jealousy or a lack of trust. I've seen women completely break a guy's heart, move on and find someone else, and then turn around and get mad when the guy starts talking to someone else. It's ridiculous but it happens. Personally, my own understanding of relationships is limited but from what I've seen ... I don't find them all that appealing. I used to believe in true love but over time I've managed to become so jaded that anymore that seems like a childish concept. The best we'll ever get is good enough. Nothing is perfect. Personal ranting aside, this isn't something only men will do. In a situation like this it is best to confront and resolve the issue. As some have stated previously, this could be due to bad experiences. -Nights
Definitely adding more depth to the already in depth storyline. Fantastic!
I looked through trying to see if this had already been mentioned. Must have overlooked the thread. Guess this can be merged with that one. -Nights
So when viewing a poll and hovering over one of the options, the text for that option vanishes due to the background. Verified that this is only the case in the Dark Style. View attachment 42374 -Nights
I look at enough light design when browsing the internet. My eyes hurt from google and youtube and facebook. I prefer Dark styles. It's easier on my eyes and I don't get as many headaches. I've always preferred dark to light even though I'm obsessed with balance. I guess the balance is the text ... hmm. -Nights
Not sure if this is by design or not but I've noticed the border radius' on navtabs when the menu's are in their open state. View attachment 42373 In consistency with the rest of the tabs, maybe the border radius' should be removed? EDIT: This goes for both Light and Dark styles. -Nights
Update: Here's two new pieces. Both were done in Illustrator, with a mouse, and neither were made with lineart. It took a total of roughly three hours for each one. This first one was done with my own personal touch in place of show accuracy. I'm not that great on shading but for the style I decided to use it. Spoiler View attachment 42366 The second one was a hassle. Illustrator kept crashing on me and I'd lose all kinds of progress. Quit crashing after I started saving after every line. Anyway, this one is closer to show accurate but still with my own personal touch. No shading. Spoiler View attachment 42365 Both were designed in Illustrator, colored/shaded in Photoshop. -Nights
In all honesty, I find it hard to criticize drawings. Everyone has their own style that they find after so long. Some of the best artwork I've seen has actually been stick figures. Just like writing there is a style for everyone and everyones style should be unique. Whether you form your style by using examples or just working it out, it's your style. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with it. It's a chibi KH character, I could see that clearly the first time I saw it. The only thing I can say is maybe darken in your lines a bit more when you're finished. Helps to make the details pop ^^ -Nights
Dreamweaver is basically useless when it comes to forums. It's alright if you're wanting to run tests on your code and make sure that all your syntax is correct but on a forum software like XenForo it's worthless. The templating system XenForo uses cuts out a need for any outside software. I've written I don't know how much code in XenForo with XenForo. Plus, all of your code doesn't have to be lumped together. You can link to everything. You don't have to call information from the database, you can just use the conditional system. Dreamweaver is more for standalone websites. Sites you might see a business using. Big businesses will pay big money for developers to create their website and, honestly, I doubt they use Dreamweaver to make them. I prefer Sublime Text 2 myself. EDIT: Programs like Dreamweaver can be useful when you're creating an add-on as you'd need to save the javascript/php files to send to the server. But as long as it's not needing any extreme coding, it can be done in XenForo. -Nights