In reply to you rep: I'd just like to point out that Glee is an adult show for adults with adult themes thankyouverymuch
YOU HAVE TOO MANY ACCOUNTS! I have rulezheworld I'll add those two though
I'll always remember you as Sumi~ You need to get on msn more often! The Three-Axel-eers is lonely with just me and Lexi ): And ed, your sig, I don't know who it is but he kinda looks like Duder from Little White Lie
Is my little Cat growing up and liking real men and not boys on childrens tv shows? *sniffs* I'm so proud!~
ohmigoodness I miss you guys too! *hugs* I love you all~
Nice I got a fulltime job this summer getting paid $10.50 an hour, workin 40 hour weeks thats $420 a week once school starts it'll go down to about $210 a week but its guarenteed for a full year :)
bout time you took over Star ;) (I still love you too Fayt)
I know ): He's been super busy though Maybe we should both tweet him asking about it!?
aha! I found the video of the gif (plus I just enjoy spamming your profile messages)
yeah, its a really good edit heres the original: [IMG] this is all Tom's heard about avpm: [IMG]
bahaha I saw that on dA :) Saddly it's an edit ): but THIS isn't! [IMG]
for the sake of bump i'll post a video i'm making to get out of amv block
I loved the tank!!! xD Poor Becker ): I'm thinking its going to be Danny, I rather have danny die then becker ): BUT LETS HOPE ITS PHILLIP AND APRIL!!!!! then download msn live ):
AHHHHHHHHHHHH *runs around in cirlces* Primeval was so amazing!!! Though I'm slightly worried cause I saw potential AbbyXMatt which may result in Abby and Connor breaking up D8 D8 D8 or Connor dying D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 and Becker was just randomly A Okay after almost dieing from all that eletricity!? WTF!? Oh and I spy vlogbrothers!!! Luna you serisouly need to get on msn more often!!!
I can't watch it cause i have finals D': (And Glee season finale came first, cause HD tv beats computer)
*spins around in circles flairing arms like Luna*
OHMIGOD PRIMEVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spazz with me luna!!!
:P Glee is awesome, and you know it
what the heck did I just watch....