Bellatrix is awesome thankyouverymuch easily my fav death eater, if you don't count Draco, Snape, and Regulas, which I don't and you two were smart.... I get stuck with James ugh *sticks tounge out*
Nooooo I had an first awesome post of first post awesomness planned out and Arch he stole it and ruined it ): And I'm Lily Evans - not Potter, I don't wanna be old Edit: well I'm going to edit it with my first awesome post that I planned, even though archy stole it from me ):
put anti-itch stuff on it and if you don't have any of that laying around (You should!!) Put nailpolish on top of it :) Luna get on MSN I sent you an away message
I only have excellent ideas :) oh luna I got hp spell app that makes txt alerts and I can't decide which to make yours (they're all said by Luna): Episkey, Expelliarmus, Finite, Levicorpus
Nooo Arch loves me more Isn't that right Archy? We're going to rule the world together
I say we all post in royal blue just to make Arch mad :) (You know you love me Archy~) oh and Luna! They were totally going after the Hogwarts Express at the end just sayin~ And I need a Becker to get me my epipen when I'm having an allergic reaction - I'd so eat nuts/peanuts if he was around with my epi pen
OHMIGOD YOU'RE SO PRETTY~ And so are all your friends ^^ And that my friend is why you take flip flops to change into for the danceing part of the evening - thats what I did so I could dance, not ruin my dress (platform flip flops) and my feet stayed clean
oh no not you too! DX CAAAAAT *tackleglomps* yes this is the 2nd best family, mine being the best ever of coures ;) OHMIGOD OH MI GOD okay thoughts: 1. I wonder who will get married first Connor and Abby or Andrew and Hannah xD 2. When Matt was walking up after the explotion i was like "MATT! ... wait Phillip!? noo D: waitwait ETHAN!? NO ITS MATT!" 3. HOW DARE THEY MAKE JESS CRY 4. I need a Becker like seriously 5. FFFFFFFFF- what the heck 2 Matts!?
I'm so excited for you toooo Did you find heels? and your dress is sooo pretty! I can't wait to see pictures!!!
whyyy ?
*hugs* hahaha! That makes the pic so much better!!
Sign me up! :D
(pretend I put a 1 in front of the 7 and turned the 7 into an 8)
*blows off dust* Hey guys! Whats up? :D
I'm ah-mazing Hung out with my best friend who moved Got my email into potter-more a FREAKIN WARBLER FROM GLEE tweeted ME *spazes* AND THIS FAMILY IS ALIVE AGAIN~~~~~~~~~~~ :)
that is great Cat xD and is your avy a picture of you??
you'll have to join our group chats sometime :D
hahaha yes, yes it is :D God I missed you! *hugs*
FYI Ed, a pictures of Duder (couldn't find any good ones so I'll just post a bunch of bad ones) It has truley made my whole summer :) If you were hacked then you have been forgiven!